I wasnt finding a key to LiaHonas's room so Im still not knowing if shes got those bad books in my home. Pratt says he'll take a look the next time he's with her, so thats OK.
I was thinking Harmonee cant be complaining about polygamy cus she went into it with Pratt and shes been living it for years so she cant be blaming anybody. Pratt says one of the things shes not likeing is cus the wives dont get to say who there husbands are marrying and she never wanted me in the family. Thats real MEAN, andt its not up to HER who Pratts marrying!!! LaBlessing said she heard Harmonee saying polygamys "like a box of choclates - you never know what your getting!" Thats real dumb - gals cant be thinking that there husbandsre not gonna be marrying somebody, just cus THEY dont like them. Course, the guys ARE asking there wives about it when there wanting a new wife, but if there wivesre saying no, then they just go ahead anyways. They cant NOT be doing the right thing on account of the wives they already got. Thats what its saying in the Doctrine and Covenenants secsion 132
"64 And again, verily, verily, I say unto you, if any man have a wife, who holds the keys of this power, and he teaches unto her the law of my priesthood, as pertaining to these things, then shall she believe and administer unto him, or she shall be destroyed, saith the Lord your God; for I will destroy her; for I will magnify my name upon all those who receive and abide in my law.
"65 Therefore, it shall be lawful in me, if she receive not this law, for him to receive all things whatsoever I, the Lord his God, will give unto him, because she did not believe and administer unto him according to my word; and she then becomes the transgressor; and he is exempt from the law of Sarah, who administered unto Abraham according to the law when I commanded Abraham to take Hagar to wife."
So, theirs not to many wives saying no, when there husbands take new wives, cus thats real bad! (Whose wanting god to be destroying them, for saying no????) Some of them carry on about it after the marriage sometimes - I saw a gal once who put her vail over her face and cried and cried after her husband got married - right there at the alter!! Its not good to be making a fuss like that cus it makes you look real bad. (I think she was probally one of those first wives - their always the worse ones) Most galsre not saying or doing anything.
I was the last wife both times I got married, but Id NEVER be making a fuss about it! If Pratts getting another wife it wont worry me at all!
A coupla gentile gals were writing letters and saying it OK for gals to be having bunchesve husbands, but Pratt says it wrong, cus its not in the scriptures and it wont be making heapsve babies like it should. And he says there might be a coupla animals like swans sticking with just one, but mostly the guy animals are getting around a lot makeing as many babies as they can, and thats what gods wanting for us!
Pratt might be meeting with Harmonee today and he wants me to be there, so Ill tell you about it tomorrow, if we do.
Happy sabbath!
HoneyDawn's polygamy blog about her WAY heavenly life as a plural wife in a Mormon Fundamentalist Polygamist family. HoneyDawn shares her daily life and her insights into her religion and beliefs.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
DONT be joining the "First Church of the Holy Matriarchs of the WTF Ranch."!!!!
CW was saying about some gals on the FLDS TEXAS blog making up there own new religion!!!!! Pratt was reading it to, and he was saying its pretty bad - there getting revalations of there OWN and there getting there own ranch and there haveing bunchesve of real young husbands!!! Thats sick!!! Pratt says he was reading it all, and its the kinda stuff Harmonee would be thinking was REAL funny (Harmonees got a real wierd sense of humor, shes always thinking stuffs funny when its NOT!!!)
Im thinking gals cant be doing that. First off some guysre saying gals NEVER get revalations from god, cus hes only doing that for men. He can be giveing ideas to the gals about being good mothers, but gods not giveing them prophet kinda revalation.
Pratt says its a dumb idea for gals haveing more than one husband. He says its natral for guys to be haveing more than one wife, and galsre not likeing that on account of all the lies they get told growing up, about love and all that romantick stuff!!! Pratt says if you just look at animals your seeing what god wants - look at deer and most other animals, the guy deer're not sticking with ONE gal deerl!!
Those 'FLDS TEXAS" blog galsve even got a NAME for there church - its the "First Church of the Holy Matriarchs of the WTF Ranch." !!!!! Im knowing the YFZ ranch letters were meaning "Yerning for Zion", but whats WTF?? Pratt doesnt want me reading about it cus he wants to be protecting me from evil stuff, but maybe you folk reading my blog can be looking at it so you can be seeing the diffrance between what THERE doing and the TRUE religion we're doing!!
LaBlessing was telling me yesterday she thinks Harmonees been letting LiaHona read some've those bad books she's got. (I dont know how shes doing it but LaBlessing always knows whats going on with ALL the folk in the comunity. She's real quiet, but theres nothing wrong with her ears and her eyes!) She says Harmonees been reading a book called "Rocky Mountain Saints" by a guy called Stenhouse and him and his wife Fanny were a coupla apostates!! Then theres another book she saw by a LDS guy called Compton and the name of that ones "In Sacred Loneliness" and its all about Joseph Smiths wives. (if its about Joseph Smith and his wives Im not knowing why thats a problam???) Pratt knows about it and he says hes not knowing why a LDS Mormon guy was writing stuff like it. Pratt says HE thinks it OK but hes not wanting us gals to be looking at it, and he says to be looking out and making sure the books're not in the house with LiaHona. If they ARE we'll be getting bad spirits. I was gonna check in LiaHona's room when she was out at work, but she's put a lock on her door! I think thats kinda rude - its like saying she thinks Im going in her room! I wouldnt WANT to be in her room if she wasnt following Harmonee! I need to be keeping the spirit in the home, so Ill see if I can get the door open (there could be another key somewhere)
Im thinking gals cant be doing that. First off some guysre saying gals NEVER get revalations from god, cus hes only doing that for men. He can be giveing ideas to the gals about being good mothers, but gods not giveing them prophet kinda revalation.
Pratt says its a dumb idea for gals haveing more than one husband. He says its natral for guys to be haveing more than one wife, and galsre not likeing that on account of all the lies they get told growing up, about love and all that romantick stuff!!! Pratt says if you just look at animals your seeing what god wants - look at deer and most other animals, the guy deer're not sticking with ONE gal deerl!!
Those 'FLDS TEXAS" blog galsve even got a NAME for there church - its the "First Church of the Holy Matriarchs of the WTF Ranch." !!!!! Im knowing the YFZ ranch letters were meaning "Yerning for Zion", but whats WTF?? Pratt doesnt want me reading about it cus he wants to be protecting me from evil stuff, but maybe you folk reading my blog can be looking at it so you can be seeing the diffrance between what THERE doing and the TRUE religion we're doing!!
LaBlessing was telling me yesterday she thinks Harmonees been letting LiaHona read some've those bad books she's got. (I dont know how shes doing it but LaBlessing always knows whats going on with ALL the folk in the comunity. She's real quiet, but theres nothing wrong with her ears and her eyes!) She says Harmonees been reading a book called "Rocky Mountain Saints" by a guy called Stenhouse and him and his wife Fanny were a coupla apostates!! Then theres another book she saw by a LDS guy called Compton and the name of that ones "In Sacred Loneliness" and its all about Joseph Smiths wives. (if its about Joseph Smith and his wives Im not knowing why thats a problam???) Pratt knows about it and he says hes not knowing why a LDS Mormon guy was writing stuff like it. Pratt says HE thinks it OK but hes not wanting us gals to be looking at it, and he says to be looking out and making sure the books're not in the house with LiaHona. If they ARE we'll be getting bad spirits. I was gonna check in LiaHona's room when she was out at work, but she's put a lock on her door! I think thats kinda rude - its like saying she thinks Im going in her room! I wouldnt WANT to be in her room if she wasnt following Harmonee! I need to be keeping the spirit in the home, so Ill see if I can get the door open (there could be another key somewhere)
Friday, January 29, 2010
Our famly meeting.
I said Id be writing about our specail meeting the other night. It was hard getting us all in my living room but we all got in and Pratt had me sitting right next to him with Saraiah on the other side. Someve the sisterwives were giving me looks, but they werent saying anything after what Pratt said to them about leaving me alone. Pratt had me sing the first verse of his favrite hymn - "Love at Home" to start. Then evrybody joined in (except Harmonee) Its got great words - just in case your not knowing it Ill write someve the words I was singing,
"There is beauty all around, when there's love at home.
There is joy in ev'ry sound, when there's love at home.
Peace and plenty here abide, smiling sweet on ev'ry side.
Time doth softly, sweetly glide, when there's love at home.
Chorus: Love at home, Love at home.
Time doth softly, sweetly glide, when there's love at home.
In the cottage there is joy, when there's love at home.
Hate and envy ne'er annoy, when there's love at home.
Roses bloom beneath our feet, all the earth's a garden sweet,
Making life a bliss complete, when there's love at home."
LiaHona got a coughing fit when I was singing and it kinda spoiled it cus of my soft voice. After that Pratt said a LONG prayer and we had testifying. Pratt did his for about an hour and he was saying about our family being on its way to the Celestial Kingdom and its like being in a beautiful gold charyot, and we just have to sit down and be happy and let him do the driving to get us there. And if anybody was standing up and making trouble, or jumping out of the charyot, then theyd fall all the way back into darkness and never get to that great place we're all going. (It was REAL nice. Pratts got a poets sole!)
Then Pratt was asking me to be speaking, so I got up and said about polygamy being the ONLY way to be getting back to god, and what a great way it is to be living. (I was looking at Harmonee when I was saying it, but she was just staring at her shoes) Then I was telling them what Mavis was saying in her letter the other day, about folk outside thinking we're dumb, but theres heapsve smart polygamy gals, and THERE believing it, so it MUST be true!!! It made me feel all full of the spirit saying it, so I just started crying - I can always tell if Ive got the spirit cus it always makes me cry. (We cry in meeting to when we get the spirit)
After I finished Sariah was crying to and Pratt said she could go next. She said she KNEW it was all true, and she was glad she grew up in the work, and course its all true, cus if Joseph Smiths a prophet then it MUST be true, cus hes the one who gave it to us! Pratt said thanks for those great words from us both, and what a blessing it was to have wonderful women around to have the kids to build up his kingdom and to be praying for him
Then Pratt looked around and asked if there was anybody with questions or anybody wanting to say anything? Celestial Rainbow asked when she was getting some help with the babies? But Pratt said not THAT sort of question - we needed to be talking about spiritaul stuff. I didnt think Harmonee was going to be saying much because she was real quiet sitting there, but then she said she had stuff to say and some questions for Pratt. Pratt said OK, so she got up and looked around REAL serious! She said just cus SOME smart womenre thinking polygamys true, doesnt MAKE it right, and we need to be using our head instead of getting "feelings" and just following what other folkre saying. She said therere some real smart women who were thinking it was true, and then they were deciding its wrong and leaving, so WHICH smart women are we beleiveing? She was saying its real hard for gals and guys to be saying there wrong when theyve been believing it for a way long time! And she was saying Sariah's right about polygamy being true if Joseph Smiths a prophet, cus hes the one whose saying its right, but what about if he WASNT a prophet? (Everybody was real shocked by her saying that!)
Pratt said for us all to be singing another song and then hed be saying some more about it, so we sang "We Thank thee Oh god for a prophet" (its all about Joseph Smith and how great he is - we sing it in meeting on sundays)
After that Pratt did another talk to us. He was saying when we start questioning we're loseing the spirit. He said its not just Joseph Smith telling us about polygamy. Its the law in the bible to. But then Harmonee was saying "you show me where god said it was the law, in the bible.?" I knew the answer to that one so I said "what about Abraham and Sarah?" Harmonee went "Look at all the trouble it made - it wasnt anything to do with god, it was cus they didnt have faith that god was going to give them a son like he said he would, so thats why Abraham and Sarah got into polygamy and it made a real mess and there kids were argueing all the time and now its even making wars with there grankids - the Ayrabs and the jewish folk!"
Pratt said it was probally enough to be talking about for now, and for us to be singing "Praise to the Man" - thats another song we're singing in meeting on sundays and it another hymn for Joseph smith . I LOVE the part that says "Hail to the Man".
Pratts thinking he should be haveing some other meetings with Harmonee on her own, away from all the other sisterwives cus shes bringing a bad spirit into the family. All those questions! I think Pratt wants me to be there to, cus Ive been in polygamy longest and can tell her about living it better!
Got to go!
"There is beauty all around, when there's love at home.
There is joy in ev'ry sound, when there's love at home.
Peace and plenty here abide, smiling sweet on ev'ry side.
Time doth softly, sweetly glide, when there's love at home.
Chorus: Love at home, Love at home.
Time doth softly, sweetly glide, when there's love at home.
In the cottage there is joy, when there's love at home.
Hate and envy ne'er annoy, when there's love at home.
Roses bloom beneath our feet, all the earth's a garden sweet,
Making life a bliss complete, when there's love at home."
LiaHona got a coughing fit when I was singing and it kinda spoiled it cus of my soft voice. After that Pratt said a LONG prayer and we had testifying. Pratt did his for about an hour and he was saying about our family being on its way to the Celestial Kingdom and its like being in a beautiful gold charyot, and we just have to sit down and be happy and let him do the driving to get us there. And if anybody was standing up and making trouble, or jumping out of the charyot, then theyd fall all the way back into darkness and never get to that great place we're all going. (It was REAL nice. Pratts got a poets sole!)
Then Pratt was asking me to be speaking, so I got up and said about polygamy being the ONLY way to be getting back to god, and what a great way it is to be living. (I was looking at Harmonee when I was saying it, but she was just staring at her shoes) Then I was telling them what Mavis was saying in her letter the other day, about folk outside thinking we're dumb, but theres heapsve smart polygamy gals, and THERE believing it, so it MUST be true!!! It made me feel all full of the spirit saying it, so I just started crying - I can always tell if Ive got the spirit cus it always makes me cry. (We cry in meeting to when we get the spirit)
After I finished Sariah was crying to and Pratt said she could go next. She said she KNEW it was all true, and she was glad she grew up in the work, and course its all true, cus if Joseph Smiths a prophet then it MUST be true, cus hes the one who gave it to us! Pratt said thanks for those great words from us both, and what a blessing it was to have wonderful women around to have the kids to build up his kingdom and to be praying for him
Then Pratt looked around and asked if there was anybody with questions or anybody wanting to say anything? Celestial Rainbow asked when she was getting some help with the babies? But Pratt said not THAT sort of question - we needed to be talking about spiritaul stuff. I didnt think Harmonee was going to be saying much because she was real quiet sitting there, but then she said she had stuff to say and some questions for Pratt. Pratt said OK, so she got up and looked around REAL serious! She said just cus SOME smart womenre thinking polygamys true, doesnt MAKE it right, and we need to be using our head instead of getting "feelings" and just following what other folkre saying. She said therere some real smart women who were thinking it was true, and then they were deciding its wrong and leaving, so WHICH smart women are we beleiveing? She was saying its real hard for gals and guys to be saying there wrong when theyve been believing it for a way long time! And she was saying Sariah's right about polygamy being true if Joseph Smiths a prophet, cus hes the one whose saying its right, but what about if he WASNT a prophet? (Everybody was real shocked by her saying that!)
Pratt said for us all to be singing another song and then hed be saying some more about it, so we sang "We Thank thee Oh god for a prophet" (its all about Joseph Smith and how great he is - we sing it in meeting on sundays)
After that Pratt did another talk to us. He was saying when we start questioning we're loseing the spirit. He said its not just Joseph Smith telling us about polygamy. Its the law in the bible to. But then Harmonee was saying "you show me where god said it was the law, in the bible.?" I knew the answer to that one so I said "what about Abraham and Sarah?" Harmonee went "Look at all the trouble it made - it wasnt anything to do with god, it was cus they didnt have faith that god was going to give them a son like he said he would, so thats why Abraham and Sarah got into polygamy and it made a real mess and there kids were argueing all the time and now its even making wars with there grankids - the Ayrabs and the jewish folk!"
Pratt said it was probally enough to be talking about for now, and for us to be singing "Praise to the Man" - thats another song we're singing in meeting on sundays and it another hymn for Joseph smith . I LOVE the part that says "Hail to the Man".
Pratts thinking he should be haveing some other meetings with Harmonee on her own, away from all the other sisterwives cus shes bringing a bad spirit into the family. All those questions! I think Pratt wants me to be there to, cus Ive been in polygamy longest and can tell her about living it better!
Got to go!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Depressions from evil spirits!!!
I was talking to Pratt again about what that MD was saying about polygamy gals getting mental problams and I just wanted to be saying when your haveing faith your not getting problams like that! I think its the gals thatre not praying enough and reading the scriptures enough that get problams like it!! Pratt says his first wife Ava had REAL mental problams! When he got his second wife, Ava said it was OK. Nobody was making her say that!! She was knowing THEN, that if she wanted to be living with god some day, then she had to say yes, or be going to heck. But then she spent a heap of time hiding in the closet curled up in ball!!! She didnt like it one BIT when he went off on honeymoon and she just pretty much stopped eating, so she had BUNCHESve mental problams! She didnt keep her faith. Pratt says she was reading bad books about Joseph Smith to and that didnt help. If shed been praying more and reading the scriptures all the time she wouldve stayed and not gone off.
That MD was saying about some more medical stuff showing more bad stuff about polygamy gals and there kids to, but Im not listening to it. I bet Pratt knows how to be showing its all wrong!
I dont beleive in that depression stuff at all!!! When galsre feeling bad about the gospel and polygamy, its on account of them doing something bad. When they do bad stuff, bad spiritsre bothering them! They wouldnt be feeling bad if they stopped thinking bad stuff about the truth, and being selfish! Some folk in the worldre saying you need medacine when your like that, but all they need to be doing is pray and read the book of mormon, the doctrine and covenenants and pearl of great price and bible, and pray heaps, then theyd be OK! Ive NEVER had trouble living polygamy!!! When we're testifying in meeting on Sundays, I ALWAYS get up in front of evrybody, and Im saying I love my sisterwives, and I love living the principle cus its whats getting me to the celestial kingdom. When I do that, Pratts REAL proud of me, and the bretheren like it to, cus its a good exampal to the young gals and to all the other polgamy wives. Folk dont want to be hearing about gals with problams. Pratt says Harmonees been shutting herself up in her room and crying and hes thinking its cus shes being critical and not loveing polygamy enough. I think its those bad spirits again, you cant be letting them in like she does!!
We had a big meeting with all us sisterwives and Pratt last night. I was saying about all the smart gals in our group thatre beleiving in polygamy, and that Sarah Leavitt gal getting a vision about polygamy and about it PROVING polygamys right. Harmonee had a bunchve stuff to say about it and she wasnt agreeing again! Its makeing Pratt real worried, and he had a heap to say about it to. Im not haveing the time right now to be writing it all, so Ill be getting to it tomorrow.
Before I forget, Melissa was asking if my Serenity Fawn and Celestial Rainbowre friends? There not - and Serenity Fawn wouldnt be doing the stuff Celestial Rainbow was doing - like dressing up in gentile clothes!!! I was teaching her better stuff!! And anyways its diffrent for Serenity Fawn cus she has some kids already, not like Celestial Rainbow, cus thisll be her FIRST, and shes needing the practice tending the babies - its a real blessing to her, and I wouldnt want to be taking away her blessings.
That MD was saying about some more medical stuff showing more bad stuff about polygamy gals and there kids to, but Im not listening to it. I bet Pratt knows how to be showing its all wrong!
I dont beleive in that depression stuff at all!!! When galsre feeling bad about the gospel and polygamy, its on account of them doing something bad. When they do bad stuff, bad spiritsre bothering them! They wouldnt be feeling bad if they stopped thinking bad stuff about the truth, and being selfish! Some folk in the worldre saying you need medacine when your like that, but all they need to be doing is pray and read the book of mormon, the doctrine and covenenants and pearl of great price and bible, and pray heaps, then theyd be OK! Ive NEVER had trouble living polygamy!!! When we're testifying in meeting on Sundays, I ALWAYS get up in front of evrybody, and Im saying I love my sisterwives, and I love living the principle cus its whats getting me to the celestial kingdom. When I do that, Pratts REAL proud of me, and the bretheren like it to, cus its a good exampal to the young gals and to all the other polgamy wives. Folk dont want to be hearing about gals with problams. Pratt says Harmonees been shutting herself up in her room and crying and hes thinking its cus shes being critical and not loveing polygamy enough. I think its those bad spirits again, you cant be letting them in like she does!!
We had a big meeting with all us sisterwives and Pratt last night. I was saying about all the smart gals in our group thatre beleiving in polygamy, and that Sarah Leavitt gal getting a vision about polygamy and about it PROVING polygamys right. Harmonee had a bunchve stuff to say about it and she wasnt agreeing again! Its makeing Pratt real worried, and he had a heap to say about it to. Im not haveing the time right now to be writing it all, so Ill be getting to it tomorrow.
Before I forget, Melissa was asking if my Serenity Fawn and Celestial Rainbowre friends? There not - and Serenity Fawn wouldnt be doing the stuff Celestial Rainbow was doing - like dressing up in gentile clothes!!! I was teaching her better stuff!! And anyways its diffrent for Serenity Fawn cus she has some kids already, not like Celestial Rainbow, cus thisll be her FIRST, and shes needing the practice tending the babies - its a real blessing to her, and I wouldnt want to be taking away her blessings.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Texas is getting punished!!!
Some MD gal was saying folk in polygamy can be getting mental problams!!! Thats kinda dumb, Im not mental at all!! She says you get other stuff wrong with you to, but Im staying healthy mostly (except for the post dramatic stress stuff) and if I get sick its not about polygamy, its on account of the stuff the guverments putting in the air. Did you hear about the chemtrails? You can see them in the sky and its the guverment doing it, and some guysre saying its about stopping gals having more kids. I think there spraying them more over where polygamy folkre living! (theres bunchesve stuff on the internet about it) Its probally why Im not haveing another baby right now!!!! Anyways the MD gals posting a link about it, so you can see its just MORE presecution from the world!!!!
Pratt said today about the ground opening up in San Antonio Texas and houses falling over!!!! He says it obvyous why - its on account of those polygamy folk getting presecuted down there!!! The Texas folk better be watching out for more judgments! I'm WAY glad we're safe here in Utah. We wont be getting judgments like it cus theres not the same presecuting here.
Pratt had a big talk with all the sisterwives last night, downstairs. I stayed in my room (with the door open sos I could hear) I couldnt hear everything but he pretty much told them to stop being mean to me, and not to say ANYTHING unless it was nice. I DID hear Harmonee asking how you could be working out problams with folk if you cant be talking to them about it? Pratt said I was to sensative for that, and to leave me alone, and it wasnt her place to be working out problams with anybody. Pratt is AWESOME!
Pratt says hes calling a specail prayer and testifying meeting tonight, and he's letting all the sisterwives ask him doctrine questions. Harmonees always asking HEAPSve stuff. I just like hearing Pratt talk and testify, but I might be saying about Mavis's letter about clever gals having visions about polygamy being right, and about it being all there is in the CK. Harmonee needs to be hearing it! I don't know why Mavis wants to be hearing what Harmonees thinking about it!
Pratt said today about the ground opening up in San Antonio Texas and houses falling over!!!! He says it obvyous why - its on account of those polygamy folk getting presecuted down there!!! The Texas folk better be watching out for more judgments! I'm WAY glad we're safe here in Utah. We wont be getting judgments like it cus theres not the same presecuting here.
Pratt had a big talk with all the sisterwives last night, downstairs. I stayed in my room (with the door open sos I could hear) I couldnt hear everything but he pretty much told them to stop being mean to me, and not to say ANYTHING unless it was nice. I DID hear Harmonee asking how you could be working out problams with folk if you cant be talking to them about it? Pratt said I was to sensative for that, and to leave me alone, and it wasnt her place to be working out problams with anybody. Pratt is AWESOME!
Pratt says hes calling a specail prayer and testifying meeting tonight, and he's letting all the sisterwives ask him doctrine questions. Harmonees always asking HEAPSve stuff. I just like hearing Pratt talk and testify, but I might be saying about Mavis's letter about clever gals having visions about polygamy being right, and about it being all there is in the CK. Harmonee needs to be hearing it! I don't know why Mavis wants to be hearing what Harmonees thinking about it!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
HoneyDawn Continues (for now).Im haveing Post Dramatic Stress!!!!
This weekend was real bad for me. Ive been staying in bed yesterday and today and Sariahs been bringing me her chicken and garlic soup (mothers recipe)
I told you the guys were working on the 4plex, and I was WAY happy about it - for LiaHona and her kids to be getting there own place, and me getting the space so Serenity Fawn can come and stay, and bring my grankids. Shes real sick right now with a new baby coming, and its not right cus her sisterwivesre making her do stuff when she should be resting!!
Anyways, all us gals got together at my house to put out the food for the guys. It started off with Harmonees gal Isabelle whispering about my honey and garlic herb bran muffins. I got up real close behind the kitchen door to be listening, and she was saying they were enough to poison anybody, and the 4plex would never get finished if the guys dropped dead, so maybe they should be giving them to the RATS!!!!! RUDE!! There specail, and from mothers recipes to! Well, I wasnt going to be taking that from her, so I told her to be stopping being rude and didnt her mother teach her better than that? Then I told her she had to go home. But then LiaHona said she COULD stay, cus it was her place to, and it was better to be letting Harmonee be dealing with it.
After that things got real bad and EVRYBODY was being mean to me!!! They were saying I was taking there time with Pratt, and being selfish, and telling tails, and not helping Celestial Rainbow, and why wasnt I haveing a job like evrybody else? It was REAL nasty! It was just like before when I was married to Heelaman!!! The sisterwives then were real mean TO! Heelaman had to be protecting me from them.
Anyways I just went upstairs to my room and left them to put out the food, and did some crafts instead. But when Pratt came up to see me I was crying real hard, and he wanted to know about what was going on. Course, I didnt want to be saying cus I didnt want anybody to be looking bad, but he kept on asking so I HAD to say. Pratt looked upset about it and said thats not a sweet way for them to be, and he says he thinks Ive got that post dramatic stress thing like soldiers get, and I got it from the other sisterwives when I was married to Heelaman. He said for me to just be taking it easy for a while and hed get some meals sent in for me.
Pratts gonna be talking to all the sisterwives. I dont know what hes gonna be saying, but he told me Im a real tresure to him, and he wishes evrybody was as sweet and sensative like me! I might be getting up tomorrow maybe if things get sorted out.
One things good about it - Pratts staying over with me all week!
I told you the guys were working on the 4plex, and I was WAY happy about it - for LiaHona and her kids to be getting there own place, and me getting the space so Serenity Fawn can come and stay, and bring my grankids. Shes real sick right now with a new baby coming, and its not right cus her sisterwivesre making her do stuff when she should be resting!!
Anyways, all us gals got together at my house to put out the food for the guys. It started off with Harmonees gal Isabelle whispering about my honey and garlic herb bran muffins. I got up real close behind the kitchen door to be listening, and she was saying they were enough to poison anybody, and the 4plex would never get finished if the guys dropped dead, so maybe they should be giving them to the RATS!!!!! RUDE!! There specail, and from mothers recipes to! Well, I wasnt going to be taking that from her, so I told her to be stopping being rude and didnt her mother teach her better than that? Then I told her she had to go home. But then LiaHona said she COULD stay, cus it was her place to, and it was better to be letting Harmonee be dealing with it.
After that things got real bad and EVRYBODY was being mean to me!!! They were saying I was taking there time with Pratt, and being selfish, and telling tails, and not helping Celestial Rainbow, and why wasnt I haveing a job like evrybody else? It was REAL nasty! It was just like before when I was married to Heelaman!!! The sisterwives then were real mean TO! Heelaman had to be protecting me from them.
Anyways I just went upstairs to my room and left them to put out the food, and did some crafts instead. But when Pratt came up to see me I was crying real hard, and he wanted to know about what was going on. Course, I didnt want to be saying cus I didnt want anybody to be looking bad, but he kept on asking so I HAD to say. Pratt looked upset about it and said thats not a sweet way for them to be, and he says he thinks Ive got that post dramatic stress thing like soldiers get, and I got it from the other sisterwives when I was married to Heelaman. He said for me to just be taking it easy for a while and hed get some meals sent in for me.
Pratts gonna be talking to all the sisterwives. I dont know what hes gonna be saying, but he told me Im a real tresure to him, and he wishes evrybody was as sweet and sensative like me! I might be getting up tomorrow maybe if things get sorted out.
One things good about it - Pratts staying over with me all week!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Thanks for your comments people.
Melissa I'm not at all offended by your enjoyment of the HoneyDawn craziness. I wanted to inform and amuse at the same time. It's healthy to laugh at some things and I'd love to finish the story. I feel reluctant about rehashing my past life in a serious way. HoneyDawn let me revisit some things without wallowing!
Mavis, I'm not sure about your question about leaving. What I meant to say about the problems of leaving, are that leaving Mormon Fundamentalism is not like being a Baptist and deciding to become a Presbyterian - in the theology of the religion it means that having had the truth and rejecting it, you have done almost the worst possible thing you could do. Mavis said
When you leave something behind, especially a relationship, you do take the risk of being alone, but being alone is not the end of the world, although it may feel that way for a while.
I still prefer not to state which branch of Fundamentalism I belonged to. I have relatives there and would like to keep the channels open with them. I will say though, that I am not FLDS. I couldn't bring myself to satirize some of what has been happening in the Texas community - it's too horrible.
You know, I love to read. If I am in the middle of a good book and somehow misplace it, I feel very frustrated until I find it again and am able to finish the story. In deference to those enjoying the story, I think I may continue to the end. Perhaps we should even have some sympathy for HoneyDawn! She has somewhat morphed into a life of her own. Is she aware of what she is doing? Even I am not certain of the answer to that. Certainly she is in a world of her own, unable to see her human weaknesses, and convinced of her own (and Pratt's!) righteousness!
So, apologies to those who had enough of HoneyDawn! Just remember that you will be hearing from me within the narrative. If you have questions I will try to work them in somehow. If not within the story, then maybe in the comments section as Harmonee!
Melissa I'm not at all offended by your enjoyment of the HoneyDawn craziness. I wanted to inform and amuse at the same time. It's healthy to laugh at some things and I'd love to finish the story. I feel reluctant about rehashing my past life in a serious way. HoneyDawn let me revisit some things without wallowing!
Mavis, I'm not sure about your question about leaving. What I meant to say about the problems of leaving, are that leaving Mormon Fundamentalism is not like being a Baptist and deciding to become a Presbyterian - in the theology of the religion it means that having had the truth and rejecting it, you have done almost the worst possible thing you could do. Mavis said
"This is a universal problem that we all face. That is, nobody really wants to walk away from what they have, for fear it may be the only thing they will ever have. But what do you do, when you sense something is not right?"You are right, it is difficult to leave any situation, even a bad one, as most people don't like change and have a fear of the unknown. You said "But what do you do, when you sense something is not right?" For me, I had to act on that feeling. If I didn't, I would be living a lie. It was not only my own life that was affected, but I was concerned about being a role model to young women for something that I believe is not beneficial to them.
When you leave something behind, especially a relationship, you do take the risk of being alone, but being alone is not the end of the world, although it may feel that way for a while.
I still prefer not to state which branch of Fundamentalism I belonged to. I have relatives there and would like to keep the channels open with them. I will say though, that I am not FLDS. I couldn't bring myself to satirize some of what has been happening in the Texas community - it's too horrible.
You know, I love to read. If I am in the middle of a good book and somehow misplace it, I feel very frustrated until I find it again and am able to finish the story. In deference to those enjoying the story, I think I may continue to the end. Perhaps we should even have some sympathy for HoneyDawn! She has somewhat morphed into a life of her own. Is she aware of what she is doing? Even I am not certain of the answer to that. Certainly she is in a world of her own, unable to see her human weaknesses, and convinced of her own (and Pratt's!) righteousness!
So, apologies to those who had enough of HoneyDawn! Just remember that you will be hearing from me within the narrative. If you have questions I will try to work them in somehow. If not within the story, then maybe in the comments section as Harmonee!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
How to continue?
Hello to you all again. I was touched by some of the comments left yesterday. Believe it or not I was planning on writing as HoneyDawn for a little longer! There were going to be some momentous events in the lives of Pratt, HoneyDawn and the rest! In anticipation of winding things up, since I may be pretty tied up time- wise in the near future, I was writing a draft for the final post, and instead of saving it I clicked on "publish" instead, without realizing it! So, HoneyDawn and her exploits have been brought to an abrupt end (I hadn't even checked over or finished the final draft post!)
I’m sure some people will be wondering why I chose to write a ludicrous blog about a subject like polygamy? Why the apparent trivialization of something that has such serious consequences in the lives of those participating? The blog really stemmed from feelings of powerlessness against the actions of some of the people, who had made, and still were making life hell for those close to me. Not being able to do anything concrete to change things, having to stand by and watch helplessly was getting me down. I needed a way to get back at them, a way to laugh at them - a therapeutic power trip of my own.
HoneyDawn is an appalling mixture of all those manipulative women wielding power in their own families through a blend of piety, feigned little girl helplessness and sugar coated malice. And dear Pratt – what a truly “awesome” guy he is! – a total windbag besotted with his own importance and knowledge, unable to resist a mindlessly adoring, scheming woman, looking up to him, hanging on his every word – even at the expense of the rest of the women and children in his life! All polygamists are not this crazy, but certainly all this craziness exists somewhere within polygamist communities! I just distilled all the idiocy into one narrative.
Duane, I’m not a Mormon hater, and I hope I’m not consumed by hatred of any group of people. There are wonderful people to be found everywhere, and there are bad people too. Unfortunately bad people thrive in closed societies. It’s not as easy as you may think, to simply "get away". There are some massive psychological and physical hurdles to clear. It took me years before I could bring myself to believe that my belief system really wasn’t God given. You have no idea what it is to believe that you may be consigning yourself to “outer darkness” by “walking away”. If you can get beyond that, imagine what it would be like if all your family was within your religious community, you had no money, perhaps no vehicle, many children, and apparently no one on the outside to whom you could turn? This is the position in which many women find themselves.
Well, some of you seem to have enjoyed the blog, and you have come to feel like friends, so the question is, should I complete the HoneyDawn saga, in true horrible HoneyDawn style or just answer your questions as myself? I'll let you decide.
I’m sure some people will be wondering why I chose to write a ludicrous blog about a subject like polygamy? Why the apparent trivialization of something that has such serious consequences in the lives of those participating? The blog really stemmed from feelings of powerlessness against the actions of some of the people, who had made, and still were making life hell for those close to me. Not being able to do anything concrete to change things, having to stand by and watch helplessly was getting me down. I needed a way to get back at them, a way to laugh at them - a therapeutic power trip of my own.
HoneyDawn is an appalling mixture of all those manipulative women wielding power in their own families through a blend of piety, feigned little girl helplessness and sugar coated malice. And dear Pratt – what a truly “awesome” guy he is! – a total windbag besotted with his own importance and knowledge, unable to resist a mindlessly adoring, scheming woman, looking up to him, hanging on his every word – even at the expense of the rest of the women and children in his life! All polygamists are not this crazy, but certainly all this craziness exists somewhere within polygamist communities! I just distilled all the idiocy into one narrative.
Duane, I’m not a Mormon hater, and I hope I’m not consumed by hatred of any group of people. There are wonderful people to be found everywhere, and there are bad people too. Unfortunately bad people thrive in closed societies. It’s not as easy as you may think, to simply "get away". There are some massive psychological and physical hurdles to clear. It took me years before I could bring myself to believe that my belief system really wasn’t God given. You have no idea what it is to believe that you may be consigning yourself to “outer darkness” by “walking away”. If you can get beyond that, imagine what it would be like if all your family was within your religious community, you had no money, perhaps no vehicle, many children, and apparently no one on the outside to whom you could turn? This is the position in which many women find themselves.
Well, some of you seem to have enjoyed the blog, and you have come to feel like friends, so the question is, should I complete the HoneyDawn saga, in true horrible HoneyDawn style or just answer your questions as myself? I'll let you decide.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Spoof or not?
Perhaps I should begin with thanks to those of you who have had the patience and endurance to keep plowing through the innumerable deliberate spelling mistakes and grammatical gaffes of the HoneyDawn blog! Was it a spoof? The answer is both yes, and no. Thank you to those who played along with the joke. It was fun, and also therapeutic for me. I really was a "polygamy gal". After leaving my polygamous community I had no wish to go into victim mode. Instead I decided to process my experiences and the experiences of other plural wives through this very silly blog. HoneyDawn, although amusing to some extent, was in fact a malicious and manipulating woman who caused a great deal of harm to the women whose lives she impacted. And yes Melissa, I do know the meaning of Pratt in Australia - the choice of name was deliberate! I chose to try to laugh at some people rather than being eaten up with anger at some of the harm that had been done and was still being done by them to people close to me. I chose to portray the idiocy of some of the practice and beliefs.
The saying goes that "truth is stranger than fiction". Although I am aware that many will find this hard to believe, the majority of what I have written is based on actual occurrences - things that happened either to me or women I have known. The camping trip really happened - the honey left outside the tent did not! (I had actually fantasized about tying a steak to HoneyDawn's tent!) Even the insane "Lizard people" theory was actually proposed to me when I went to dinner with a rather sweet couple one evening. It was hard to keep a straight face and nod politely as they seriously told me about it.
Some of what I wrote made me cringe - in particular the beliefs about African Americans. The comment about Martin Luther King as "Martin Lucifer King" is appalling, but I really did hear that expression from one of the "bretheren" and it appalled me then as it does now. I hate writing some things but felt compelled to do so to paint an accurate picture.
I have tried to be absolutely accurate about the doctrines of Mormonism and Fundamentalist Mormonism. None of that is made up. The only fantasy is the actual day to day occurrences in the family upon which I hung all the crazy things I heard and was taught over a long period of time.
Harmonee, dear Harmonee has been my own voice throughout. She is a mixture of myself and another questioning woman in a plural situation.
The saying goes that "truth is stranger than fiction". Although I am aware that many will find this hard to believe, the majority of what I have written is based on actual occurrences - things that happened either to me or women I have known. The camping trip really happened - the honey left outside the tent did not! (I had actually fantasized about tying a steak to HoneyDawn's tent!) Even the insane "Lizard people" theory was actually proposed to me when I went to dinner with a rather sweet couple one evening. It was hard to keep a straight face and nod politely as they seriously told me about it.
Some of what I wrote made me cringe - in particular the beliefs about African Americans. The comment about Martin Luther King as "Martin Lucifer King" is appalling, but I really did hear that expression from one of the "bretheren" and it appalled me then as it does now. I hate writing some things but felt compelled to do so to paint an accurate picture.
I have tried to be absolutely accurate about the doctrines of Mormonism and Fundamentalist Mormonism. None of that is made up. The only fantasy is the actual day to day occurrences in the family upon which I hung all the crazy things I heard and was taught over a long period of time.
Harmonee, dear Harmonee has been my own voice throughout. She is a mixture of myself and another questioning woman in a plural situation.
Work project today.
Can't write much today! I was up early getting food ready. The guysre doing a work project on the 4plex today so us galsre doing food for them. Im making chili and my favrite herb and honey bran muffins.
Im REAL happy there getting on with it cus LiaHona and her kids need somewhere of there own to be living, and my daughter Serenity Fawn can come and stay again. Shes needing her mother right now cus theres a baby on the way, and theres a new wife in her family to. Her husbands needing to watch Pratt being the AWESOME husband he is, and how hes handling his famly. Duanes saying the ONLY way to be living the principle is when all the galsre living all together in ONE place, and sharing the same kitchen and evrything, and its not celestail marraige if your not doing that!!! Thats not working out so good right now, specailly since Duane's having favrites and thats not right!!!
Got to go.
Im REAL happy there getting on with it cus LiaHona and her kids need somewhere of there own to be living, and my daughter Serenity Fawn can come and stay again. Shes needing her mother right now cus theres a baby on the way, and theres a new wife in her family to. Her husbands needing to watch Pratt being the AWESOME husband he is, and how hes handling his famly. Duanes saying the ONLY way to be living the principle is when all the galsre living all together in ONE place, and sharing the same kitchen and evrything, and its not celestail marraige if your not doing that!!! Thats not working out so good right now, specailly since Duane's having favrites and thats not right!!!
Got to go.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Gods not liking peirced ears!!!
Ill be REAL glad when the 4 plex gets finished and LiaHona gets her own place. Im happy my sacrificings blessing her and her kids, but it means Im not getting much peace cus SOME folk keep coming in to visit with LiaHona.
I was talking to LiaHona about Jarom's wives getting there ears peirced and Harmonee came in and started listening to what we were saying. I just kept going and didnt take any notice cus I knew what I was saying was right - the bretheren were saying the same stuff about it. I was saying to LiaHona about Jarom and his wives not getting asked to go to specail meetings anymore. Harmonee didnt like it much. She was saying it was THERE business not ours, and we shouldnt be talking about them. I told her she was wrong about it cus it was the business of EVERYBODY living here!!! What there doing is a bad example to evrybody, specialy the young girls who might be thinking its looking cute. Harmonee said they DID look cute! But I said thats not the point its STILL wrong cus the bretheren say so.
I thought that was going to be the end of it, but it got worse!!! Harmonee said itd be better if the brethren were worrying more about important stuff than silly stuff like earings!!! She said she didnt think god was caring to much about earings. She thought god was caring more about folk saying nasty stuff about other folk, and guys being mean in there famlies and not treating wives and kids right!
I think small stuffs important like the preisthood say. If your not watching all the small stuff it gets easy to be doing big sins! Thats why you need to be watching what your wearing, what your eating and what your reading. Its right to be doing what the bretheren say! If we dont we can be losing the spirit and being apostate!
I was talking to LiaHona about Jarom's wives getting there ears peirced and Harmonee came in and started listening to what we were saying. I just kept going and didnt take any notice cus I knew what I was saying was right - the bretheren were saying the same stuff about it. I was saying to LiaHona about Jarom and his wives not getting asked to go to specail meetings anymore. Harmonee didnt like it much. She was saying it was THERE business not ours, and we shouldnt be talking about them. I told her she was wrong about it cus it was the business of EVERYBODY living here!!! What there doing is a bad example to evrybody, specialy the young girls who might be thinking its looking cute. Harmonee said they DID look cute! But I said thats not the point its STILL wrong cus the bretheren say so.
I thought that was going to be the end of it, but it got worse!!! Harmonee said itd be better if the brethren were worrying more about important stuff than silly stuff like earings!!! She said she didnt think god was caring to much about earings. She thought god was caring more about folk saying nasty stuff about other folk, and guys being mean in there famlies and not treating wives and kids right!
I think small stuffs important like the preisthood say. If your not watching all the small stuff it gets easy to be doing big sins! Thats why you need to be watching what your wearing, what your eating and what your reading. Its right to be doing what the bretheren say! If we dont we can be losing the spirit and being apostate!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
The Bretheren are in charge of us.
First off, Cat was saying shes telling her husband what to be doing, not HIM telling HER. She says thats the right way to be doing it. I guess its OK for gentiles and those monogamy marraiges, but I cant see it working out in polygamy. Itd be OK if ONE wife could be doing it, but what about when theres bunchesve wives?!! Pratt says itd be a real mess, and anyways its not right when your trying to get to the CK, cus guys get to be in charge forever there and we shouldnt be trying to change it.
Melissas asking a question and I need to be answering it. This what shes saying,
One of the groups had some pretty bad guys on there council and they got dropped after there bretheren found out bad stuff had been happening for years. Pratt says one of thems in prison right now, and some of the others shouldve gone to prison but nobody took it to the police for them! There prophet said he didnt know it was going on, but it made a heap of trouble and upset bunchesve familys!
The rest of the guys in our group are just melchezidik preisthood holders. That means they can do most of the stuff like baptising and blessing and giving the preisthood to other guys and blessing there babies and getting polygamy marriages. Some are elders, some are high preists and some are seventys, and some of the stuff there doing is diffrent, but not much. The seventys are always argueing with high preists about whose the most important! The seventies say there next to the apostles, but the high preists say NO thats US!!! The bretheren say diffrent stuff about it so Im not sure whose top.
I went by Jaroms house and guess what??? Two of his wives DID get earrings put in there ears! It was Truth and Precious Dove!! I cant beleive it!!! Specailly when the bretheren said in meeting NOT to be doing it! It sets a REAL bad example!!! Jarom was doing real well up till now and the bretheren were liking him, but thats to bad now. I dont think hell be getting called on to do much anymore.
That Reality guys still writing letters. I wanted to ask him why hes sounding kinda mad sometimes? Is he in another group and not likeing my group? Is he thinking gals shouldnt be on the interenet? Does he have a great polygamy family that hes thinkings better than ours? He can always be writing a great blog to let people know about it to! Pratt and me are praying for you.
Have an awesome day!
Melissas asking a question and I need to be answering it. This what shes saying,
I shouldve explained stuff better. I forget folk dont know all about us! The bretheren are the top guys in our group. Theres a group of them in charge of most stuff and there all apostles. (Thats the highest priesthood guys can be getting, pretty much.) Weve got one guy at the top of all of them, and he's the one should be getting the revelations for all of us. The ones whove been longest in the council are closest to being the top guy, but if there doing something bad they can get passed over when the prophet dies. Even if Pratt gets to be one of them, itd be a WAY long time before he could get to be prophet, cus theres about ten guys ahead of him. (Unless they all died quick, and bunchesve of them are pretty old.) Sometimes theres been argueing after the prophet dies about whose next prophet, so most times now, the prophet says ahead, whose next."I had assumed when you were talking about the bretheren you were talking about all the priesthood holders in your group.Who are the bretheren and how are they different to other men in your group?"January 20, 2010 6:31 PM
One of the groups had some pretty bad guys on there council and they got dropped after there bretheren found out bad stuff had been happening for years. Pratt says one of thems in prison right now, and some of the others shouldve gone to prison but nobody took it to the police for them! There prophet said he didnt know it was going on, but it made a heap of trouble and upset bunchesve familys!
The rest of the guys in our group are just melchezidik preisthood holders. That means they can do most of the stuff like baptising and blessing and giving the preisthood to other guys and blessing there babies and getting polygamy marriages. Some are elders, some are high preists and some are seventys, and some of the stuff there doing is diffrent, but not much. The seventys are always argueing with high preists about whose the most important! The seventies say there next to the apostles, but the high preists say NO thats US!!! The bretheren say diffrent stuff about it so Im not sure whose top.
I went by Jaroms house and guess what??? Two of his wives DID get earrings put in there ears! It was Truth and Precious Dove!! I cant beleive it!!! Specailly when the bretheren said in meeting NOT to be doing it! It sets a REAL bad example!!! Jarom was doing real well up till now and the bretheren were liking him, but thats to bad now. I dont think hell be getting called on to do much anymore.
That Reality guys still writing letters. I wanted to ask him why hes sounding kinda mad sometimes? Is he in another group and not likeing my group? Is he thinking gals shouldnt be on the interenet? Does he have a great polygamy family that hes thinkings better than ours? He can always be writing a great blog to let people know about it to! Pratt and me are praying for you.
Have an awesome day!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Sisterwives need to be listening to there husband!
Thanks to evrybody whose been saying real nice stuff about my missionry work! I was saying to Pratt I cant be takeing all the credit cus its mostly him and the spirit thatve been touching peoples lives. But he was saying Ive been doing an AWESOME job!!!!! Pratts WAY sweet to me all the time. He says its cus Im ALWAYS supporting him and not argueing with him. I wish all the gals could be learning life is WAY better when your doing that! (He even took me out to dinner the other night and it was real romantic)
There some problems with Celestial Rainbow again! I dont want to be saying shes rebellyous, but Pratt gave her the job taking care of the babies to be helping her and shes not being sweet about it one bit and now Chastitees on her side to! She says its to much for Celestial Rainbow to be doing on her own! Im thinking if Chastiteed done a better job raising Celestial Rainbow then there wouldnt be all this complaining. Theres ten years olds knowing how to do the job, cus they got taught from when they were young! Not that Im being critical or anything like that, cus its Pratts job to be leading the family and saying when stuffs a problem. NOW Celestial Rainbows saying why is it IM not doing the job,? Shes saying I don’t have kids at home and Im not going out to work? That’s not for her to be saying about cus shes not the head. Pratt told her Ive got stuff to do that HE want me to be doing! I got this trouble before, from LiaHona and Harmonee. They were saying its not fair for them having to go out to work when theyve got kids at home and Im not working. The thing is, there not seeing the important work I AM doing!!! There not knowing about the blog and there not knowing that Pratt wants me around to be teaching the family how to behave and letting him know whats going on – that’s WAY more important than just going out to make money! Its a good thing Pratt has heaps of the spirit with him and isnt listening to his wives to tell him what to do like some famlies!!
LaBlessing came over yesterday to borrow a glue gun and she said about something pretty shocking - LaBlessing says a coupla Jaroms wives went out and got there ears peirced yesterday!! La Blessing gets stuff wrong a lot, but Im thinking it could be true cus there wearing makeup to sometimes! Well, they cant be expecting to get very far in the group cus the bretheren already preached about peirced ears not being right and being like the gentiles!! Jaroms not going to be getting high up in the preisthood if he cant be keeping his wives in order! I’ll probally take a walk by there house today sometime to see if LaBlessings right.
Im WAY glad Pratt doesn’t let his wives just go and do what they want like some. He preaches and testifies to us every Sunday to let us know what his law is in our family and that keeps the spirit there and lets the bretheren know hes a faithful preisthood holder and following what there saying. Maybe one day he'll even be one of the bretheren? Its just needs ALL us gals to be supporting him ALL the time!
There some problems with Celestial Rainbow again! I dont want to be saying shes rebellyous, but Pratt gave her the job taking care of the babies to be helping her and shes not being sweet about it one bit and now Chastitees on her side to! She says its to much for Celestial Rainbow to be doing on her own! Im thinking if Chastiteed done a better job raising Celestial Rainbow then there wouldnt be all this complaining. Theres ten years olds knowing how to do the job, cus they got taught from when they were young! Not that Im being critical or anything like that, cus its Pratts job to be leading the family and saying when stuffs a problem. NOW Celestial Rainbows saying why is it IM not doing the job,? Shes saying I don’t have kids at home and Im not going out to work? That’s not for her to be saying about cus shes not the head. Pratt told her Ive got stuff to do that HE want me to be doing! I got this trouble before, from LiaHona and Harmonee. They were saying its not fair for them having to go out to work when theyve got kids at home and Im not working. The thing is, there not seeing the important work I AM doing!!! There not knowing about the blog and there not knowing that Pratt wants me around to be teaching the family how to behave and letting him know whats going on – that’s WAY more important than just going out to make money! Its a good thing Pratt has heaps of the spirit with him and isnt listening to his wives to tell him what to do like some famlies!!
LaBlessing came over yesterday to borrow a glue gun and she said about something pretty shocking - LaBlessing says a coupla Jaroms wives went out and got there ears peirced yesterday!! La Blessing gets stuff wrong a lot, but Im thinking it could be true cus there wearing makeup to sometimes! Well, they cant be expecting to get very far in the group cus the bretheren already preached about peirced ears not being right and being like the gentiles!! Jaroms not going to be getting high up in the preisthood if he cant be keeping his wives in order! I’ll probally take a walk by there house today sometime to see if LaBlessings right.
Im WAY glad Pratt doesn’t let his wives just go and do what they want like some. He preaches and testifies to us every Sunday to let us know what his law is in our family and that keeps the spirit there and lets the bretheren know hes a faithful preisthood holder and following what there saying. Maybe one day he'll even be one of the bretheren? Its just needs ALL us gals to be supporting him ALL the time!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
The LDS missionries are liking my blog!!!!!!
I just HAD to tell you all about what Melissa was writing! Im WAY excited! Pratt SAID I was doing a real important job writing this blog and letting folk feel the spirit of TRUE mormons!! Even if its been hard sometimes taking all that presecution, and making all that sacrafice to be writing evry day - its GREAT when the spirits leading folk to the truth. Melissa was saying she was meeting some mormon missionries and they were saying MY BLOGs SENT FROM GOD to be bringing her to the truth!!!!! There SO right!!!! See, if she decides shes wanting to be a LDS mormon, then it wont be long for her to be wanting to be a fundamentalist mormon!!! We get a bunch of folk converting from the LDS mormons when there seeing they stopped teaching the same stuff Joseph Smith and Brigham Young were saying, so they kinda do the missionry work FOR us! They go out and find the new members and then there passing them along to us. Its kinda strange about the missionries not knowing to much about what there prophets were teaching, but I guess its cus they say to "follow the living prophet" and that means its OK for them to be ignoreing all the other prophets if there not liking what there saying anymore. It must be knda confuseing sometimes for them when they get a prophet dying and then they have to be forgetting about the stuff HE was saying and go with the new guy. The missionries werent knowing about blood atoneing at ALL! Its probally to scary to be saying about it now, and there trying to keep quiet about stuff like mountain meadows and those wagon train folk getting killed, cus it might put folk off from joining there church.
Anyways Im WAY happy today about it. I always KNEW it was the right thing to be doing, but now its making my faith stronger and showing Pratt KNOWS what gods wanting me to be doing!!!
Have an AWESOME and spiritaul day!
Anyways Im WAY happy today about it. I always KNEW it was the right thing to be doing, but now its making my faith stronger and showing Pratt KNOWS what gods wanting me to be doing!!!
Have an AWESOME and spiritaul day!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Family united order.
Im WAY glad about the nice folk sending me letters. That Reality guy made me real upset for a spell. I stayed in my room yesterday drinking my camamile tea and I tried the warm bath like Rebeckah said, and I put herbs in it, so now Im fine again. Pratts taking me out to dinner tonight and then hes sleeping over to, so that makes me real happy!!
I DID go to family meeting last night. Pratt was testifying for about an hour. He's WAY good at talking! He can talk longer than anybody else I know! If he gets called to speak in meeting, then you know he'll be taking up most of the meeting. Just in case your not knowing, folk in our group speak by the spirit. Nobodys writing down talks, you just let the spirit tell you what to say when you get called up. The spirit always tells Pratt BUNCHESve stuff to be saying! Pratts talksre ALWAYS the best! Some folkre not doing so good, so I guess there not getting the spirit so much. After his testifying Pratt was talking about being united in the family, just like we're united in our united order. That means not being selfish about money, or time he's spending with the wives. He's SO right about that. I NEVER mind about that stuff. Its just great to be living polygamy and living in a united order like we're doing.
Theres still that guy wanting to be paid for his house cus he wants to be leaving the united order and living somewhere else. Pratt says guys need to be knowing if they join the order, they need to be staying. If they go, then they need to be leaving there home and not expecting the order to be paying them!! If they had enough faith they wouldnt be WANTING to leave! We talked about it for a spell, but Harmonee wasnt agreeing with Pratt about it. SHE says thats not what its saying in the Doctrine and Covenenants. I said, "so what DOES it say in the D&C?" Then Harmonee goes - "it says you can take your stewardship if your leaving, and your stewardships your home!" Then she got out her D&C and read about it to us. I wish gals wouldnt be trying to tell the preisthood whats right! Its not feminin at ALL! Pratt listened and then he told her THAT was early on when folk werent learning yet to give EVERYTHING up to god. Nowdays, if we're going IN, then we shouldnt be thinking its easy to be getting OUT! Harmonee never just takes what Pratt says! THEN she was asking "wheres the revelation saying that?" So Pratt told her its in the revelations the preisthoodre teaching private, so she probally wouldnt be hearing about it, just the guys would.
I dont like it when Harmonees doing this around all us sisterwives. Celestial Rainbow and LiaHona get mixed up sometimes if your telling them to much stuff. Chastitees pretty much OK, and my sister Sariahs fine no matter what shes hearing - shes pretty much full of faith like me. LaBlessings not intrested in doctrine, so she just beleives in whatever Pratts saying, which is good.
I need to be getting on with stuff, cus Im finishing off my Joseph Smith tote bag today, and then Im making my room look specail for tonight, (Im making silk flower arrangments in some vases I got at DI the other day) and then I need to be washing my hair and making it look cute for the dinner. Pratt says to keep it quiet, cus hes not been taking anybody else out for a while and hes not wanting to be making jealousy in the family. I said I wouldnt be saying ANYTHING about it, but anyways Im pretty sure theres no jealousy in OUR family, cus our patriarch brings so much of the spirit in our lives. Pratt says thats real sweet of me! Hes AWESOME!
I DID go to family meeting last night. Pratt was testifying for about an hour. He's WAY good at talking! He can talk longer than anybody else I know! If he gets called to speak in meeting, then you know he'll be taking up most of the meeting. Just in case your not knowing, folk in our group speak by the spirit. Nobodys writing down talks, you just let the spirit tell you what to say when you get called up. The spirit always tells Pratt BUNCHESve stuff to be saying! Pratts talksre ALWAYS the best! Some folkre not doing so good, so I guess there not getting the spirit so much. After his testifying Pratt was talking about being united in the family, just like we're united in our united order. That means not being selfish about money, or time he's spending with the wives. He's SO right about that. I NEVER mind about that stuff. Its just great to be living polygamy and living in a united order like we're doing.
Theres still that guy wanting to be paid for his house cus he wants to be leaving the united order and living somewhere else. Pratt says guys need to be knowing if they join the order, they need to be staying. If they go, then they need to be leaving there home and not expecting the order to be paying them!! If they had enough faith they wouldnt be WANTING to leave! We talked about it for a spell, but Harmonee wasnt agreeing with Pratt about it. SHE says thats not what its saying in the Doctrine and Covenenants. I said, "so what DOES it say in the D&C?" Then Harmonee goes - "it says you can take your stewardship if your leaving, and your stewardships your home!" Then she got out her D&C and read about it to us. I wish gals wouldnt be trying to tell the preisthood whats right! Its not feminin at ALL! Pratt listened and then he told her THAT was early on when folk werent learning yet to give EVERYTHING up to god. Nowdays, if we're going IN, then we shouldnt be thinking its easy to be getting OUT! Harmonee never just takes what Pratt says! THEN she was asking "wheres the revelation saying that?" So Pratt told her its in the revelations the preisthoodre teaching private, so she probally wouldnt be hearing about it, just the guys would.
I dont like it when Harmonees doing this around all us sisterwives. Celestial Rainbow and LiaHona get mixed up sometimes if your telling them to much stuff. Chastitees pretty much OK, and my sister Sariahs fine no matter what shes hearing - shes pretty much full of faith like me. LaBlessings not intrested in doctrine, so she just beleives in whatever Pratts saying, which is good.
I need to be getting on with stuff, cus Im finishing off my Joseph Smith tote bag today, and then Im making my room look specail for tonight, (Im making silk flower arrangments in some vases I got at DI the other day) and then I need to be washing my hair and making it look cute for the dinner. Pratt says to keep it quiet, cus hes not been taking anybody else out for a while and hes not wanting to be making jealousy in the family. I said I wouldnt be saying ANYTHING about it, but anyways Im pretty sure theres no jealousy in OUR family, cus our patriarch brings so much of the spirit in our lives. Pratt says thats real sweet of me! Hes AWESOME!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
MORE Presecution!
We've been getting mean stuff again! Thats ALWAYS happening when your doing right! You just keep on getting presecuted! It was that Reality guy again. Now hes saying about my spelling! RUDE!! THis is what he was saying
Course Ive been hearing about a dictionnary! But sometimes its hard to be finding the right word in the dictionnary - youve gotta KNOW how to be spelling it to be finding it! Anyways I dont have all the time in the world cus its more important to be getting the writing down, and up on the blog. And Im not saying anything about ALL polygomous gals - Im just writing about OUR family and like I said before we're REAL specail.
Theres all kindsa folk writing letters. Its real upsetting to my sensative sole to be dealing with all this! And on top of it all Im WAY sad about Megan! I was thinking she was a cute polygamy gal and shes NOT. Her polyblogs a FAKE! It was some old guy! Can you beleive it?
I think Im WAY to upset to even be going to meeting! Im thinking Im gonna stay in my room today and drink camamile tea to calm me down. Pratt says he'll be taking me out to dinner tomorrow night cus hes wanting me to feel not so bad. Hes WAY sweet and Im trying not to be crying about it all!
"you've never heard about a plain dictionnary or word search on the net? oh ,I forgot,you just like to portray polygomous women as uneducated and stupid.Too bad people quickly assessed your "blog" for what it was, lol Reality January 16, 2010 9:32 AM"
Course Ive been hearing about a dictionnary! But sometimes its hard to be finding the right word in the dictionnary - youve gotta KNOW how to be spelling it to be finding it! Anyways I dont have all the time in the world cus its more important to be getting the writing down, and up on the blog. And Im not saying anything about ALL polygomous gals - Im just writing about OUR family and like I said before we're REAL specail.
Theres all kindsa folk writing letters. Its real upsetting to my sensative sole to be dealing with all this! And on top of it all Im WAY sad about Megan! I was thinking she was a cute polygamy gal and shes NOT. Her polyblogs a FAKE! It was some old guy! Can you beleive it?
I think Im WAY to upset to even be going to meeting! Im thinking Im gonna stay in my room today and drink camamile tea to calm me down. Pratt says he'll be taking me out to dinner tomorrow night cus hes wanting me to feel not so bad. Hes WAY sweet and Im trying not to be crying about it all!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Your stuff can be getting real slippery!
Thanks for all the ideas for Celestial Rainbow to help her out. Ill be telling her about the crackers and juice. I already told her about the ginger cus my mother knew about it and passed it onto me. Celestial Rainbows doing OK and its real good for her to be with all the babies. Im not going in to be with her much cus Pratt says I need to be dealing with spiritaul stuff more - like writing about the gospel and teaching my sisterwives whats right and letting Pratt know whats going on. Pratts real glad hes got me around to be doing that stuff.
Pratt says for me to be writing about the book of Mormon and the lamanite curse. The lamanites were living in book of mormon times and they were wanting to hide there treasures in the ground, but what happened was god made the treasures disappear when they wanted to be finding them again.
Somebodys been saying MEAN stuff about my spelling again and being rude about Pratt checking it over to! Theres no spelling checker on Blooger and anyways I was trying a spelling checker thing once and it was NO good, cus it gave me a list of DUMB words to put in, and it wasnt making any sense at all!! Im thinking when your reading with the spirit you wont be reading and being critical to! Youll just be glad your reading the TRUTH!
Pratt says for me to be writing about the book of Mormon and the lamanite curse. The lamanites were living in book of mormon times and they were wanting to hide there treasures in the ground, but what happened was god made the treasures disappear when they wanted to be finding them again.
And now there began to be a great acurse upon all the land because of the iniquity of the people, in which, if a man should lay his tool or his sword upon his shelf, or upon the place whither he would keep it, behold, upon the morrow, he could not find it, so great was the curse upon the land. (Ether 14:1-2)Im ALWAYS losing stuff and Im thinking its still that treasure curse thing! Pratt thinks thats it to. He hates it when theres heaps of stuff in the house cus then its REAL hard to be finding stuff when it slips away from you like that. Samuel the Lamanite was saying god makes your stuff all slippery so you cant be hanging onto it!
And behold," ... "the time cometh that he curseth your riches, that they become slippery, that ye cannot hold them; and in the days of your poverty ye cannot retain them.
"...And then shall ye lament, and say:... O that we had remembered the Lord our God in the day that he gave us our riches, and then they would not have become slippery that we should lose them; for behold, our riches are gone from us."Course, when Im losing stuff its NOT about me being bad! I just think its cus of those lamanites its still happening.That was still happening when Joseph Smith was looking for treasure to! There were spirits garding the treasure and if you werent doing everything JUST right, then the treasure would be sliding down in the earth! A coupla times they even hit the treasure with a spade, but then when someone did something like talking out loud, then the spirits made it slippery and they heard it rumbling away down in the ground! Even Martin Harris who was witnessing the book of mormon said about that stuff happening and Pratt says they were putting it in the newspaper
Mr. Stowel was at this time at old Mr. Smith's digging for money. It was reported by these money-diggers, that they had found boxes, but before they could secure them, they would sink into the earth.... There were a great many strange sights. One time the old log school-house south of Palmyra, was suddenly lighted up, and frightened them away. Samuel Lawrence told me that while they were digging, a large man who appeared to be eight or nine feet high, came and sat on the ridge of the barn, and motioned to them that they must leave.... These things were real to them, I believe, because they were told to me in confidence, and told by different ones, and their stories agreed, and they seemed to be in earnest—I knew they were in earnest (An interview with Martin Harris, published in Tiffany's Monthly, 1859, p.165).And Martin Harris had the same stuff happening to him to, so its not just happening to bad folk!
"I will tell you a wonderful thing that happened after Joseph had found the plates. Three of us took some tools to go to the hill and hunt for some more boxes, or gold or something, and indeed we found a stone box. ...but behold by some unseen power, it slipped back into the hill" (Speaking to a group fo Saints at Clarkston , UthTestimony of Mrs. Comfort Godfrey Flinders, Utah Pioneer Biographies, vol. 10, p.65, Genealogical Society of Utah, as cited in an unpublished manuscript by LaMar Petersen).The prophet Brigham Young was knowing about this stuff to! In 1877 he was saying
These treasures that are in the earth are carefully watched, they can be removed from place to place according to the good pleasure of Him who made them and owns them.... Orin P. Rockwell is an eye-witness to some powers of removing the treasures of the earth. He was with certain parties that lived near by where the plates were found that contain the records of the Book of Mormon. There were a great many treasures hid up by the Nephites. Porter was with them one night where there were treasures, and they could find them easy enough, but they could not obtain them.... He said that on this night, ... they dug around the end of a chest.... One man who was determined to have the contents of that chest, took his pick and struck into the lid of it, and split through into the chest. .. That chest of money went into the bank. Porter describes it so [making a rumbling sound]; he says this is just as true as the heavens are ... to those who understand these things, it is not marvelous..."SO, all this slippery treasure stuff was happening in the book of mormon AND to Joseph Smith and his friends to, so its probally happening to US! So Its REAL important to be thinking about if your wanting to hide up important stuff, like family records. You probally dont want to be putting it in the ground, but you might not be wanting to be putting it where the guverment can be finding it real easy, like those Texas FLDS folk. The guverment found all there records and it was making a heap of trouble for them. Pratt says hes got a WAY better place, but hes not saying about it!
(Journal of Discourses, vol. 19, pp.36-39).
Somebodys been saying MEAN stuff about my spelling again and being rude about Pratt checking it over to! Theres no spelling checker on Blooger and anyways I was trying a spelling checker thing once and it was NO good, cus it gave me a list of DUMB words to put in, and it wasnt making any sense at all!! Im thinking when your reading with the spirit you wont be reading and being critical to! Youll just be glad your reading the TRUTH!
Friday, January 15, 2010
TRUE wizards wands!
Im making sure this goes up right today!
Somebody was asking about Bratz dolls and I defnitely DONT want them in OUR family. We're NOT liking those Barbie dolls OR black dolls! We're liking our dolls looking like our REAL babies, so the little gals can be practicing being moms.
Remember I was saying about those wizard guys with wands and staffs being just fakes of the real thing? I said I was going to be writing about Joseph Smith in his day, and what he was doing and what the devils copying. First off Joseph had specal rocks called peep stones to look into, to be seeing real important stuff like translateing the golden plates and finding stuff that got lost. Course, the devil just copied it with crystal bowls that witches and wizardsre looking in to see stuff. Thats not the same AT ALL cus its the devil showing THEM bad things in there, not like Joseph Smith!!
Then theres those wizards staffs and wands. Its WAY easy seeing where they got that! Oliver Cowdery had a stick he was given by god to translate scriptures to. Its in the Doctrine and Covenenants about it
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to Oliver Cowdery, at Harmony, Pennsylvania, April 1829…In the course of the translation of the Book of Mormon, Oliver, who continued to serve as scribe, writing at the Prophet’s dictation, desired to be endowed with the gift of translation. The Lord responded to his supplication by granting this revelation.
Talking about finding treasure, theres more stuff about hiding it away and finding it again. Its called the "Lamanite curse" (from the book of mormon) Pratt says I should put some stuff in about it soon.
The galsre STILL reading that Harry Potter stuff, so Im just praying for them (AND telling Pratt what there doing.)
Somebody was asking about Bratz dolls and I defnitely DONT want them in OUR family. We're NOT liking those Barbie dolls OR black dolls! We're liking our dolls looking like our REAL babies, so the little gals can be practicing being moms.
Remember I was saying about those wizard guys with wands and staffs being just fakes of the real thing? I said I was going to be writing about Joseph Smith in his day, and what he was doing and what the devils copying. First off Joseph had specal rocks called peep stones to look into, to be seeing real important stuff like translateing the golden plates and finding stuff that got lost. Course, the devil just copied it with crystal bowls that witches and wizardsre looking in to see stuff. Thats not the same AT ALL cus its the devil showing THEM bad things in there, not like Joseph Smith!!
Then theres those wizards staffs and wands. Its WAY easy seeing where they got that! Oliver Cowdery had a stick he was given by god to translate scriptures to. Its in the Doctrine and Covenenants about it
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to Oliver Cowdery, at Harmony, Pennsylvania, April 1829…In the course of the translation of the Book of Mormon, Oliver, who continued to serve as scribe, writing at the Prophet’s dictation, desired to be endowed with the gift of translation. The Lord responded to his supplication by granting this revelation.
6. Now this is not all thy gift; for you have another gift, which is the gift of Aaron; behold, it has told you many things;Some folkre not knowing what this is all about cus there was more about it in the old Doctrine and Covenenants, but it got taken out. What it used to be saying was in the book when it was called the Book of Commandments. It says the same as before .except its not saying the “gift of Aaron” , its saying
7. Behold, there is no other power, save the power of God, that can cause this gift of Aaron to be with you.
8. Therefore, doubt not, for it is the gift of God; and you shall hold it in your hands, and do marvelous works; and no power shall be able to take it away out of your hands, for it is the work of God.
9. And, therefore, whatsoever you shall ask me to tell you by that means, that will I grant unto you, and you shall have knowledge concerning it.
10. Remember that without faith you can do nothing; therefore ask in faith. Trifle not with these things; do not ask for that which you ought not.
11. Ask that you may know the mysteries of God, and that you may translate and receive knowledge from all those ancient records which have been hid up, that are sacred; and according to your faith shall it be done unto you. (D&C 8:6-11,)
Now this is not all, for you have another gift, which is the gift of working with the rod: behold it has told you things: behold there is no other power save God, that can cause this rod of nature, to work in your hands…So Oliver got a special translateing stick, and it was telling him all kindsa stuff. Joseph was using a stick to when he was looking for treasure early on. Im not thinking the brethren have that stuff now, but maybe itll get brought back later on. (I know we got some water witches using sticks to find water, but there not bad witches like the Harry Potter ones.)
Talking about finding treasure, theres more stuff about hiding it away and finding it again. Its called the "Lamanite curse" (from the book of mormon) Pratt says I should put some stuff in about it soon.
The galsre STILL reading that Harry Potter stuff, so Im just praying for them (AND telling Pratt what there doing.)
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Fairy tailesre not getting you any place good!!!
Oops again, sorry folks, Im still getting trouble geting my blog up at the right time, but here it is!
After me TRYING keeping the spirit in our family, I was wasting my time with Harmonee and LiaHona! I gave them that stuff on Harry Potter yesterday and I was thinking theyd be dumping the book in the garbage, but THEN I found out Harmonees been lending some MORE Harry Potter books to Celestial Rainbow and she says shesLOVING them!!! Keeping Sweet says shes not reading them anymore and I think shes a gentile!!!! Youd be thinking folk in the fullness of the gospell would be knowing better!
Harmonee was over last night with LiaHona and I was thinking shed be scared about the stuff in the paper, but after she read it she was laughing and saying the newspaper writer was just kidding!!! I told her it was all TRUE cus my cousin gave it to me and she made sure evrybody she knew was getting it to!! Anyways LiaHona says shes letting her kids read the books, and theres nothing I can do about it. But I said I was talking to Pratt about it cus I dont want evil spirits coming in MY home cus of bad books being there!!!!
Harmonee was saying if I think Harry Potters evil, then Snow White, and Sleeping Beautey, and Cinderellave got to be bad TO, cus theyve got magic and spells in them! LiaHona joined in and was saying reading THEM never turned HER into being a witch or going around worshipping the devil!!
I said that didnt matter cus its STILL wrong to be reading it and Pratt says hes not much liking all those fairy story lies anyways. He wants us to be reading the scriptures with the kids, cus fairy tailsre not getting you into the celestial kingdom! Brigham Young didnt like folk reading made up stories either, so Pratts right!!!!
So watch what your reading, cus you dont know how your ending up!
I guess I'll be writing about the magic staff stuff and Joseph Smith tomorrow.
After me TRYING keeping the spirit in our family, I was wasting my time with Harmonee and LiaHona! I gave them that stuff on Harry Potter yesterday and I was thinking theyd be dumping the book in the garbage, but THEN I found out Harmonees been lending some MORE Harry Potter books to Celestial Rainbow and she says shesLOVING them!!! Keeping Sweet says shes not reading them anymore and I think shes a gentile!!!! Youd be thinking folk in the fullness of the gospell would be knowing better!
Harmonee was over last night with LiaHona and I was thinking shed be scared about the stuff in the paper, but after she read it she was laughing and saying the newspaper writer was just kidding!!! I told her it was all TRUE cus my cousin gave it to me and she made sure evrybody she knew was getting it to!! Anyways LiaHona says shes letting her kids read the books, and theres nothing I can do about it. But I said I was talking to Pratt about it cus I dont want evil spirits coming in MY home cus of bad books being there!!!!
Harmonee was saying if I think Harry Potters evil, then Snow White, and Sleeping Beautey, and Cinderellave got to be bad TO, cus theyve got magic and spells in them! LiaHona joined in and was saying reading THEM never turned HER into being a witch or going around worshipping the devil!!
I said that didnt matter cus its STILL wrong to be reading it and Pratt says hes not much liking all those fairy story lies anyways. He wants us to be reading the scriptures with the kids, cus fairy tailsre not getting you into the celestial kingdom! Brigham Young didnt like folk reading made up stories either, so Pratts right!!!!
So watch what your reading, cus you dont know how your ending up!
I guess I'll be writing about the magic staff stuff and Joseph Smith tomorrow.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Some booksre NOT Approprate for us!
Sorry about the mix up yesterday - where I was writing MY name when I was meaning Harmonee!! I get up REAL early to do scripture studying and praying and writing my blog, so sometimes Im feeling kinda tired. It was defnitely HARMONEE giving Sarah Ann that book! Sarah Anns 13 and needs to be thinking about better stuff than that nasty Harry Potter!!!! She needs to be reading the scriptures more, not those made up stories, and specially stories about evil.
I know someve you probally read those Harry Potter books, but you probally DONT know it makes young folk follow Satan!!!!! A few years back one of my cousins found some stuff in the news about it, and she gave it to me. It was a newspaper guy talking to the woman who was writing the books. Shes making heaps of money getting kids to follow the devil and be witches and wizards!!!!
Anyways, heres what its saying in the newspaper, so you can see for yourself what its doing to young folk all over the USA! Its a lot of writing, but its WAY important for you to be reading!!! (its got some long words, but youll be OK with a dictionry)
Pratt says all those wizard guys with their magic wands and staff things are just the devil copying the preisthood, cus some guys in the church way back in Joseph Smiths day had stuff like that, only it was for doing good. I might be writing about it tomorrow.
Dont be worrying about Celestial Rainbow. Shes doing OK and itll be good for her to be getting the practice in with the babies. She'll need to be getting used to the smell of dipers cus she'll be having it around for a long time now she's getting started with her own kids.
Have a great day.
I know someve you probally read those Harry Potter books, but you probally DONT know it makes young folk follow Satan!!!!! A few years back one of my cousins found some stuff in the news about it, and she gave it to me. It was a newspaper guy talking to the woman who was writing the books. Shes making heaps of money getting kids to follow the devil and be witches and wizards!!!!
Anyways, heres what its saying in the newspaper, so you can see for yourself what its doing to young folk all over the USA! Its a lot of writing, but its WAY important for you to be reading!!! (its got some long words, but youll be OK with a dictionry)
Harry Potter Books Spark Rise In Satanism Among Children
LOCK HAVEN, PA—Ashley Daniels is as close as you can get to your typical 9-year-old American girl. A third-grader at Lock Haven Elementary School, she loves rollerblading, her pet hamsters Benny and Oreo, Britney Spears, and, of course, Harry Potter. Having breezed through the most recent Potter opus in just four days, Ashley is among the millions of children who have made Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire the fastest-selling book in publishing history.
And, like many of her school friends, Ashley was captivated enough by the strange occult doings at the Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry to pursue the Left-Hand Path, determined to become as adept at the black arts as Harry and his pals.
"I used to believe in what they taught us at Sunday School," said Ashley, conjuring up an ancient spell to summon Cerebus, the three-headed hound of hell. "But the Harry Potter books showed me that magic is real, something I can learn and use right now, and that the Bible is nothing but boring lies."
Ashley is hardly the only child rejecting God these days. Weeks after the release of Goblet, the fourth book in J.K. Rowling's blockbuster kid-lit series, interest in witchcraft continues to skyrocket among children. Across America, Satanic temples are filling to the rafters with youngsters clamoring for instruction in summoning and conjuring.
Over protests from Christian Right leaders, who oppose the books for containing magic—and, by extension, Satanic religious beliefs—millions of children are willing their bodies and souls to Lucifer in unholy blood covenants. In 1995, it was estimated that some 100,000 Americans, mostly adults, were involved in devil-worship groups. Today, more than 14 million children alone belong to the Church of Satan, thanks largely to the unassuming boy wizard from 4 Privet Drive...
The Harry Potter books are cool, 'cause they teach you all about magic and how you can use it to control people and get revenge on your enemies," said Hartland, WI, 10-year-old Craig Nowell, a recent convert to the New Satanic Order Of The Black Circle. "I want to learn the Cruciatus Curse, to make my muggle science teacher suffer for giving me a D."...But as wild as children are about Harry, no one is happier about the phenomenon than old-school Satanists, who were struggling to recruit new members prior to the publication of the first Potter book in 1997.
"Harry is an absolute godsend to our cause," said High Priest Egan of the First Church Of Satan in Salem, MA. "An organization like ours thrives on new blood—no pun intended—and we've had more applicants than we can handle lately....So there you are! !!! It was in a newspaper called "The Onion". Im giving a copy to Harmonee and LIaHona so there knowing about it and not giving that stuff to our kids!
With membership in Satanic temples reaching critical mass in some areas, many children have been forced to start their own organizations to worship the Lord Of Lies. Houston 11-year-old Bradley Winters, who purchased Goblet Of Fire with his own allowance money at the stroke of midnight on July 8, organized his own club, Potterites To Destroy Jesus, with his neighborhood pals. An admission fee of $6.66 grants membership to any applicant willing to curse the name of God and have a lightning bolt carved into his or her forehead with an iron dagger...
"It's almost impossible to find a book that can compete with those PlayStation games, but Harry Potter has done it," said Gulfport (MS) Middle School principal Frank Grieg. "I have this one student in the fifth grade who'd never read a book before in his life. Now he's read Sorcerer's Stone, Prisoner Of Azkaban, Chamber Of Secrets, Goblet Of Fire, The Seven Scrolls Of The Black Rose, The Necronomicon, The Satanic Bible, The Origin Of Species—you name it."
Less pleased are Christian leaders, who see Pottermania as a serious threat to their way of life.
"Children are very impressionable," said Dr. Andrea Collins of Focus On Faith, a Denver-based Christian think-tank and advocacy group. "These books do not merely depict one or two uses of magic spells or crystal balls. We're talking about hundreds of occult invocations. The natural, intuitive leap from reading a Harry Potter book to turning against God and worshipping Satan is very easy for a child to make, as the numbers have shown."
"These books are truly magical," Collins added, "and therefore dangerous."
I think it's absolute rubbish to protest children's books on the grounds that they are luring children to Satan," Rowling told a London Times reporter in a July 17 interview. "People should be praising them for that! "" THE ONION, July 26, 2000
Pratt says all those wizard guys with their magic wands and staff things are just the devil copying the preisthood, cus some guys in the church way back in Joseph Smiths day had stuff like that, only it was for doing good. I might be writing about it tomorrow.
Dont be worrying about Celestial Rainbow. Shes doing OK and itll be good for her to be getting the practice in with the babies. She'll need to be getting used to the smell of dipers cus she'll be having it around for a long time now she's getting started with her own kids.
Have a great day.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Stoned crockodiles and BAD books!
Thanks for all the new words from Austraylia. Stamp was saying theres a movie that teaches folk to speak that way. Its about a crockodile, but the crockodile got stoned after the movie. It sounds kinda strange. Did the crockodile do something bad??? Is it an appropryate movie for us to be watching? Pratts real careful about what hes watching - and me to. (Pratts asking what kinda "stoned" is Stamp talking about? Im not knowing what Pratts asking about that, but hes saying its got more than one meaning)
Talking about being apropryate. My sister Sariah found a real BAD book sitting on the kitchen counter yesterday! She was asking if it was mine but I said "COURSE not!!!" We asked the kids, and it was belonging to Liahonas girl Sarah Ann. I asked her about it and she said it was a Christmas present from Harmonee. That figures! I was still talking to Sarah Ann about it, and telling her she needed to be throwing it in the garbage, when in walks LiaHona. She was real mad I was telling Sarah Ann what to be doing, but I said "Im her other mother, so I can!" But she said she was Sarah Anns REAL mother, so I shouldnt be telling HER daughter what to be doing! Sariah was telling her not to be rude to me, but LiaHona got more mad and took all her kids upstairs and didnt come down all night!
I bet LiaHonas not even knowing its a bad book. I bet she never read it or anything about it. Im gonna write down some stuff about it tomorrow and let you read it to, sos you dont let books like it in YOUR homes.
I got to go and help Celestial Rainbow for a spell. Shes throwing up, so I guess there IS a baby coming, so she must be REAL happy!!! Shes only got seven little kids and babies to be tending, so I dont know why its a big deal for her! I know Melissa was finding three in dipers bad, but shes a gentile. We polygamy girls know how to have a great attitude about stuff like that, and not to be complaining, cus its such a blessing and makes our priesthood heads kingdom keep on growing!!!!
Have an awesome day!
Talking about being apropryate. My sister Sariah found a real BAD book sitting on the kitchen counter yesterday! She was asking if it was mine but I said "COURSE not!!!" We asked the kids, and it was belonging to Liahonas girl Sarah Ann. I asked her about it and she said it was a Christmas present from Harmonee. That figures! I was still talking to Sarah Ann about it, and telling her she needed to be throwing it in the garbage, when in walks LiaHona. She was real mad I was telling Sarah Ann what to be doing, but I said "Im her other mother, so I can!" But she said she was Sarah Anns REAL mother, so I shouldnt be telling HER daughter what to be doing! Sariah was telling her not to be rude to me, but LiaHona got more mad and took all her kids upstairs and didnt come down all night!
I bet LiaHonas not even knowing its a bad book. I bet she never read it or anything about it. Im gonna write down some stuff about it tomorrow and let you read it to, sos you dont let books like it in YOUR homes.
I got to go and help Celestial Rainbow for a spell. Shes throwing up, so I guess there IS a baby coming, so she must be REAL happy!!! Shes only got seven little kids and babies to be tending, so I dont know why its a big deal for her! I know Melissa was finding three in dipers bad, but shes a gentile. We polygamy girls know how to have a great attitude about stuff like that, and not to be complaining, cus its such a blessing and makes our priesthood heads kingdom keep on growing!!!!
Have an awesome day!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Celestial Rainbows new job
Pratt wants me to be spending some time looking in on Celestial Rainbow today. Remember Pratt was having her give up her job and stay home and take care of all the babies, and the kids to young to be home schooled? I looked in on her last week and it was a mess - heaps of crying kids and some dipers needing to be changed. Im thinking, with 11 brothers and sisters youd be thinking shed be doing better? Chastitee didnt give her much training about how to be taking care of kids! My Serenity Fawn knew ALL about tending before she got married, and she only had the one twin brother. I probally need to to be teaching Celestial Rainbow myself cus she looked kinda panicky when I saw her. She didnt look to well either, so maybe theres a baby coming for her? Thatll be great and itll help her to settle more and start thinking about the stuff thats good, instead of gentile clothes and stuff like that. Im just hoping she wont be spending to much time talking to Harmonee and LiaHona, cus there not the best influince. We got talking about blood atoning yesterday and Harmonee was saying it was crazy doing all that stuff. She thinks the presthoods needing to be going to college and finding out about other countries if there going to be in charge of the planet. She says most guysre not even knowing about ANYTHING much outside Utah, so howre they going to run the earth? RUDE!!!! Pratt said the guys dont NEED to be knowing anything - you just need to be getting the spirit! Hes right about it. I never needed college to do the stuff god wants me to be doing!
Have an awesome Monday - oh, and thanks Melissa for telling us some Australyan words. I think Ill just be waiting to get the gift of tungues - itll be WAY easier. (nobody was knowing about what Andres was writing. I put it up again in the comments yesterday. I was thinking since Pratts got so much spirit he could be letting me know what it means, but he says the gift of tungues is for understanding what folk SAY when there talking words from outside the USA. He says youd need the urim and thummim for READING stuff and hes thinking moroni took that back with the gold plates, and anyways its only prophets using it, so thats no good)
Have an awesome Monday - oh, and thanks Melissa for telling us some Australyan words. I think Ill just be waiting to get the gift of tungues - itll be WAY easier. (nobody was knowing about what Andres was writing. I put it up again in the comments yesterday. I was thinking since Pratts got so much spirit he could be letting me know what it means, but he says the gift of tungues is for understanding what folk SAY when there talking words from outside the USA. He says youd need the urim and thummim for READING stuff and hes thinking moroni took that back with the gold plates, and anyways its only prophets using it, so thats no good)
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Our preisthood goverment and moroni and george washington.
Before Im forgetting, I got a letter yesterday, but Pratt and me didnt know what its saying. We put it up in case anybodys knowing that languadge. Im thinking it could be from one of those Ayrab muslins, but Im not sure about it. SO if anybody can be working out what its saying, thatd be great!!! (but if its bad you probally shouldnt be saying)
Yesterday Melissa was writing she was reading about it not being to long before you wont be getting a US president without mormons voting for him. I dont know about it, but Utah gets more babies evry year than the other states in the US so it COULD be true. Melissas not worried about it cus shes living in Australia, but when the goverments falling HERE, it probally wont be long before its happening all over, even in Australia, cus the preisthood guysre going to be taking care of ALL the world!! Thats WAY great, youll all LOVE it!!!! (I was thinking maybe Melissa can be teaching us about how to be speaking austraylian, so our guys can teach you all when they get there, but Pratt says theyll get the gift of tungues, so they may not NEED to be learning austraylian) Oh, and Anon E Mouse was asking about women in goverment and colored folk to. We're NOT believing in that. Its the guys needing to be the leaders, cus thats there job. The women need to be doing other stuff like having babies and taking care of the kids and there home. They shouldnt be out doing stuff in the world like that. And about colored folk, Brigham Young said
so thats the answer about that. Most guysre not happy about Obama getting in but there saying its shows its getting close to the end!
I got a letter from "Muslim" who was liking the blood atonement thing. They were saying its WAY better to be paying for your sins BEFORE you die, than after. They were saying you need to be doing stoning for adultry. See, even SOME muslins know a heap better than some folk here in the USA. (Pratt says not a lot of muslinsre beliveing it here in America, so this one is more special) Bunchesve of christian folkre say about that bible story where the guys were going to be stoning that gal whod been doing adultry, and Jesus was saying, "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" and all the guys just walked away cus they were bad to. Then Jesus told her he was forgiving her, and not to be doing it again. Christian folkre saying Jesus paid for her sins, but there not knowing, when you get the truth and get high up in it, then YOU need to be paying for your sin YOURSELF, cus what Jesus did isnt covering it any more, so you need to get your blood spilt like Joseph and Brigham and the rest were saying! But I guess itll have to wait till the preisthoods ruling the planet. (Pratt thinks the blood atonement thing might be for EVRYBODY then, not just us folk in the true group)
The constituition of the USAs WAY important like I was saying yesterday, thats why its GOT to be saved by US. There was a REAL intresting story about a stranger who was around when they were writing it down, and he disappeared after!!!! Some folk were thinking he was one of those mason guys like George Washington, but some of our folkre thinking he was the prophet moroni come back (from the book of mormon)!!! THis guy liked writing to, like moroni did, and he had a big chest with books in it and he wasnt showing them to anybody, so maybe thats where he was keeping the book of mormon gold plates he took back from Joseph Smith after Joseph was translateing some of them?!!!!!! Pratt says this guy was giving a big talk when someve the guys were scared about signing that paper making USA free from those nasty English folk and there king!! He said it needed to be free, so they all put there names on it, and that was a good thing, cus now we're free and telling the rest of the world what to do!! (we're pretty MUCH free but theres still bad laws like about polygamy, but we can fix it later on)
Pratt found this place with more stuff about the moroni stranger -
http://www.reversespins.com/rosicrucian.html - but he says the folk writingre not knowing it was moroni - (so just be remembring it when your reading)
I guess thats all for now cus I need to be getting ready for meeting.
Yesterday Melissa was writing she was reading about it not being to long before you wont be getting a US president without mormons voting for him. I dont know about it, but Utah gets more babies evry year than the other states in the US so it COULD be true. Melissas not worried about it cus shes living in Australia, but when the goverments falling HERE, it probally wont be long before its happening all over, even in Australia, cus the preisthood guysre going to be taking care of ALL the world!! Thats WAY great, youll all LOVE it!!!! (I was thinking maybe Melissa can be teaching us about how to be speaking austraylian, so our guys can teach you all when they get there, but Pratt says theyll get the gift of tungues, so they may not NEED to be learning austraylian) Oh, and Anon E Mouse was asking about women in goverment and colored folk to. We're NOT believing in that. Its the guys needing to be the leaders, cus thats there job. The women need to be doing other stuff like having babies and taking care of the kids and there home. They shouldnt be out doing stuff in the world like that. And about colored folk, Brigham Young said
"...I will not consent for one moment to have an African dictate me or any brethren with regard to church or state government..."
so thats the answer about that. Most guysre not happy about Obama getting in but there saying its shows its getting close to the end!
I got a letter from "Muslim" who was liking the blood atonement thing. They were saying its WAY better to be paying for your sins BEFORE you die, than after. They were saying you need to be doing stoning for adultry. See, even SOME muslins know a heap better than some folk here in the USA. (Pratt says not a lot of muslinsre beliveing it here in America, so this one is more special) Bunchesve of christian folkre say about that bible story where the guys were going to be stoning that gal whod been doing adultry, and Jesus was saying, "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" and all the guys just walked away cus they were bad to. Then Jesus told her he was forgiving her, and not to be doing it again. Christian folkre saying Jesus paid for her sins, but there not knowing, when you get the truth and get high up in it, then YOU need to be paying for your sin YOURSELF, cus what Jesus did isnt covering it any more, so you need to get your blood spilt like Joseph and Brigham and the rest were saying! But I guess itll have to wait till the preisthoods ruling the planet. (Pratt thinks the blood atonement thing might be for EVRYBODY then, not just us folk in the true group)
The constituition of the USAs WAY important like I was saying yesterday, thats why its GOT to be saved by US. There was a REAL intresting story about a stranger who was around when they were writing it down, and he disappeared after!!!! Some folk were thinking he was one of those mason guys like George Washington, but some of our folkre thinking he was the prophet moroni come back (from the book of mormon)!!! THis guy liked writing to, like moroni did, and he had a big chest with books in it and he wasnt showing them to anybody, so maybe thats where he was keeping the book of mormon gold plates he took back from Joseph Smith after Joseph was translateing some of them?!!!!!! Pratt says this guy was giving a big talk when someve the guys were scared about signing that paper making USA free from those nasty English folk and there king!! He said it needed to be free, so they all put there names on it, and that was a good thing, cus now we're free and telling the rest of the world what to do!! (we're pretty MUCH free but theres still bad laws like about polygamy, but we can fix it later on)
Pratt found this place with more stuff about the moroni stranger -
http://www.reversespins.com/rosicrucian.html - but he says the folk writingre not knowing it was moroni - (so just be remembring it when your reading)
I guess thats all for now cus I need to be getting ready for meeting.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Dont be going in the military cus the ends close!
Ive been getting bunchesve letters so Im not knowing if Ive been answering them all! Its been REAL hard this week, so its a good thing Pratt was sleeping over last night. Ive got a REAL sensative sole, so when folkre mean I need Pratt around!! He tells me to be brave about it, cus thats what happens when your telling the truth and living right. Hes WAY sweet to me when Im crying about stuff, and sometimes he sleeps over an extra night if Im real sad.
I cant remember who it was asking what, but some gals making quilts for guys in the military. Thats real nice of her. A coupla young unmarried guysre in our groupre in the military but not the married guys, cus they need to be around for there big famlies. Pratt did know a guy who was doing some secret military stuff, but when they found out he was starting up in polygamy they said he was breaking the law, so he couldnt be doing the secret stuff any more. He was mad about it, but he stayed on in the military doing ordinary stuff. Some folk dont much like the guys going in the military. They say whats happening to them if the war of Armegedon starts up and they get sent off to fight in it, and then get killed fighting on the wrong side? ?? Its all gonna collapse real soon! We were pretty much thinking itd all be ending by 2000, but now bunchesve folk are thinking it could be in 2012 when those Mayan guys put it on there calender. If thats right, then the guvernment could be collapsing before then. Somebody was saying its scarey - but Pratt says not to be worrying to much about it cus the Priesthood guysll be taking over then and itll be WAY better for evrybody! Our guysre gonna be saving the constituition when its "hanging by a thred" like Joseph Smith said. The constituitions REAL important cus it came straight from god, and theres some good stories about it I could be telling you about when it got writen. Maybe even Moroni was there (from book of mormon times) Ill try to be telling about it tomorrow.
I cant remember who it was asking what, but some gals making quilts for guys in the military. Thats real nice of her. A coupla young unmarried guysre in our groupre in the military but not the married guys, cus they need to be around for there big famlies. Pratt did know a guy who was doing some secret military stuff, but when they found out he was starting up in polygamy they said he was breaking the law, so he couldnt be doing the secret stuff any more. He was mad about it, but he stayed on in the military doing ordinary stuff. Some folk dont much like the guys going in the military. They say whats happening to them if the war of Armegedon starts up and they get sent off to fight in it, and then get killed fighting on the wrong side? ?? Its all gonna collapse real soon! We were pretty much thinking itd all be ending by 2000, but now bunchesve folk are thinking it could be in 2012 when those Mayan guys put it on there calender. If thats right, then the guvernment could be collapsing before then. Somebody was saying its scarey - but Pratt says not to be worrying to much about it cus the Priesthood guysll be taking over then and itll be WAY better for evrybody! Our guysre gonna be saving the constituition when its "hanging by a thred" like Joseph Smith said. The constituitions REAL important cus it came straight from god, and theres some good stories about it I could be telling you about when it got writen. Maybe even Moroni was there (from book of mormon times) Ill try to be telling about it tomorrow.
Friday, January 8, 2010
More blood atonement and more cute crafts!
Whoops, sorry my blogs late again. I did it to come up early but i mustve done something wrong! Heres some more stuff about blood atoning before I get started on my Joseph Smith tote bag. Pratt says hes read that book talking about the Lafferty guys and the nasty stuff they were doing and calling it blood atoning. But thats not the same as GOOD blood atoning The FIRST kind of blood atonings for temple folk first, if there not keeping there promises. Brigham Young said it was about being real nice to them
“I say, rather than that apostates should flourish here, I will unsheath [sic] my bowie knife, and conquer or die [Great commotion in the congregation, and a simultaneous burst of feeling, assenting to the declaration.]. Now, you nasty apostates, clear out, or judgment will be put to the line, and righteousness to the plummet [Voices, generally, ‘go it, go it.’]. If you say it is right, raise your hands [All hands up.]. Let us call upon the Lord to assist us in this, and every good work.”- Prophet Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, v. 1, p. 83
If your a runaway wife you cant be going to the Celestial Kingdom cus your not keeping your promises, so if there was still blood atoning being done itd be a good thing for them. I was saying to Pratt I heard some guys in the group saying THEY decide if a runaway brides going to the CK with them. They say those are the women having the BAD spirits as there kids in heaven, and all the RIGHTEUS spirit children are born to the good wives. We're not sure about it, cus we never heard the brethen say much about it.
The NEXT kind of blood atonings pretty much for ANY folk breaking the law, like guys stealing or killing. I guess its not mattering if there mormon or not.
So, when the USA guvernment collapses, and the priesthood guys get to be in charge of the world, then theyll be able to be doing blood atoning again. One of the ways was cutting heads off. (Pratt says thats like some of the muslins do, but thats diffrent cus they dont have the preisthood)
Im WAY excited about starting on the Joseph Smith tote bag. I didnt even need to be buying fabric cus I keep bunchesve scraps. I might use the rest to be making a cute quilt to. Thanks for all the ideas!
See, its not about getting mad and killing folk, its about helping them get to the CK instead of them going to heck. That works for apostates to if there leaving the truth.“Suppose you found your brother in bed with your wife, and put a javelin through both of them. You would be justified, and they would atone for their sins, and be received into the Kingdom of God. I would at once do so, in such a case; and under the circumstances, I have no wife whom I love so well that I would not put a javelin through her heart, and I would do it with clean hands.... There is not a man or woman, who violates the covenants made with their God, that will not be required to pay the debt. The blood of Christ will never wipe that out, your own blood must atone for it.”Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, v. 1, pp. 108-109
“I say, rather than that apostates should flourish here, I will unsheath [sic] my bowie knife, and conquer or die [Great commotion in the congregation, and a simultaneous burst of feeling, assenting to the declaration.]. Now, you nasty apostates, clear out, or judgment will be put to the line, and righteousness to the plummet [Voices, generally, ‘go it, go it.’]. If you say it is right, raise your hands [All hands up.]. Let us call upon the Lord to assist us in this, and every good work.”- Prophet Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, v. 1, p. 83
If your a runaway wife you cant be going to the Celestial Kingdom cus your not keeping your promises, so if there was still blood atoning being done itd be a good thing for them. I was saying to Pratt I heard some guys in the group saying THEY decide if a runaway brides going to the CK with them. They say those are the women having the BAD spirits as there kids in heaven, and all the RIGHTEUS spirit children are born to the good wives. We're not sure about it, cus we never heard the brethen say much about it.
The NEXT kind of blood atonings pretty much for ANY folk breaking the law, like guys stealing or killing. I guess its not mattering if there mormon or not.
“If you want to know what to do with a thief that you may find stealing, I say kill him on the spot, and never suffer him to commit another iniquity. I will prove by my works whether I can mete out justice to such persons, or not. I would consider it just as much my duty to do that, as to baptize a man for the remission of his sins.”LAST theres the oath of venjeance blood atoning. Early temple mormons were making a promise to avenje the killing of the prophet Joseph. That went out after a bit and Im not thinking many groupsre still doing it. The folk making the promise got kinda confused sometimes and were killing the wrong folk like at mountain meadows cus some were thinking the wagon train traveling near Cedar City had guys who killed Joseph or Parley Pratt the apostle. One guy got told if he did some killing he was SURE to get a great place in the CK! He wasnt happy later though, when he got blamed for the whole thing and got executed himself.
- Prophet Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, v. 1, pp. 108-109
So, when the USA guvernment collapses, and the priesthood guys get to be in charge of the world, then theyll be able to be doing blood atoning again. One of the ways was cutting heads off. (Pratt says thats like some of the muslins do, but thats diffrent cus they dont have the preisthood)
Im WAY excited about starting on the Joseph Smith tote bag. I didnt even need to be buying fabric cus I keep bunchesve scraps. I might use the rest to be making a cute quilt to. Thanks for all the ideas!