Monday, November 30, 2009

Colored Folk (the black kind)

I was asking Pratt what mentally challenged means? Some guy wrote me a letter about it. Pratt says it means Im mentally challenged when Im writing cos I have to do a lot of thinking and praying and talking with him to put stuff down right, and he said the folk reading my blog are mentally challenged to, cos they have to get there heads round all this new stuff. First off its kinda hard for them, but then maybe theyll be seeing the truth! Thatd be great!!! Thats what my blogs all about! So keep reading!

Now for the blacks. The bretheren dont say much about this question in meeting. They talk about it when there not in meeting. I guess they think it could make problems for them. But its OK to write in my blog cos nobody knows what group we are.

I did brown and yellow folk yesterday and today we're doing the black ones. These are the folk you DONT give the priesthood and DONT do any marrying with cos thats REAL serious. Pratt says the LDS Mormons were believing this to, till there prophet got a revelation back in 1978. Folk were being real MEAN to them and they were saying NO WAY! when Brigham Youngs University was wanting to play basketball and football with them. (Basketball and footballs WAY important to BYU specially when there playing the University of Utah) They didnt need to be mean to the LDS Mormons cos they quite liked black people. One of there prophets said nice stuff once -
"I would not want you to believe that we bear any animosity toward the Negro. 'Darkies' are wonderful people, and they have their place in our church."- Joseph Fielding Smith, Look magazine, October 22, 1963, page 79
So anyway, folk STILL got mad, so in the end the LDS said OK, OK, we got a NEW revelation and now the black folk are just like us!!! That stopped folk being mean and now its OK for playing basketball with BYU.

WE stick with Brigham Young and the early bretheren about blacks cos OUR prophet DIDNT get a revelation and we dont have a basketball team to worry about.

We're not saying black folkre bad - its just in the pre existance they kinda sided with Satan for a spell and then they changed there minds and came over to gods side. Cos of that they didnt get born white and when Cain killed his brother, Cain turned black, so all those folk in the  pre-existance came through Cain. Brigham said -

You see some classes of the human family that are black, uncouth, un-comely, disagreeable and low in their habits, wild, and seemingly deprived of nearly all the blessings of the intelligence that is generally bestowed upon mankind. The first man that committed the odious crime of killing one of his brethren will be cursed the longest of any one of the children of Adam. Cain slew his brother... and the Lord put a mark upon him, which is the flat nose and black skin.. - Journal of Discourses 7:290-291 (October 9, 1859)

We need to stick with our own folk cos we dont want to be getting cursed to! Its WAY bad to marry them cos the prophet Brigham Young said
Shall I tell you the law of God in regard to the African race? If the white man who belongs to the chosen seed mixes his blood with the seed of Cain, the penalty, under the law of God, is death on the spot. This will always be so. - Journal of Discoursesvol.10 p. 110: (March 8, 1863)
Right now theres no killing about it, but maybe when the priesthoods ruling the earth there will be again?? If your great great great grandpa even, married one, then you dont get the priesthood. Thats why we get patriartical blessings so we know if we're chosen or not and we know who we're marrying.

 I dont know why folk are getting mad about the blacks not getting the priesthood cos WOMEN dont get the priesthood even and WE'RE not getting mad about it! (I dont THINK women did bad stuff in the pre-existance to, cos the bretheren say we're WAY blessed to get polygamy and having kids - so I guess we're not cursed like the blacks?)

Before I forget. If the black folk do everything they should, then they CAN get to the celestial kingdom and be servants there, so thats OK for them.

We had a big talk last night with all us gals and Pratt about all this stuff and Pratt says we gals need to be making sure the kids know. Even if there not out in the world now, one day theyll be getting jobs and so they need to keep with there own.

When we were talking about brown people Harmonee suddenly says SHE thinks red indian skin is pretty cool! She says we look like a bunch of maggots in the winter and she didnt think theres any thing delightsome about it!!! Then Celestial Rainbow says she likes getting tan to, cos she thinks it looks cute! I was REAL shocked to hear it and Pratt didnt like it much. He told us the prophet Joseph Musser got REAL white when he got old - his skin was looking like snow, and thats a sign of being righteous! Harmonee NEVER stops when she gets going, so she went - some of the guys say Joseph Musser was real ANEEMIC!!! Then she shut up (thank goodness!)

So then Pratt gets real serious and asks LiaHona to say her testimony about black people. LiaHona looks like a deer in the headlights cos shes not expecting it, but Harmonee gives her a dig in the ribs, so she gets going. It was real good she didnt say dumb stuff and start laughing. She said she guessed it had to be true cos the bretheren said, but she didnt like the name she heard somebody call that Martin King guy, cos she thinks we need to be loving everybody and that names not loving. For once Harmonee didnt get LiaHona off laughing again, she just put her arm around LiaHona and looked serious like Pratt was doing, so I guess she was glad about the teachings of the priesthood to.

I guess it was an OK testimony but I think LiaHona couldve been saying more about the blessings of being white.

I got a headache writing all this - Im sure mentally challenged today!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Colored Folk (the brown and yellow kind)

OK Pratt and me're going to try and do the color question some. Its a REAL big question so I dont know if I can do it all today. I already got up WAY early to do this!

First off the best color skin is white. Next its brown or yellow. Next its black. If your white you were WAY good in the pre existance! (Thats the place we came from before we got born) (Remember I put in those BOM scriptures about being white and delightsome?) OK, so thats Pratt and me and most pioneers who were coming to Utah. Theyre the white folk whore not savages. (My sister knows a gal from the Kingston group and THEY say if youve got Italian in you then your not white. I guess there skins kinda brown but the bretheren in our groupre not saying anything about that so I guess its OK)

Pratt says nobodys saying why the yellow folk got born that way and theres not much about being brown, except for the red indians who got it for being real bad in  the book of mormon, so they must of been not so good in the pre-existance. You can look up the scriptures in your book of mormons again if you want. Their in my Post a coupla days ago - red Indians and getting white.

The red indians're still house of Israel (thats REAL good), even if they got brown for a spell. Joseph Smith got a polygamy revelation about them and said for the bretheren to marry the red indian gals so there kids could get all white and delightsome. Heres another BOM scripture about that
"many generations shall not pass away among them, save they shall be a white and delightsome people" (2 Nephi 30:6).
Some of the mormon guys had monogamy marriages way back then in about 1831, so they were asking what they were supposed to be doing about that? Thats when Joseph Smith was first telling them about polygamy.

I need to say its OK for brown and yellow folk to get the priesthood. (The GUYS, NOT the gals - of COURSE!)

Now about black folk - I need to get to that tomorrow cos I need more time to get it all down. One thing I CAN say is the stuff they teach about black folk in public schools not right and we need to keep our kids away from it. We dont do that day off theyre giving for that black guy. SOME of our guysre saying his names  Martin Lucifer King, but Im not sure if thats right or not.

Theres BUNCHES of stuff from Brigham Young about black folk so theres a lot to write tomorrow! I betchya cant wait!! See you then!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Loud Laughter and stuff

Pratt was with me last night and I had a LONG talk with him then and after breakfast this morning about the answers to all your questions. 

First off he says for me NOT to go around on gentile blogs to be a polygamy missionary yet. It sounds like a real good idea, but it could make some problems. He says my blog is AWESOME but if I do other stuff like that he thinks the bretheren probally wont like it. Itd be OK if Pratt went around to the blogs with me to, cos hes got the priesthood, but hes to busy working construction and finishing the 4plex. Thanks for the idea Keeping Sweet - maybe when the 4plex is finished we could try it.

Melissa says the folk in Autraliave got trouble with their aborigine folk about their Thanksgiving day. Thats REAL bad. Like Rebeckah was saying, the red indians dont much like Thanksgiving day either. Pratt says its cos they dont understand god gave the USA to the pilgrims and pioneers, so they get huffy about it. When they turn white they'll be OK.

About Christmas - our family doesnt do it. Thats cos its not when gentiles say it is and Pratt says we dont do pagan holidays!! We do the birth of Joseph Smith - thats December 23rd. Im making a special gift for Pratt for then. Ive got a few dollars for my ads so Im getting stuff to do it. What it is, is a special little book with all the awesome clever stuff he says all the time! Its going to be called "Thoughts of Husband Pratt" and Im putting it in a little red book. (reds OK if your not wearing it.) Every page is going to have cute little stickers to make it WAY COOL!

Some groups dont do ANY holidays at all. My sisters group doesnt do Thanksgiving and I said for her and the kids to come to our place, but she wouldnt cos she would of been in trouble. I guess she needs to be listening to her husband, even if shes not in the true group.

I was going to tell you about laughter cos thats a BIG problem with LiaHona and Harmonee, and Pratt doesnt want it spreading in the family - specially to Celestial Rainbow cos shes the youngest wife. We get told NOT to do loud laughter and if we do we're breaking promises! Joseph Smith says it shows weve got empty minds if we're doing laughing like that and then the spirit goes away and THEN we get bad spirits telling us what to do! (its OK to smile some, but not big grins cos thats getting to close to laughing) I think being loud isnt femine even, thats why I ALWAYS speak in real soft girly voice. (Pratt loves it)

I only just saw Catwhispers question about colored folk. THat's a REAL big question and I need to talk to Pratt again about that one so I get it right, and hell get the scriptures for it, so maybe tomorrow or Monday I might get time.

We're off to the store in town today and all the galsve been waiting for me for 10 minutes so I better go!


Friday, November 27, 2009

Red Indians and getting white.

 I hope you all had a blessed Thankgiving. Ours was heavenly!!

I ALWAYS make my special own recipe turkey. (I should of told you  before so you could of cooked it yesterday , but if you do Christmas, you could do it then). Melissa, what do you eat in Australia for Thanksgiving if you dont eat turkey? Here's my AWESOME recipe -

HoneyDawns Traditonal Turkey
Get a fresh turkey (none of that frozen stuff - I got my turkey from the farm)
Pluck it good (keep the fethers) and make sure its got the head and feet and everything on it.
Take out the insides and chop them up in chunks.
Fill the body with soybean and wholewheat stuffing.
Make a coupla cuts in the skin and shove the chopped up insides in to the holes (this'll make it WAY yummy and keep it from getting dry!)
Then you roast it in a big pan in the oven till its cooked.
When its cooked, put the feathers on a big plate and put the turkey on top. Put pickles all round.
(I always make cute little bracelets for the neck and feet - I make mine from indian corn and I make a little pilgrim hat for it from craft paper! fer cuute!)

I make everybody eat EVERYTHING so theres no wasting cos thats a sin. After Pratt did his testifying yesterday he was telling us about the red indians. One thing their good about is not wasting! When they kill a buffaloe, they use it ALL. Pratt says we should be doing that to. Pratt was saying at dinner the red indiansre cursed with there brown skin, cos their grandpa LAMAN  and some of the other ansesters in the book of mormon were doing bad stuff.. Pratt says I need to put the scripture in here so you can look it up.

And it came to pass that I beheld, after they had dwindled in unbelief they became a dark, and loathsome, and a filthy people, full of idleness and all manner of abominations (Book of Mormon, I Nephi 12:23).And he had caused the cursing to come upon them, yea, even a sore cursing, because of their iniquity ... wherefore, as they were white, and exceeding fair and delightsome, that they might not be enticing unto my people the Lord God did cause a skin of blackness to come upon them (2 Nephi 5:21).

(Not sure why it says black skin - they look kinda brown to me) 
Its real good they stopped being savages cos they made it real bad for the pioneers and the pilgrims. Im WAY glad there still not shooting arrows and cutting of peoples hair like they did - that was REAL nasty - it was a good thing the pilgrims got here when they did and showed them what to do!!! Its WAY COOL cos one day if there good, theyll be nice and white, just like us cos it says when some of them got good 
"their curse was taken from them, and their skin became white like unto the Nephites" (3 Nephi 2:15)
 If that happens today theyll probally be living like us instead of in those ugly places down on the res!!

Anyway, back to Thanksgiving. Chastitee made the green bean casseroles and LiaHona and Celestial Rainbow made the pickles and candied yams (I dont eat that cos of all the marshmallow in it.) LaBlessing and me made the potato, corn and turkeys. All of us made pies. Harmonee cooked turkey to but not the old way like I do. She gets those frozen Butterball birds with the pop up thermomater. She even uses those gloves to take out the insides and then she just throws it away cos she says it makes her want to puke!!! 

There was BUNCHES of food yesterday so pretty much all of my turkey was still on the plate at the end, but thats OK cos me and LiaHona and her kids can eat it for the rest of the week, then Ill make my bean stew with the bones.

Sweet Potato - Pratts REAL glad your studying. he said to see how you coming along and ask you a coupla way easy scripture questions. So here goes - first off - Why did Laman and Lemuel get WAY mad in the desert with there brother Nephi? Next, what was on the other side of the river Lehi was dreaming up? Try and see if you know this stuff, if not go back and read the book of mormon some more. Pratts read it HEAPS of times so thats why he knows ALL the stuff!

Before I close I need to write all the stuff the families thankful fer. I said Pratt and plural marriage (polygamy) and ALWAYS having the spirit with me, Chastitee says the Priesthood and not throwing up any more (she's having number 13) LiaHona says shes WAY thankful fer the 4plex being built, and for prayer cos its the only way she can get through the day, LaBlessing said shes glad about being the chosen people and not being black, Celestial Rainbow says shes thankful fer being born in the only true country on the earth, and being in the only true group on the earth, Pratt says having his full quorum of wives (you got to get at LEAST 7 for some stuff). Pratt left Harmonee til last, and what does she go and say? She says shes WAY thankful fer BATHROOM TISSUE!!! It was great up till then, then LiaHona starts snorting and then her and Harmonee are off giggling again (that drives away the spirit real quick) and then even Celestial Rainbow starts up!! But Pratt started testifying again so they shut up quick and behaved for the rest of the time, so that was good. I think we had a heavenly day!

Pratts with ME tonight so thats heavenly to!

Talk to you tomorrow!

PS Im WAY thankful Im living here in this great community in Utah, USA. Its the best place on the planet to be!!!! I dont ever want to leave, not even to visit Salt Lake even!! THis is the best place in the USA! We got the bretheren right here, and we're in this FREE country, not like most other countries! (I never went anywhere else but I just KNOW its the best place cos thats why Brigham Young brought folk here.)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Comment got deleted!

I was looking at my blog and  all of a sudden the comments for today just went off I couldnt get them back on so Im copying Melissa's out again cos its got important stuff in it!
Thankyou so much for posting the poem HoneyDawn. It shows the differences in yours and Harmonee's personalities so clearly, but unites them through your shared love of Pratt. Very symbolic!!
I haven't been posting much, but have been following your blog avidly.
Have a great thanksgiving. We only usually eat roast turkey at christmas here, maybe you could post your recipe so I could try it?
I wonder if the differences in you and your sisterwives turkey preperation will be as revealing as the differences in your poetic styles?
Does your group celebrate christmas? If so, how? And do you treat the birthdays of Joseph Smith and the subsequent prophets in a similar way?
Also, do you have a personal relationship with your prophet, or is he a distant figure?
Looking forward to hearing all about thanksgiving,
Melissa xxx

Sisterwife Poem

Im WAY tired this morning from staying up late writing! Happy Thanksgiving everybody! I hope your having a GREAT DAY - be sure and eat wholesome!

Harmonee came over after she got home from work last night. LiaHona cooked dinner for everybody - macaroni cheese and hot dogs! The kids all loved it - of COURSE! I just ate some of the macaroni and then made myself a honey and sprouts wholewheat sanwich.

LiaHona gave the older kids chores and let the little kids play upstairs in the bedrooms (not mine!). Then we sat down to do our poem writing. I did what Melissa said, and said to Harmonee itd be a good idea to write about Pratt, cos we both think he's awesome. She said OK, so we got started right away.

Harmonee writes REAL quick, but I take a long time cos I make sure I get the BEST words and rhyms. I did the name of the poem, then she started out, and I went next. When I was thinking, Harmonee and LIaHona got out a pack of cards and started playing! It wasnt like they were GAMBLING or anything ( I wouldve stopped THAT right away!), but I dont think that was right, cos Brigham Young said not to play cards cos its evil. (I need to talk to Pratt about it.)

Anyway, after they played a few games I got my first line in and Harmonee came and sat down and wrote her next line. Then we kept doing it till it got done. It was a real good thing I was helping Harmonee this time, cos I made it ryhm great! She still writes weird stuff nobody can understand. but now that she can see how to do it, maybe she'll write better.

It was WAY late when we finished. All Harmonees kids were sleeping on the floor and LiaHona was taking a nap. When it was done we had LiaHona read it out loud, but she was in a REAL silly mood. (She acts real imature, when she gets with Harmonee) She just giggled and laughed and then she got the hiccups so it didnt sound right! Then Harmonee starts laughing to! ( I still need to tell you sometime about laughing and it being sinful)

Anyway, after Harmonee went home and LiaHona went to bed, I put it on the computer to make it look nice. What I did was put my writing in color, so you know which parts I was writing. Here it is -

Our Priesthood Heads (specially Pratt!)

God appointed patriarch.
Pratts home, what a lark!
From tent shadows he scans infinite horizon.
He loves us ALL and his Hon,
Shimmering phantasms of fantastic cool lagoons mock his dazzled vision
Beeing in charge - its his mission!
And taunt his dry lipped mouth.
If you look north and south,
Will he come, the long awaited messenger?
Theirs nobody better!
Or are the divine directives the product of interior musings
We LOVE it when he sings!
Made substance in this toy universe of his own creation?
Hes the WAY best guy in the zion nation!!!!

Do you like I used pink to make it cute and girly? You can see Harmonee still needs help some (I dont know why she put TENTS in it- she should've said 4plex or trailer or house, and Pratt NEVER has dry lips - he always uses chapstick) but I think its been good for her to spend this sisterwife time with me and see how to write great poems.

Im saving this cos I think its good enough for our Poly Pre-Teen mag.

Oh and hi to Sweet Potato. Im REAL glad your studying the scriptures. Pratt says itll be OK for you to come visit if the prophet gets a revelation, so you need to be praying for that. If he gets one we'll let you know right away!

Im cooking one of the turkeys so I better get going!!!


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Sisterwife adversaries

Hey! I got followers!!! Thanks guys! And dont be argueing over whose my biggest fan, cos I love you all.

Theirs bunches of questions for me to be answering!! I probally cant do them all today but Ill be talking about them all to Pratt and writing them down sometime this week, so dont worry folk Ill answer them all soon!!

Its real nice getting all these new friends! Like I said before, the LDS mormons dont like us at ALL (specially cos folk in the world keep mixing us up), and the other polygamy groups dont like us much, and most folk in Babylon think we should all go to jail! Thats what happens when your doing the right stuff - Pratt says theres ALWAYS presecution for gods folk.

Now, I got asked a REAL intresting question the other day from Chatelaine. But before I get to that I need to say to Cat Whisperer, you SHOULD be living polygamy, but if you DONT its OK for you cos YOU wont get danged for not doing it. Its us gals here in the true group that get danged for not doing it and probally get sent to heck unless one of the sisterwives wants us to be a servant or something maybe. If you got the truth like we do, and then get all huffy and say NO WAY Im living polygamy, then thats REAL bad! It OK for YOU cos youll probally just get to go to the  terrestrial kingdom and thats not to bad. So dont be worrying about that! It might be bad for a while to if you dont gather here to zion when the end comes, but after that even if you cant be in the best place, youll probally quite like it where you go.

Now the stuff about sisterwives. Chatelaine said
 Honey Dawn, The word for sister wife in the Bible is t'zarah, which means enemy, opponent, or adversary. What do you make of this ? Is Harmonee your adversary?
Well I know the bretheren are always talking about the adversary in meeting, cos hes the one who makes some gals not like polygamy. The bretheren say his other names Satan. Im for SURE not calling Harmonee Satan, thatd be real bad!

I never heard sisterwife means adversary. I was going to ask Pratt to ask Harmonee about it cos she did some Hebrew when she was at college and she was teaching us all once, but most of us thought it was weird the Hebrew people didnt even know our ABC writing so we didnt do much. I remember ONE word though, cos Pratt said for us to remember, cos its WAY important! Remember when I was talking about doing the works Abaraham did? - thats living polygamy. Then theres the law of SARAH and thats the word I was remembering cos it means PRINCESS in hebrew. Cos Sarai knew she HAD to live polygamy and let Abaraham have Hagar, her name got changed to PRINCESS or SARAH. - so every gal who gives her husband more wives (Thats the Law of Sarah) is probally a princess/sarah to!

Im thinking what happened was a couple of sisterwives were talking one day when they were cleaning up the tent, and one of them said to the other sisterwife "your a real princess!" (or Sarah) and the prophet guy writing it down was REAL old and didnt hear right and put down TZARAH instead of SARAH. See its nearly the same! So if you said "your a real princess!" it would of said "your a real adversary!"

Even if the prophet guy didnt make a mistake, Joseph Smith said some of the bibles not right and we only believe the parts that got translated right.

Im WAY glad I can help all you guys and gals know whats right. Im SO unworthy of all my blessings!

One more thing, some of the guys say theirs the LAW OF HAGAR to, on top of the law of Sarah. Its when guys're having trouble with a wife and they say to her "theirs your tent - off you go!" Then they leave her alone till she gets a sweeter spirit. (I never heard the bretheren say that in meeting but a lot of guys say it.) I think Pratt mightve had to do that once with Chastitee after he first got her, but shes way sweeter now.

Got to go again, Harmonees coming over tonight for some poem writing. Im WAY excited. Ill write it all up tomorow!
PS I put a fun guessing poll on my page!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Priesthood rules & Is Obama a lizard guy?

Just gotto say thanks to Cat Whisperer for saying nice stuff about the blog! You are SO right about us polygamy folk being WAY BLESSED knowing about our cute little babies!! (I just LOVE your cat pic - fer cuuuute!) Oh, and Steve, we DO speak English in Utah. Maybe you were thinking about some forign place?

Pratt was saying I should try and get the blog printed up and sell it to get money for the 4plex, but I got to get folk being my followers first so the printers can see they SHOULD get it printed up. SO if anybody wants to be following me, then click on Follow down on the left side of my blog somewhere. Heaps of folk send me letters but so far theirs only one follower. Itd be AWESOME if I got money and Im hoping Prattll say for me to keep most of it for crafts and some nice drapes!!!!!! The other galsre working so  they can put their money in to the 4 plex to.

We had a GREAT meeting at my place sunday night! Pratt asked some guys over and we sat outside on chairs on the grass. It was kinda cold but weve got a firepit and blankets so it wasnt bad.  Harmonee, Celestial Rainbow, LaBlessing, Sariah and Chastitee came over to. All us gals let the kids play around while we listened to Pratt and some of the guys talking. It was REAL interesting!!

 One of the guys was saying about Reptyle people. It was kinda scarey cos he said theres some living under the mountains in Utah!!! A guy called Icke knows all about them and HE says a lot of the world leaders are FAMILY to them!!! That explains HEAPS of stuff. George Bush is one AND the Queen of England!! I never KNEW that!!! They LOOK like real people but there part Lizard and the Lizards make them do what they want!!!! Probably Obamas one to! He gave us where to find more stuff about it -

That explains about Joseph Smith saying OUR guys will be the leaders one day when the
"constituition hangs by a thread".

 Theres not gonna be ANYONE in goverment you can trust, so our guys will be the leaders of the world and there going to save the United States and the constituition of the United States!!! WAY COOL!!!! I dont think theyll be having presidents then but if they did Pratt would be AWESOME. (itd be kinda cool to be living in that White House to!)

Guess who said they didnt believe it? Yep! You know who. Again! (LiaHonas so dumb she ALWAYS believes her.) She needs to listen to the Priesthood! Sariah and Celestial Rainbow said it wasnt a big surprise to them cos you just got to  look at some of the guys, you can SEE their reptyles!

Before I forget, Pratts been REAL busy working on the 4plex so he didnt look over the blog for a coupla days. He says it should have been Jackson County, not Jackson Hole, for where the New jerusalems going to be. He says its in Missouri,not Wyoming. I meant to put that! Pratt says the ranchers and the big movie stars up in Jackson Hole'd would be mad if we started construction up there!
 Got to go. Im baking already for Thanksgiving! (cant wait to talk about Cat whisperers new question next time. Pratt says its AWESOME that I can teach the truth to bunches of folk out in the world!)
PS sorry about the crossing out - my delete buttons not working right. I think its got honey sticking it.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Hospital babies

Chatelaine asked me something yesterday. I need to answer it cos its important. We can TOTALLY tell when we're having a boy or girl when weve got the spirit with us! I dont know if Megans obstinatrician is a polygamist to, and Im thinking she's not in the right group, so they COULD be wrong. I never bother with all that electric stuff. I just KNOW. I can know just by LOOKING at a gal, and feeling the spirit, what she's having. I dont tell her most times, cos then its not a fun surprise. When she's had it I say - yep, I could of told you that! Pratt says Im way sensitive about stuff to do with the spirit and he says I have a special gift!

We dont go to hospitals much cos the folk their ask to many questions. They want to know WAY to much about everything - like your name, so we stay away from those places. I help out some with delivring babies when our midwifes to busy. Some of our gals only go to hospital if it goes on for a REAL long time and the baby wont come. Then they have to say that they dont have husbands and thats REAL imbarassing AND they have to pay  piles of money! I guess it helps that most gals don't have much money and there marriagesre  not legal - that way they dont pay so much.

Harmonee wont have her babies at home like most everbody else does. Its her gentile ways sticking to her, and her parents came in from the world and they dont have heaps of kids like everybody else so theyve got money to pay for her to go to the hospital.

Its probably best if gals who dont have legal marriages have there babies safe at home. We dont need the goverment finding out about us, even if its OK to break the law in Utah (not like TEXAS!) but its best to be on the safe side, just in case.

I forgot to say Harmonees legal. After Pratts first wife got all dumb and upset cos of his new wives and left, Pratt got  a legal wife for taxes or something, so he had Harmonee be that (that was before I came into the family) He says it could be better moneywise to change that, so he might get a divorce from Harmonee and get another legal marriage with Chastitee cos shes got most kids now. Like I said before, marriages out in the world dont count anyway so it wont make a difference to there priesthood marriages.

Oh, and Harmonee said it would be INTERESTING to do a poem with me, but she wants LiaHona to be their in case she's got ideas to. I think thisll really help her and let her see how much Im happy shes my sisterwife!

One last thing, Ive got to tell you some WAY cool stuff I learned last night - but youll have to wait till tomorrow cos Im still writing MY poem. (It rhyms - of course!)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

End of the world

I wanted to get pink flowers but these're still cute!
Happy Sabbath evrybody! I got to go to see the end of the world yesterday at the movies with Pratt and the rest. We went to the afternoon one cos its cheaper and Pratts got a bunch of tickets to pay for. It was a real scarey movie! I was on one side of Pratt and Sariah was on the other. I got WAY scared and I was holding on tight to Pratt all the way through!!!  The whole planet nearly got destroyed, except for Africa!!! That was the part Im thinking was wrong.  It shouldve been America cos thats Zion and the promised land. I heard Africas WAY hot and covered in desert and there're bunches of people who're not like us, so I wouldnt be wanting to go there!!! (and they dont speak English even)

Pratt thinks the world'll probably end in 2012 like the movie says. Thats cos some Mayan guys down in South America put it on there calendar (and those guys ancesters are the Nephites and the Lamanites in the Book of Mormon - so they KNOW!) I sure hope we get to go back to Jackson Hole and  the New jerusalem  before all  that nasty stuff happens cos Im sure not going to Africa.

I forgot to say before - first off youve got to gather to Utah, then when the prophet says, we're going off to the New jerusalem (if the prophet says we're worthy). Its upto us to build it first so its a good thing we've got bunches of guys in construction! It says in the Doctrine and Covenenants some of the construction guys'll be Mexicans helping us, so maybe its a bad idea sending them back to Mexico when they come up here - we're going to need them.

Can you beleive it? Harmonee said the movie was funny!! - I could hear her laughing when she was watching it. I worry about her. Im going to talk to her about us writing a poem together, today, cos she REALLY needs my help.

Got to go - heaps of meetings today!!!!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Names from the spirit

Do you lke the cute pink bow - I think it makes my page more girly = I got it at
I was thinking about what Melissa was saying about not having any guys called Pratt in Australia and Britan. Theres HEAPS of Pratts here in Utah. I LOVE that name. My husbands a PERFECT Pratt!!! I cant think of him being called a different name!

Names are WAY important. In our group we use the spirit to get names for our kids. Names should be special. My Serenity Fawn and CoDene Moroni have REAL special names. Babies get there names when theyre 8 days old. Some guys get the spirit on the spot when they put there hands on there babies heads. LaBelssing was thinking she was getting a Jared when Pratt blessed her last kid, but when he was blessing him he got told by the spirit to call him Isaiah Malachi Mahonri, so that was a real surprise for her. None of the galsre ever sure what there kids're going to be called till its all over.

When names come through the spirit like that I say we should say them right. Sometimes Pratt calls me Hon and thats OK but I dont like what Harmonee and LiaHona call each other. LiaHona calls Harmonee, HAR, and Harmonee calls LiaHona, HO. They laugh when they say it but LiaHona got her name from that compass thingy in the Book of Mormon, so its not right for Harmonee to be be shortening it to HO!

I need to say Pratt has a special name cos hes got the same name as Parley P Pratt who was one of the apostles back in the real early days! He was a REAL brave guy who was presecuted and killed by a bad guy in Arkansas. The bad guy was mad with Parley Pratt for marrying his wife in a polygamy marriage. Parleys cute new wife didnt get a divorce from her bad guy husband before she got her polygamy marriage to Parley, but her husband didnt know it was Ok and got REAL  mad. Parley Pratt didnt even get time to tell the bad guy husband the first marriage didnt count cos the priesthood didnt do it, cos the guy shot him before he could say. That was real MEAN!!! Heaps of Mormon folk didnt much like the folk in Arkansas after that! So Pratt got the name of a REAL good guy who ended up being a marter for the truthiness of the gospel.

Im still working on my cute poem, so got to go!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Where Pratt sleeps

Im still REAL happy about Pratts birthday and him liking my gift best. I heard LaBlessing saying it must of cost a heap of money and wondering how I got it cos I don't have a job. (When I married Pratt he was WAY cute to me!!!! He said stay home -cos he wanted to take care of me, cos he knew I'd be a blessing to the family, and I had to work some when I was married to Heelaman - that was WAY sweet of him!!) Pratt says not to say about my blog and getting money from folk clicking on my ads, cos they could be jealous.

Pratts with me tonight YAY!!! so we can talk about my gift some more. Melissa was asking how Pratt splits up his time and where he sleeps. He pretty much takes it in turns coming to us gals - except when he decides to spend extra time with somebody. Remember I said before a gals times her husbands and a guys times gods. If the spirit says so, he can spend the night wherever he likes. He sleeps over with me extra some, so I can have another baby. He loves being with me cos I understand him best. I make my room WAY cute for him cos I put some blue stuff in so its not ALL pink. So its girly and for boys to!

Your right about being altogether bringing in the spirit. When the 4plexs finished itll be easier. Itll have 4 apartments (bedrooms and a bathroom), and then in the middle upstairs theirs going to be a humongus family room for everyone to be together when there not sleeping. THen downstairs in the middle theirs going to be a big kitchen and eating place. Pratt says the gals can take it in turns cooking for everybody. (He says Im going to be the one working out all the recipes cos I know about wholesome food.) LiaHona, Harmonee, Chastitee and Celestial Rainbow're living their so they just better not make a big fuss about that (remember when they got all that trash food when we went camping?) Anyways, when the 4plex is finished the only ones in a trailer'sll be Sariah and La Blessing.

Now about folk out there in the world living in places like Australia like Melissa. It would of been better to be born right here in Utah, but its not to late! You need to pack up and come here cos youve got to GATHER to ZION (thats here in America and specially in Utah) Thats another thing to do to get in to the Celestial Kingdom.

Im WAY excited cos Pratt says theirs some movie he wants us gals to see! He says its about the end of the world so itll be an OK movie to see.(Not like most movies in the world with all that bad stuff in them) He says we can learn some important stuff. All us gals want to go with him on our own but he says hes not going to watch the same movie seven times! I can see that - so hes going to go two times. Sariah, me, Liahona and Harmonee're going Saturday , so Ill let you know about it.

Oh, and course I LOVE Harmonee!!! (Even if I love her HEAPS though I dont think anybodys going to buy her poems!! It would be nice if she could put more money for the 4plex but thats NEVER going to happen!)) Shes my sisterwife so COURSE I love her! She and the other gasl make it so I can get to the celestial kingdom!!!! I KNOW we'll get WAY close when we do that poem writing together. Im going to ask her about it on the weekend.


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Pratts Birthday & Moon men.

We had Pratts birthday last night! It was AWESOME. We got everybody together in the 4plex. Its not finished but its got the roof on. We got some heaters  and hung blankets for walls and made it look real pretty. Pratt was REAL pleased to have everbody there. It was kinda noisy with all the kids and they were running all over. We all brought favorite food and Celestial Rainbow and her mom Chatistee made a HUMONGUS cake. I was hoping theyd be making a nice wholesome cake, but it was plastered with all that yucky sugar frosting so I didnt eat any.

Most of the gals'd made shirts and sweters for Pratt. He LOVED my gift!!! I KNEW he would! He says hes going to wear it on him all the time! I said to him what some folkve been saying about the Jupiter Talismun not being Joseph smiths even, but he said it WAS, so Im REAL pleased. He told us gals that Joseph had a snake head cane with a Jupiter pic on it TO! He said he didnt know WHY folk get all upset about it cos theirs nothing wrong about it!

When everyone was cleaning up I walked outside for a spell with Pratt. We were looking up at the moon and he was telling me it was CRAZY, folk beleiving the lies that men WENT there! That was the kind of lying they do in the public schools, so hes REAL happy we're home schooling the kids! He said Joseph Smith said there people on the moon and they live a REAL long time, maybe 1000 YEARS even!!!! And they wear clothes like quakers did. WAY COOL!! SO....  did the men who were supposed to be walking on the moon SEE them?? Duh! That SHOWS its all a big fat lie!

Im WAY happy Pratt teaches me this stuff. Evry time Im with him I learn new stuff! Im SO unworthy of all my blessings.

Melissa Im going to answer ALL your great questions. It might take awhile but just keep reading and I'll get to them (Melissa's in Australia - but at least they speak English their)

And Rebeckah sure knows heaps of stuff! But I think Harmonee was showing off in her poem. Just cos she went to college she writes stuff so you cant understand it. Poems need to be sweet and simple and real easy to understand. But she'll soon learn with me.

I almost forgot - when we were talking last night, one of the kids took a bad tumbel in the 4plex and broke his arm, but it was OK cos Pratt knows what to do for that. Hes WAY amazeing!

Well, got to go,


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Greek people

Some REAL nice folkve been writing me letters and I LOVE they think my blog is cute and girly. I still need to put more cute pics in, so Ill try to do that.

Im WAY glad Im not the ONLY one who cant see what Harmonees poems about.  (I put it up yesterday) You need to write stuff that folk UNDERSTAND! Rebeckah says Elpis is a GREEK person called Hope. So why didnt Harmonee just say that first off?? Hopes a WAY cuter name than ELPIS! So whose Chimaera then. Is he a Greek guy?

I dont think we need to be writing about Greek people. We need to be writing about our own folk, especially us folk in the truth. Did you hear all that stuff a while back about Greek people and BYU and the U?? (Pratt says there might be folk reading who're not in Utah so I should say BYU is Brigham Youngs University and the U is the University of Utah) There was a real big fuss in the news. Seems the U was coming to BYU to do a Greek Trajedy show with a weird name like The Buckeye (?) Then, all of a sudden  BYU says NO WAY!! Seems they were expecting a real NICE Greek Trajedy and then they heard it had nasty stuff in it like killing and women doing bad stuff. I TOTALLY think their right to say "we only watch NICE Greek Trajedys."

Rebeckah says to she thinks Harmonees depressed and I could cheer her up. I think I'll do the stuff Melissa said about writing a poem WITH Harmonee so I can make it rhym. I never would of thought of that! AWESOME!

I know Harmonee'll feel HEAPS better when she gets to learn how to write a real good poem.

Pratts birthday party tonight - Im giving him his gift their!! Can't wait!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRATT!!!!

( I need to say about COMMENTS - those're the letters folk are writing. You can see some on the left of my blog, but if you want to see ALL of them , then youve got to look at the end of my writing every day and click on where it says COMMENTS.)
(Another thing - thanks for clicking on the adds cos Im saving up to get stuff for my crafts again - the deer horn chandeleer turned out GREAT!!)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Ive been thinking real HARD about what to put in the Poly Pre Teen Mag, but Ive been REAL busy lately so I didnt get much yet. Pratt DID give me a poem that Harmonee wrote. He said she didnt do it for the mag but it might be OK, so I read it. Oh-my-heck! WHAT a poem!! I thought Id put it here so you can read it to, so you can see what Im saying. Here it is!

Devious in scintillating sunlight.

Chimaera rises in noxious bubblings from darkest fluid jet.

Greedily grasping,

Dragging Elpis from warm home

Down into frigid depths

Leaving only flowers forlorn on icy wave.


Dark in its bright, black sun of hopelessness."

What in the heck is all THAT about! PRATT didnt know even! We CANT use it cos - 
A. It doesnt ryhm even!
B. Its got made up words nobody heard of! Whose Elpis?- its not a cute Utah name even!!!
c. It doesnt seem real happy. (I think she should have gone with the flowers and sunshine and put in more stuff like rainbows and babies)
4. Im the editor and I say no.

Im working on a poem right now. Ill let you read it when its done and  I''ll let you read some of the other stuff when weve got it ready.

Pratt says maybe I could sit down with Harmonee and do some poem writing with her. He says itll bring us closer together and really bring in the spirit. He says all us sisterwives need to be best buddies and love sharing EVERYTHING with each other. Hes SO right! Im going to see if Harmonee wants writing lessons.

Oh, and Melissa, Im WAY glad you like the blog. If your thinking about a polygamy marriage itll help you see what its like! Totally AWESOME! Im thinking it might help gals who're thinking of leaving, to, so they can see what it CAN be like for them if they do it right.

I got another letter from a gal called Cat Whisperer. WAY cute name. (I never heard it before) Did you see the pics of cute baby animals Ive got on the page way down on the left? You might like them!


Monday, November 16, 2009

More stuff for getting in to the CK

I need to get on with the important writing so heres more stuff to do to get in to celestial kingdom (CK). I covered being born and baptising before.
 When you had the right baptising into the right group you need to mind your parents. No being sassy. You got to clean your room, and eat everything they give you - no being picky - and remember their RIGHT, thats why you got given parents in the true group. (Just remember though, if they leave the true group and stop beleiving, then their NOT right any more!) If your mother doesnt leave with your papa, then youll probably get a NEW papa - and then you need to mind him to, cos he'll be your papa in the CK.  Thats called honoring your mother and your father, and thats straight from god, so dont think you can get around it.

As well as doing EVERYTHING your mother and father says, you need to go to ALL your meetings. When your young your parentsll MAKE you go, (unless your tending the little kids, and thatll be OK not to go then) but when you get older you have to go on your own. So that means priesthood meetings if your a boy, and meetings for the girls, and then meetings for the women and Sunday School and Big Meeting on Sunday and fireside meetings, and prayer meetings and United Order meetings, temple meetings, family meetings and any other special meetings.(some of those meetings are just for guys and some are just for gals - women DONT go to priesthood meetings and Order Meetings) god blesses us GOOD for sitting in all those meetings! When we do that its called ENDUREING TO THE END.

Thanks for all the letters. Im WAY pleased bacon doesnt give you swine flue, but Im still going to keep using the onions. You cant beat NATURAL for killing all those nasty virus thingys they were talking about. AND your right Rebeckah! I guess Brigham knew about the nitrates to! Pratt says Brigham was saying stuff about not eating bacon to be more SPIRITAUL, so I guess fridges dont fix that??

Someone was saying about the Jupiter talismun - Joseph Smithd BETTER have had one cos I spent a pile of money on it! But I think its OK, I couldnt ask Pratt about it yet, but I heard Joseph DID have one. I heard theres another one kinda like it up in Salt Lake in a LDS museum. Some gals called the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers put it in there and said it was Josephs. (I dont THINK any of them was a illigitimate kid of the guy who married Emma and hated Joseph Smith, cos he wasnt a pioneer even, so its probably a true medal.)


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Bacon and Vaccinatings.

Busy busy Sunday again today

 but Ive just got time to write some! 

I DID say something to LiaHona about the bacon yesterday when Harmonee was over (THAT was a mistake!) LiaHona didnt know what to say except she LOVES bacon, but Harmonee always  has something she wants to say!! I said Brigham says NOT to eat it and she went " then why did god send Joseph Smith a 'nice ham' to eat when he was praying for some good food". I said "I dont remember anything about god and ham" and she went "'yes he did when Joseph was praying for something better than johny cake and someone came to his house with a ham."

Well, I think she just made that all up to see if I was going to get mad, but I just smiled sweetly at her and didnt argue about it any more.(LiaHona looked kinda pleased, but I know Im right and Im going to ask Pratt about it)

Then LiaHona told Harmonee the stuff I said about bacon and swine flue - and dyou know what? She LAUGHED. I thought that was kinda rude. She went -if your so afraid of swine flue why dont you get the shot? So I went - dont you know about shots and artism and lots of other bad stuff? Then SHE went - "are we living in a 3rd world country or what?" I went "whatdyou mean by THAT?" So then she was saying she had vaccinatings for ALL her kids when they were babies and they never ended up artistic or anything else. So then I said I never did vaccinatings for MY kids and they never got sick either! I thought that was the end of it but NO (this is Harmonee remember!) She ends up saying the only reason kids who dont get there vaccinatings dont get sick is cos of the kids who DO get vaccinatings. She said if all kids stop getting there vaccinatings, then all the bad stuff like diptheerya, polyo and meesles'll come back again!! I said "not if you have faith they wont!" Well that shut her up cos she just shook her head and left. You cant argue with faith!

Have a happy and peaceful sabbath.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Pratts Birthday gift!!!!

I cant WAIT for Pratts birthday!!! My gift is the best EVER!! Remember I told you Joseph Smith had one? Did you guess what it was??!!
Heres some pitchers -

I got these pics here -

SO what I got Pratt is a Jupeter Talisman - JUST like Joseph Smith!!!!!!

Its got this special writing on it from Israel and numbers and it makes  gals fall in love with the guy whose got the talismun!! (Gals fall in love with Pratt ANYWAY). AND another thing, it makes guys rich which is great cos Pratt needs to finish that 4 Plex and I bet some of my sisterwives'd be real happy if they didnt need to go to work and leave there kids all the time. I nearly forgot, its good for guys to get in to important positions to (maybe he'll get called to be one of the bretheren - then he could have the same priesthood Heelaman did - WAY cool!!!!)

THeres heaps more words about this on a blog I found. Its got some real good NATURAL cures for the swine flue to!

Im not letting Pratt read my posting today cos I want it to be a surprise. Im making a special box for it to with ribbons hot glued on.

Thinking about the swine flue - have you all been trying the onions? Ive got onions in EVERY room now (except LiaHonas cos she says she doesnt want that stink in her bedroom.) The other day her kids made a real mess throwing all the onions around. Their were onion skins all over and some of the onions split! I didnt say anything cos I didnt want to make trouble. I just stood there and LOOKED and in the end LiaHona made them pick them all up, which was good.

Another thing about swine flue. Last Sunday when I was reading the scriptures in my room real early, I smelled this smell coming from downstairs and later when I went in the kitchen I found my best iron pan soaking in water with fat in it!!!! I would of been real mad if I didnt have such a sweet nature, cos it made the pan all rusty. But that wasnt all of it - I found a wrapper from BACON on the counter!!!

First off - Brigham Young said DONT eat bacon!! Second, swine flue started up from bacon! SO my pan got messed up, SOMEONE was breaking the commandment, AND it could of given us swine flue!!!!!!

Its a good thing about having the onions AND my garlic wreath!! 

Friday, November 13, 2009

Which polygamy group are Pratt and me in?

I was thinking I was going to get back to all the stuff everybodys  got to do to get in the celestial kingdom, and then tell you family happenings but I guess I better answer some questions first. Its WAY cool your all saying stuff. I LOVE getting your letters!

First off, some guy or gal was asking who Id be married to in the CK - Pratt or Heelaman? Thats a WAY hard question cos I REALLY like them both!!  I got sealed to Heelaman first and hes got more priesthood power (so if I stay with him I might get higher up in the kingdom!) and THAT marriage was for ever. THEN I got sealed to Pratt but only for TIME cos you cant get two forever weddings (unless your a guy - of COURSE!)  But I was thinking that with some of Joseph Smiths gals being married to him AND another guy TO, maybe thatll be OK in the celestial kingdom? SO maybe I could just spend some time with Heelaman, and then some time with Pratt?? Im not sayings thats for SURE. Pratt says dont worry about it cos we can talk to god about it when we get their.

Now, like I said before, Pratt and me, we're not saying what polygamy group we're in. Thats cos we want to share with EVERYBODY and some polygamy groups dont talk to there FAMILY even if there not in the same group! So Im not knowing why some guy or gals saying "YOUR group" believes in this and "YOUR group" doesnt believe in that. Its fun guessing but it might not be a good guess about what group we're in - and we're not saying! (Maybe were in YOUR group even!!)About Joseph Musser - I heard the lawyer guys down in Texas think Joseph Musser was the true prophet when he was saying about the temple being built down on the Beery Knoll farm, and about their being HEAPS of water there for growing and they were saying stuff from Lyman Jessops writing to. They were doing it so the FLDS can keep all the places they want to keep in there United Order. They dont want folk selling there land. So, the FLDS MUST like what those guys said SOMETIMES. Maybe its cos Joseph Musser was the prophet to START and then he had his stroke and then god said he wasnt the prophet any more. Im not saying its right - its just a thought.

Another thing I should be saying is, I think your real nice writing in, so Im not being mean, but I dont say that s*x word like your doing. I just say "spending the night" or "sleeping over". Im real glad your guys're getting "higher relationships" with your older wives. Thats TOTALLY great. (Did you know they cant sleep over with gals who're' having babies to? I just thought Id say, cos you didnt say anything about that)

Guess what - its Pratts birthday next week!! All us galsre doing food for him. Im WAY excited cos Im getting an AWESOME gift!!! Hes going to LOVE it!!! (Ill give you a clue - Joseph Smith had one!!!) Ive been saving some of the money from folk clicking on my ads. Ill tell you about it tomorrow!


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Good news!

Good news! Pratt says us gals CAN make that "Poly Pre Teen" mag that I thought up!!!! I am TOTALLY excited to do this cos he says I can be editor!! Im telling all the gals to write poems and find lots of good stuff and recipes and pitchers we can put in. (Im real good at writing poems and Pratt loves to listen to them, so Ill have heaps of stuff.) Pratt says this is just for OUR family for now, but if it works good then he'll show it to the bretheren and see what they think!!!! YAY!

Harmonee say she likes writing poems to - I never knew that, so she wants to put stuff in to. I want stuff from ALL us gals - even if its not real great. It'll be AWESOME for all our young gals.

Somebody left some words on my post "Internet Evil". They said Jessops "not noble". Well, I heard there were SOME noble Jessops - take Joseph Lyman Jessop - I heard he was an AWESOME guy! Maybe she doesnt like the Raymond Jessop guy down in Texas whose going to prison, and thats why she said that. And Moroni - sorry I dont know a Moroni Jessop - maybe hes not in our group. And I need to be saying, Mormon has an M the middle - you forgot to put it in. Im not a good speller but I do know THAT word cos I am one. Don't feel bad about not spelling right though, cos it doesnt mean your not a good person!

Thanks to the guy or gal who looked up that word "nieve" for me. Somebody spelled it wrong so thats why I couldnt find it in my dictionaruy. Their were heaps of words about NAIVE (right spelling) some of it was about mice which was kinda strange. I think the words about me were "trusting" and "youth". I sure do try all the time to be trusting and live a life of faithiness and its soo cool everyone saying how young I sound. Thanks guys!

Oh, and about guys hitting there wives - Prattd NEVER do that!! He was just saying if guys DO hit there wives the wives shouldnt be rebelling - they need to be humble and leave it to god to figure out.

Pratt says theres some mean stuff folk say, but not to worry about it cos its our trials and presecutions. If we're not getting presecution then we're not in the true group! Oh and Pratt says for some of you NOT to keep using SOME words - I said before its OK to say heck but you cant use the H-E-double hockeysticks word! Pratt says hell have to change those words in comments if they keep coming. So try real hard folks. We know your out in the world or in other groups (maybe they use that word in Texas a lot) and dont know the stuff we do, but keep trying!

Somebody asked if I was going to be Heelemans wife or Pratts in the CK, thats hard to answer quick so Ill get back to that another day.



Wednesday, November 11, 2009

What we get in the CK

Somebody was asking about what we get when we get to the celestial kingdom. I was going to cover it later when I got through all the other stuff you need to do to get in, but its a REAL good reward!!! She says shes going to be right there alongside her priesthood head. Thats GREAT! All his other gals'll be there to and youll all be WAY happy. You can get to keep having babies for EVER! Theirs nothing beats that! Another reward is having servants, which is great to! Im not sure but maybe theyll be the LDS Mormon folk who didnt get a polygamy marriage??

One gal said
"By the way you talk you will be a part of your husbands kingdom forever..."
You are SO right!! You must of read the stuff apostle Orson Pratt said. (he lived WAY back when Joseph Smith was here)
 "But if we have a heavenly Mother as well as a heavenly Father, is it not right that we should worship the Mother of our spirits as well as the Father? No; for the Father of our spirits is at the head of His household, and his wives and children are required to yield the most perfect obedience to their great Head. It is lawful for the children to worship the King of Heaven, but not the 'Queen of heaven.'... we are nowhere taught that Jesus prayed to His heavenly Mother..." (The Seer, p. 159).
So the guys get to ALWAYS be the boss -  even when we get to the celestial kingdom.  Thats why Pratts so special to all us gals. We cant get there without him!

Some gal said Im "nieve"  Im still not sure what that means cos I couldnt find it when I looked it up, so maybe its a forign word?? Im guessing its something real nice to. Thanks!!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I heard one of the Texas Jessop guys got found guilty by the judge down their. Some of the bretheren say not to worry about US getting put in  prison, cos we live in UTAH and there OK with us breaking the law here. I am WAY glad about that!!! Have you seen the ugly stuff they make you wear in prison? Its not feminine at ALL!! and I bet they dont think of wholesome food either!

Somebody was asking if we have to take our baptism certificates to heaven? Course not - thats WAY silly!!! But Pratt says its got to be written down HERE cos it says in the scriptures in D&C 128:8

'whatsoever you record on earth SHALL be recorded in heaven, and whatsoever you do NOT record on earth shall NOT be recorded in heaven;"

 Guess that answers it folks. Thanks for asking. We like to help folk know right doctrine.

Yesterday I forgot to put FAITH, between being born in the right place, and having the right baptising. If you dont get faith you wont get the baptising. Faith is REAL important.!!! When I dont understand stuff then I just have faith. THats  good cos I sure dont understand some comments folk leave - so I just have Pratt do the answering. Theres lots of times for having faith - when theres stuff the bretheren say, or stuff Joseph Smith did that makes no sense - things like that. Some folk get tested over stuff like that but not me!! The bretheren test folk by saying things to test them, to find out how much faith theyve got. SO youve got to have faith BEFORE your baptised and THEN youve got to go on in faithiness to the end of your life if you want to make it to the kingdom.

Pratt is still working real hard on getting the 4 plex finished. A lot got done on Saturday and now their putting on the shingles. Im WAY glad for LiaHona and her kids - they cant wait to move in! I'll be real SAD when they move cos having them heres brought a real different spirit in. Sariah came over today and was talking to LIaHona and told her what a blessing I am to her and her kids, and LiaHona gives this BIG smile and laughs, so I guess she knows it now to!! That makes me REAL happy!

Monday, November 9, 2009

How to get into the celestial kingdom - where your born, and baptising.

OK, so today Im talking about the celestial kingdom stuff like I said. (Pratts helping me with the doctrine.)

Somebody said do I think when we get there its only OUR group people? NO WAY!!! Our group is the only true group today, but its a LAST DAYS group. ALL the true groups from the bible and book of Mormons going to be their to! Theres the Abaraham true group, the Moses true group, the jesus true group, the Nephi true group - theres WAY to many groups to talk about! You just have to be in the TRUE group and do heaps of other stuff to get in. And if you dont want to be in the true group Joseph Smith said theirs other places to go.- (the terrestrial kingdoms not to bad.)

I just need to back up some. The main thing is to be BORN into our group - thats WAY the best place to be born. If you cant be born there, then I guess in the LDS Mormons would be next best cos at least they have the scriptures, even if they dont DO all the stuff. After that I guess you could go somewhere in the USA, cos then you would be in the right country. It would be WAY sad not to be born here but if you cant do that then somewhere like London would be OK (Pratt says they speak English there like we do)

The worst places to be born would be in some of those places where the folk are different colors. Its going to be WAY hard to hear what you need to do there.

OK - so after your born you have to wait till your eight to be baptised. Before eights NOT ok. You have to know whats right and whats wrong and the Doctrine and Covenenants says eight year olds know which is the true group.

Now about being baptised. Youve got to have the RIGHT priesthood do it! Its no good trying just any old baptising cos youve got to be baptised into the TRUE group. Some folk try the baptising into the Great and Abominable church they talk about in the book of Mormon (Pratt says to let you know thats the Catholic church) Some of the top guys wear cute clothes in that church but there baptising wont work, so dont bother with that.

When the kids that're eight get baptised - all the bad stuff - all those nasty sins those eight year oldsve been doing for years, get washed away in the water. Its WAY COOL!!! And the little gals get to wear the CUTEST white dresses!

Oh, and I need to say you HAVE to write it down when you get baptised. If you dont, when you get to the celestial kingdom itll be WAY BAD!!! Youll be waiting outside and theyll be looking and looking for your name and they wont find it and then theyll come out and say - theres NOTHING about you getting baptised .. so you have to go somewhere ELSE! Thats cos the scriptures say if somebody down HERE doesnt write it down, then they wont write it down up THERE either. Can you IMAGINE what thatd be like? You did all that work and made heaps of sacrifices (maybe you were one of those martyr guys in the bible who got KILLED even) and then you cant go in cos somebody here forgot to write it down! BUMMER!

Some of the bretheren even say to the kids they HAVE to REMEMBER there baptising date, cos theyll get asked what it is before Joseph Smith lets them in to the celestial kingdom, and if they cant say the date itll be just to bad!

(I found this pitcher of Joseph Smith. He is WAY cute!!! No WONDER all those gals said YES when he asked them to marry him - even those married gals!)

Thats why writing stuff downs WAY important and our groups got heaps of books with everything in. The folk down in Texas know about writing stuff down to, and they had a special room in one the prophets home for there books, just till they got there temple built and then they kept there stuff in there. I heard it made some trouble with the law though when THEY read what the folk had been writing down - so if you dont want to get presecuted youve got to hide your writing GOOD.

Im only just getting STARTED on all the HEAPS of stuff you got to do to get in to the celestial kingdom so be sure to keep checking back!

Before I forget, I saw Harmonee when I was walking home after meeting yesterday. I gave her a sweet smile to show how much I love her, but she started up AGAIN - can you believe it!!!???? She went -  if what Pratt says is TRUE, that EVERYBODY that gets a polygamy marriage gets a special promise to have kids, just like Abaraham and Sarah did, then WHY did Joseph Musser say all that stuff about men not sleeping with the older wives who cant have kids!! THEN she went - didnt Brother Musser KNOW that when he gave the revelation to the guys? She went - if he was a prophet then he would of known! ( You need to read my post on the Works of Abaraham to see all the stuff she was saying before!)

That is WAY bad for her to say! Shes saying she doesnt BELIEVE what Pratt is teaching! It sounds like shes not living in faithiness and shes not believing our PROPHETS even. She needs to listen to her family head cos thats the ONLY way she can learn stuff, cos god speaks to the HEADS of the homes about doctrines and stuff like that (NOT to the women and kids!) and then our head Pratt tells us ALL the stuff we need to do. We dont need to be worrying about what the guysre doing cos god is leading them and we dont argue with god!!

I got a real nice letter from Rachel. I forgot to say before, even if with having a polygamy marriage, I got a dream to, with me and Pratt and some little kids of our own. Pratt says that counts as a special message from god, so however your looking at it he can still sleep over with me.

Pratt says for Rachel to talk to her priesthood head about doctrine cos she got some stuff not right. Pratt says if Abaraham didnt have the law of Joseph Musser about marriage, like she says, then we must be living HIGHER LAWS THAN ABARAHAM and that CANT be right!! That would mean Joseph Musser knew more than Abaraham??? Didnt god tell Abaraham what was right when he was doing all that talking with him?? Pratt says if he didnt have the same law as us itd  mean we got better blessings than Abaraham cos we live MORE laws than he did. 

I dont really get all this doctrine stuff - I just have faith. Pratt says women shouldnt get involved in doctrine. He says rules for getting into the celestial kingdom are the same for EVERYBODY, even if they lived a WAY long time ago cos god doesnt keep changing his mind about what we need to do.

Hope that makes it all clear to all you guys out there. Its AWESOME Pratt knows so much!


Sunday, November 8, 2009

Pratts Doctrine answers

Pratt got us all together like usual for prayer early this morning. I dont have much time to write now but I just HAD to write about his teaching. He put Harmonee straight about the Abaraham and Sarah stuff she was saying yesterday. First off he said us gals got to be sure we're not  meddling where we're not supposed too. (He didnt say Harmonee, but I knew he was talking about her.) THEN he said   Abaraham and Sarah got a special promise from god they were having a kid, so it was OK for them to go on being together even if Sarah WAS way old. He said brother Mussers teachings was for US today and we HAD to do what he said unless WE got a special promise from god to.  He said when we get married in polygamy WE DO get a special promise - we're given the blessings of Abaraham - SO that makes it all OK.

I saw Harmonee itching to say something but didnt! Pratt went on to say about polygamy not being a sacrifice for the women - he said it was our BLESSING if we  looked at it RIGHT. Hes SO right!!!! He said if we're not happy in polygamy then theirs some thing wrong about us and we need to be doing some repenting. Pratt finished up saying women living in faithiness LOVE polygamy! That made me WAY happy cos I just LOVE polygamy. I dont know why some gals make all that fuss!!!!

Before I run to get ready for meeting, some gal said their IS bad stuff in green jello! I thought about it so what you could do is use the plain jello and color it green with cabbage put through the blender. That way itd be EXTRA wholesome and still that cute green color!

Got to go!
Blessings, HoneyDawn