Its new years eve so we're going to the big dance tonight! We get one every year, and Pratts taking all us gals and we're getting the big kids tend the little kids. Ive got the cutest pink dress to wear!!!! AND its got silk flowers on it! Harmonee says she might not be going cus she says its a meat market for the young gals to get looked over, and she wants to be spending the evening with her kids. She'll miss out on dancing with Pratt if she stays home. I would NEVER do that! Celestial Rainbows WAY excited to be going, and Pratt says for me to keep an eye on her, thats shes not flirting with young guys. He thinks shes probally learned her lesson and is settling down.
Im writing today about Lying for the Lord. It pretty much started with the prophet Joseph, when he was trying to get the true church going properly. folk were getting supsicious about what he was up to, so he had to say some stuff to keep them guessing. What he said was -
"What a thing it is for a man to be accused of committing adultery, and having seven wives, when I can only find one. I am the same man, and as innocent as I was fourteen years ago; and I can prove them all perjurers.Sunday, May 26, 1844. History of the Church, Vol. 6, p. 408-412.
I guess it was true he didnt have SEVEN wives cus he had about 30 polygamy wives right then, but Pratt says Joseph KNEW that folk wouldnt like polygamy to start, so he had to make it secret till there were enough folk in the church, and he could get folk to listen to it in private. They even got the mssionaries out in the world not to say, so lots of folk would be joining and gathering to ZION (America) BEFORE they got to be hearing about it.. Josephs apostle John Taylor helped him out with it when he was on a a mission to France and he was telling folk the church wasnt doing polygamy.(John Taylor had a bunch of wives then) He was telling them what it was saying in the old Doctrine and covenents scriptures -
"4. All legal contracts of marriage made before a person is baptized into this Church should be held sacred and fulfilled. Inasmuch as this Church of Jesus Christ has been reproached with the crime of fornication and polygamy, we declare that we believe that one man should have one wife, and one woman but one husband, except in case of death, when either is at liberty to marry again. It is not right to persuade a woman to be baptized contrary to the will of her husband; neither is it lawful to influence her to leave her husband."
Pratt says this is ALL lying for the lord, cus it stopped folk presecuting the church on account of polygamy or on account of gals leaving there husbands to be mormon polygamy wives. AND it was getting folk to join and get strong in the faith before they got to hear about polygamy, and that was GOOD. (I was thinking to, that the marriages folk were having in the world BEFORE getting baptised, WERENT sacred either, like it says there, cus the bretheren were saying you DIDNT need to be getting a divorce if you wanted to be marrying a guy with the preisthood. Like that polygamy wife of Parley Pratt. SHE didnt bother with getting a divorce before she was marrying Parley, and I guess Parley didnt get time to ask if it was OK before her husband shot him.) Pratts says Im right about it, and it just goes to show theres a heap of stuff its OK to do and say when your building the kingdom!!
Thats probally why those sweet FLDS gals were lying about which kid belonged to which mom, cus that was lying for the Lord, to help the kingdom against the devils work.
Ill probally tell you about what was a happening to a gal who DIDNT lie for the lord and all the trouble it made for her! You need to be listening to the bretheren and doing what they say, or it can turn out bad!
Harmonee was over when Pratt was talking about this stuff and she was saying that she thought it was WRONG to be lying at ALL. She was saying how could you be trusting guys who tell lies? I told her when youve got the spirit youll know when lyings OK, and she needs to be having more faith! I dont know WHY Harmonees always making herself look bad all the time and having diffrent opinians from Pratt! No WONDER Pratts not spending much time with her. Im WAY glad Ive got the priesthood explaining stuff to me, so Im not thinking bad stuff and going apostate!
HoneyDawn's polygamy blog about her WAY heavenly life as a plural wife in a Mormon Fundamentalist Polygamist family. HoneyDawn shares her daily life and her insights into her religion and beliefs.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Getting your TESTS from the Priesthood!
Im gonna be writing about tests today, cus thats REAL important! But first off I got to say again Im NOT from the Tribune news. Pratt and me DID write to that Brook gal once, and told her she needed to be reading our stuff to know the truth about polygamy, toI was saying Pratt thinks shes kinda cute, but she wasnt answering me. Pratt was saying some folkre saying on that FLDS Texas blog about me being somebody called Trent! Im guessing hes a guy! Am I SOUNDING like a guy!!!!
Anyways, back to tests. Most times gods folkre not getting the same tests as back in bible and book of mormon times, so god needs to be testing them diffrent. Pratt says we're not getting eaten up by lions or being burned up, and not getting put in prison much (unless your doing child brides) so god had to be thinking up diffrent tests. One of the ways hes doing it is testing folk by stuff the brethernre doing.
Frinstance, you might see one of the bretheren doing something your thinking is WRONG, and thats probally a test to see if your following the bretheren, or leaving the group and being apostate!! The FLDS were getting there priesthood testing when the prophet warren was saying he WASNT the prophet at ALL, and stuff like, he was the WICKEDEST man on the earth, and hed been doing bad stuff with girls!! He was saying it on the phone in jail, to a FLDS guy. The guy, and the FLDS folk couldve BELIEVED it and gone apostate, but the guy listening kept asking "is this a test?" (course, warren wasnt going to be telling HIM that, cus if he DID then it wouldnt of been muchve a test, would it? The guy had to work it out for himself) Even if all the GENTILES were beleiving warren, the FLDS folk just KNEW warren was STILL prophet, cus of there testimonys from god, so they kept on BELEIVING, and following, so they were passing the test.
Other groups get there priesthood tests to. AUB got there Virginia Hill and her missing money test. She was saying AUB stole HEAPS of money from her. (She had bunchesve money in apple boxes and it got taken to the AUB bretheren and they kept it for a bit. Then they said -take it away!!! But nobodys knowing EXACTLY where it went THEN!) The bretheren were thinking it was a nice gift, first off, then they got worried about it. Some folk were thinking the bretheren were doing bad stuff, but the folk with the spirit were knowing it was all a big LIE to make them look bad, specially since Virginia got all the money gambling (she must of been GOOD at it!!)
Joseph Smith did BUNCHESVE tests to, but folk with the spirit KNEW he was still prophet!!!! He did a test once for apostle Heber C Kimball. He asked Heber to let him marry Hebers wife Vilate, as one of his polygamy wives. Heber REALLY liked Vilate to, so it was kinda hard for him, but in the end he took Vilate to get married to Joseph. But then Joseph says "its OK, its just a test!!!" Joseph KNEW then what a great guy Heber was, and he didnt ask for his wife anymore- he just got Heber and Vilates daughter instead, so that was OK. (Her name was Helen and she was 14) It was a good thing Joseph got her Papa to ask Helen to be his polygamy wife, cus she didnt much like the idea first off, but her Papa gave her 24 hours to be making up her mind about it. It was a good thing Joseph came and saw her the next day cus he told her it was real GOOD for her and ALL her family to! He said
Even if Vilate wasnt much liking it, it worked out great for her to!
Youve got to be watching out for tests, so you dont leave the true group and become apostate and get to go to outer darkness with the devil - like those runaway brides and some of the guys leaving to!!!!
Pratt says it might be a good thing to be writing about "Lying for the Lord" tomorrow, cus sometimes things can be looking bad when there NOT!
Anyways, back to tests. Most times gods folkre not getting the same tests as back in bible and book of mormon times, so god needs to be testing them diffrent. Pratt says we're not getting eaten up by lions or being burned up, and not getting put in prison much (unless your doing child brides) so god had to be thinking up diffrent tests. One of the ways hes doing it is testing folk by stuff the brethernre doing.
Frinstance, you might see one of the bretheren doing something your thinking is WRONG, and thats probally a test to see if your following the bretheren, or leaving the group and being apostate!! The FLDS were getting there priesthood testing when the prophet warren was saying he WASNT the prophet at ALL, and stuff like, he was the WICKEDEST man on the earth, and hed been doing bad stuff with girls!! He was saying it on the phone in jail, to a FLDS guy. The guy, and the FLDS folk couldve BELIEVED it and gone apostate, but the guy listening kept asking "is this a test?" (course, warren wasnt going to be telling HIM that, cus if he DID then it wouldnt of been muchve a test, would it? The guy had to work it out for himself) Even if all the GENTILES were beleiving warren, the FLDS folk just KNEW warren was STILL prophet, cus of there testimonys from god, so they kept on BELEIVING, and following, so they were passing the test.
Other groups get there priesthood tests to. AUB got there Virginia Hill and her missing money test. She was saying AUB stole HEAPS of money from her. (She had bunchesve money in apple boxes and it got taken to the AUB bretheren and they kept it for a bit. Then they said -take it away!!! But nobodys knowing EXACTLY where it went THEN!) The bretheren were thinking it was a nice gift, first off, then they got worried about it. Some folk were thinking the bretheren were doing bad stuff, but the folk with the spirit were knowing it was all a big LIE to make them look bad, specially since Virginia got all the money gambling (she must of been GOOD at it!!)
Joseph Smith did BUNCHESVE tests to, but folk with the spirit KNEW he was still prophet!!!! He did a test once for apostle Heber C Kimball. He asked Heber to let him marry Hebers wife Vilate, as one of his polygamy wives. Heber REALLY liked Vilate to, so it was kinda hard for him, but in the end he took Vilate to get married to Joseph. But then Joseph says "its OK, its just a test!!!" Joseph KNEW then what a great guy Heber was, and he didnt ask for his wife anymore- he just got Heber and Vilates daughter instead, so that was OK. (Her name was Helen and she was 14) It was a good thing Joseph got her Papa to ask Helen to be his polygamy wife, cus she didnt much like the idea first off, but her Papa gave her 24 hours to be making up her mind about it. It was a good thing Joseph came and saw her the next day cus he told her it was real GOOD for her and ALL her family to! He said
"If you will take this step, it will ensure your eternal salvation; exaltation and that of your father’s household &; all of your kindred.[‘] This promise was so great that I willingly gave myself to purchase so glorious a reward."
Even if Vilate wasnt much liking it, it worked out great for her to!
Youve got to be watching out for tests, so you dont leave the true group and become apostate and get to go to outer darkness with the devil - like those runaway brides and some of the guys leaving to!!!!
Pratt says it might be a good thing to be writing about "Lying for the Lord" tomorrow, cus sometimes things can be looking bad when there NOT!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Im not writing for the Tribune!!!
Somebody was saying Ive got a Tribune IP address. Pratt says its something about your computer, but the Tribunes not writing this blog - its me! And Im not thinking the Tribune newspaper up in Salt Lake gets polygamists writing for them! Pratt says they used to be fighting the Mormon church way back in the early days, but now there probally just doing the news. Maybe theyd like me to write some poems for them and pay me? Thatd be great!
Some gal was asking about where to go go after they die, where the guysre NOT telling them what to do. Well, if your not wanting a husband at ALL, you can be a servant in the celestial kingdom, and have the polygamist familys (that means the guys to) telling you what to be doing. If your an OK person and believing in god (but your not in the right group) then you COULD get to the terrestrial kingdom. Theres no marrying there, and you only get to see jesus, not god. You might get visits from the guys up in the celestial kingdom though, cus there allowed to be visiting the lower kingdoms (and they might be telling you what to do, Im not sure about it) The last place you could be going is the telestial kingdom.THeres no husbands and wives there. You can only see the holy ghost (not god or jesus) People who did bad stuff like lying and stealing and killing are going there. (Joseph Smith said its not to bad) If you get sent to outer darkness youll probally get the devil telling you what to do (but thats mostly for the folk who got taught the truth and then didnt want it - like if you were in the true group like me and then said NO WAY IM LIVING POLYGAMY!!!)
I was going to be writing about guys being tested by the priesthood, but Ill keep that till tomoroow, cus there quite a bit to write, and its REAL interesting!
Some gal was asking about where to go go after they die, where the guysre NOT telling them what to do. Well, if your not wanting a husband at ALL, you can be a servant in the celestial kingdom, and have the polygamist familys (that means the guys to) telling you what to be doing. If your an OK person and believing in god (but your not in the right group) then you COULD get to the terrestrial kingdom. Theres no marrying there, and you only get to see jesus, not god. You might get visits from the guys up in the celestial kingdom though, cus there allowed to be visiting the lower kingdoms (and they might be telling you what to do, Im not sure about it) The last place you could be going is the telestial kingdom.THeres no husbands and wives there. You can only see the holy ghost (not god or jesus) People who did bad stuff like lying and stealing and killing are going there. (Joseph Smith said its not to bad) If you get sent to outer darkness youll probally get the devil telling you what to do (but thats mostly for the folk who got taught the truth and then didnt want it - like if you were in the true group like me and then said NO WAY IM LIVING POLYGAMY!!!)
I was going to be writing about guys being tested by the priesthood, but Ill keep that till tomoroow, cus there quite a bit to write, and its REAL interesting!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Dont let the goverment in your life!!!
The bretheren were talking a bunch about doing repenting, yestrday, just like Pratt. There saying the new yearll probally bring a lot of trouble in the world, and we need to be sure we're OK with god. We're still waiting for stuff to happen in Utah. A few years back when we were having the olympics, a lot of folk in our group were saying we were gonna have a big earthquake, on account of all the extra folk coming to Salt Lake from around the world and putting all that weight on the fault line. The prophet was saying he thought the end might come before we got the olympics. It didnt come yet, but it sure is gonna happen soon I bet.
Pratt was preaching about sacrifice to. He said Joseph Smith was saying
"a religion that does not require the sacrifice of all things does not have the power to exalt"
(exalted means going to the best place in the celestial kingdom.) So Pratt was saying the women need to be sacrificing there feelings and not worrying if there husbands are loving them, and not worrying if there sisterwives are getting more time, cus if your thinking that way your never going to be making it to the CK. He said not to worry to if you had enough in your home and stop looking at sisterwives stuff and being jealous. Women like thatre not fit for the kingdom.
Im WAY glad Im in harmony with Pratt and not jealous like some sisterwives!(Harmonee and LiaHona are complaining about me not going out to work like them, but Pratts preachingll probally make them be quiet about it now.) Some groups dont let there women go out to work, they stay home with there kids and use welfare. Our bretheren are saying dont be doing that, cus it lets the goverment in your life. Some folk in our groupre not listening to that, somere still using welfare. The ones listening to the bretheren are needing to have the sisterwives working cus most guysre not making enough money to be taking care of there big families. Pratt says the bretheren test the guys to, to see if there faithful. Some of the early guys in the church got tested by Joseph Smith - maybe we'll tell you about it tomorrow.
Pratt was preaching about sacrifice to. He said Joseph Smith was saying
"a religion that does not require the sacrifice of all things does not have the power to exalt"
(exalted means going to the best place in the celestial kingdom.) So Pratt was saying the women need to be sacrificing there feelings and not worrying if there husbands are loving them, and not worrying if there sisterwives are getting more time, cus if your thinking that way your never going to be making it to the CK. He said not to worry to if you had enough in your home and stop looking at sisterwives stuff and being jealous. Women like thatre not fit for the kingdom.
Im WAY glad Im in harmony with Pratt and not jealous like some sisterwives!(Harmonee and LiaHona are complaining about me not going out to work like them, but Pratts preachingll probally make them be quiet about it now.) Some groups dont let there women go out to work, they stay home with there kids and use welfare. Our bretheren are saying dont be doing that, cus it lets the goverment in your life. Some folk in our groupre not listening to that, somere still using welfare. The ones listening to the bretheren are needing to have the sisterwives working cus most guysre not making enough money to be taking care of there big families. Pratt says the bretheren test the guys to, to see if there faithful. Some of the early guys in the church got tested by Joseph Smith - maybe we'll tell you about it tomorrow.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Getting more spiritaul.
Im real late writing today. Pratt called an early morning prayer meeting for the family. He wanted to be talking about repenting cus he said we all need to be doing it before the end of the year (and some galsre needing it more than others!!) Pratt said we need to be fasting today and tomorrow to) I think thats a real good idea (its good for your health and keeeping your figure to, as well as getting the spirit) Ill probally just drink juice and eat some plain bread to keep going.
Pratts WAY spiritaul. He knew without me even saying much, about Harmonee and LiaHona doing Christmas. (thats why we we're praying this morning and doing the fast to.) Some of the stuff I put in his little red book was things like him saying "All you gals need to be in harmony with me if you want to be getting to the celestial kingdom" and "All you gals need to be in harmony with me if we're wanting to be chosen to go to the new jerusalem". Pratt said to, "follow the prophet", "dont be questioning the teachings of the bretheren - that makes folk go apostate"and "always keep a sweet spirit whatever your doing". Thats SO importent! Somebody was saying about not backbiting about wives. There SO right! Im WAY glad thats not happening in OUR family. Thats what makes us special!
I was thinking about somebody else saying about not just doing polygamy to get to the CK. I guess they werent reading ALL my writing. Polygamys no good just on its own- we're writing a bunch about it cus folk think its real interesting, but theres heaps of other stuff to. I was writing about authoritey, and right groups, and baptising, and faith. So its not just polygamy. I probally need to be writing about united order to, cus Brigham said that polygamy and united order was the "fullness of the gospel" so if we're wanting the best places in the CK we need to be doing that to. Maybe Ill start on it tomorrow.
Got to go.
Pratts WAY spiritaul. He knew without me even saying much, about Harmonee and LiaHona doing Christmas. (thats why we we're praying this morning and doing the fast to.) Some of the stuff I put in his little red book was things like him saying "All you gals need to be in harmony with me if you want to be getting to the celestial kingdom" and "All you gals need to be in harmony with me if we're wanting to be chosen to go to the new jerusalem". Pratt said to, "follow the prophet", "dont be questioning the teachings of the bretheren - that makes folk go apostate"and "always keep a sweet spirit whatever your doing". Thats SO importent! Somebody was saying about not backbiting about wives. There SO right! Im WAY glad thats not happening in OUR family. Thats what makes us special!
I was thinking about somebody else saying about not just doing polygamy to get to the CK. I guess they werent reading ALL my writing. Polygamys no good just on its own- we're writing a bunch about it cus folk think its real interesting, but theres heaps of other stuff to. I was writing about authoritey, and right groups, and baptising, and faith. So its not just polygamy. I probally need to be writing about united order to, cus Brigham said that polygamy and united order was the "fullness of the gospel" so if we're wanting the best places in the CK we need to be doing that to. Maybe Ill start on it tomorrow.
Got to go.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Jewish folk know Joseph Smiths a prophet to!!
I THOUGHT Harmonee was doing Christmas yesterday with LiaHona, and I was right!! LiaHonas kids came back last night all excited, with gifts!! Women shouldnt be thinking for themselves like this. It makes all kindsa problams in familys. Women are supposed to be obeying the law of there husbands! I was talking to LiaHona saying its wrong and a waste of money, and she said Harmonees been saving from her housekeeping money, and she got everything at DI (the church thrift store) so it WASNT wasting! I STILL think its bad, now ALL the kids will be wanting to be doing Christmas in December and getting lights and trees. You only got to get ONE person wanting to have fun December 25th, and and it spreads!!!
Pratt came in for a bit and he was telling me, now even the JEWISH folkre singing about Joseph Smith being a prophet! That is AWESOME! They were writing a special birthday song for him!!! Here's the first verse -
That is WAY cool - there seeing the truth more than most gentile folk! Pratt says theres more at this link.
Hes gonna try and find more verses of the song. (I probally should of written a Joseph Smith poem to, maybe Harmonee wants to do one with me?)
Talk to you tomorrow,
Pratt came in for a bit and he was telling me, now even the JEWISH folkre singing about Joseph Smith being a prophet! That is AWESOME! They were writing a special birthday song for him!!! Here's the first verse -
Oh Joseph Smith, Oh Joseph SmithThe prophet of the Mormons
On Dec. 23 we toast your birth(Though not with coke or tea or bourbon)
That is WAY cool - there seeing the truth more than most gentile folk! Pratt says theres more at this link.
Hes gonna try and find more verses of the song. (I probally should of written a Joseph Smith poem to, maybe Harmonee wants to do one with me?)
Talk to you tomorrow,
Friday, December 25, 2009
Flying Wagons.
After all the pajeant excitement it seems kinda quiet right now. LiaHona and the kids went out real early to Harmonees. Shes staying for lunch to, so Ive got all the house to myself today which is real nice. I guess a lot of folk are celebrating today but we're keeping it till 6th April. Thats the right time for doing Christmas. Pratts off work so he might come in some time to say hi, and then we'll be talking about what to be writing about next.
Somebody was saying about polygamy not being the law from god, but thats not right cus I know its in the Doctrine and Covenenants, and thats scripture! Joseph Smith was getting the revelation from god about it, and all the important prophet guys in the bible were living it, so it must be OK with god, or he would of been telling them no!
Theres a story the bretheren told last sunday you might like to be hearing - it was about the prophet Lorin Woolley. He was a up a canyon in Utah with his wagon one day and he met this guy, and he knew it was jesus. They rode down the canyon in the wagon and jesus said to give the horses there heads. Lorin was scared cus he thought they might crash the wagon, but when he did let the horses go fast, they started flying down the canyon!!! Its a real exciting story and better than the santa and reindeer lies there teaching kids!
Pratt was telling me things are getting real bad out in the world. There was some stuff on the news the other day about black folk doing riots with snowballs and attacking the police and the white folk in washington. The police had to come in with guns to break it up!! You can sure tell we're in the last days! I sure hope all you folk are praying about what Pratt and me've been saying.
Somebody was saying about polygamy not being the law from god, but thats not right cus I know its in the Doctrine and Covenenants, and thats scripture! Joseph Smith was getting the revelation from god about it, and all the important prophet guys in the bible were living it, so it must be OK with god, or he would of been telling them no!
Theres a story the bretheren told last sunday you might like to be hearing - it was about the prophet Lorin Woolley. He was a up a canyon in Utah with his wagon one day and he met this guy, and he knew it was jesus. They rode down the canyon in the wagon and jesus said to give the horses there heads. Lorin was scared cus he thought they might crash the wagon, but when he did let the horses go fast, they started flying down the canyon!!! Its a real exciting story and better than the santa and reindeer lies there teaching kids!
Pratt was telling me things are getting real bad out in the world. There was some stuff on the news the other day about black folk doing riots with snowballs and attacking the police and the white folk in washington. The police had to come in with guns to break it up!! You can sure tell we're in the last days! I sure hope all you folk are praying about what Pratt and me've been saying.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
A great day!
The pajeant went great last night! Thanks everybody who was wishing me luck with it! All the gals looked awesome in the bonnets!!! A coupla bretherens wives were complaining about to many flowers, but guess who told them to be quiet - Harmonee!!! She said they should be glad they werent making them themself, AND she said she'd never seen anything like them in her life! That was real nice of her! I think we need to be keeping the bonnets sos we can do it again next year!
Everybody turned up (the kids to) to watch us parade around and we all stood there while one of the bretheren gave a great talk about Joseph Smith. (I was wanting to stand right next to Pratt but with all the 32 wives, the ones being Emma Smith, and Eliza R. Snow got to be next to him. After that we all ate the pot luck meal.
Folk were asking if everybody had to get past Joseph to get into the celestial kingdom, even gentiles. Pratt says everybody whose going in has to get past him, but gentilesre not going there so it doesnt matter for them, cus there going somewhere else. (if they WERE going there, itd mean there in the RIGHT group and not being gentiles any more) I guess it means Joseph IS going to be pretty busy but he'll probally get bunches of helpers.
Theres a lot of talking in the letters about other religion like the catholics, but sorry, Pratt and me're not joining them. Pratt says we got a crazy guy writing letters, and he likes to pretend to be bunches of folk and using other folks names (I wish folk were being proper followers, so they could be writing letters in just ONE name!)
Somebody was asking about giving gifts yesterday. Mostly we're not doing it, but I did get "Thoughts of Husband Pratt" done. I wrote it out in my best writing in a cute little red book. Every page had cute stickers, and Pratt LOVED it!
Theres more questions to be answering, so we'll probally get to them tomorrow.
Everybody turned up (the kids to) to watch us parade around and we all stood there while one of the bretheren gave a great talk about Joseph Smith. (I was wanting to stand right next to Pratt but with all the 32 wives, the ones being Emma Smith, and Eliza R. Snow got to be next to him. After that we all ate the pot luck meal.
Folk were asking if everybody had to get past Joseph to get into the celestial kingdom, even gentiles. Pratt says everybody whose going in has to get past him, but gentilesre not going there so it doesnt matter for them, cus there going somewhere else. (if they WERE going there, itd mean there in the RIGHT group and not being gentiles any more) I guess it means Joseph IS going to be pretty busy but he'll probally get bunches of helpers.
Theres a lot of talking in the letters about other religion like the catholics, but sorry, Pratt and me're not joining them. Pratt says we got a crazy guy writing letters, and he likes to pretend to be bunches of folk and using other folks names (I wish folk were being proper followers, so they could be writing letters in just ONE name!)
Somebody was asking about giving gifts yesterday. Mostly we're not doing it, but I did get "Thoughts of Husband Pratt" done. I wrote it out in my best writing in a cute little red book. Every page had cute stickers, and Pratt LOVED it!
Theres more questions to be answering, so we'll probally get to them tomorrow.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Joseph Smith and the Mountain Meadows guys.
Happy Joseph Smith day!! Im WAY excited cus the pajeants tonight! I need to be doing my hair so it looks cute (and NO, CW, hennas NOT OK. even if its natral, your hair wont be natral if your using it - it makes gals fake!) Im never using stuff like that on my hair. Im just SO blessed my hairs not getting gray. I dont think its EVER changing color, even when Im real old.
Im way busy today, so Im just putting some stuff about Joseph Smith.
" man or woman in this dispensation will ever enter into the celestial kingdom without the consent of Joseph Smith. Every man and woman must have the certificate of Joseph Smith, Junior, as a passport to their entrance into the mansion where God and Christ are...I cannot go there without his consent. He reigns there as supreme a being in his sphere, capacity, and calling, as God does in heaven." Brigham Young Journal of Discourses, Vol. 7, p. 289
Im way busy today, so Im just putting some stuff about Joseph Smith.
" man or woman in this dispensation will ever enter into the celestial kingdom without the consent of Joseph Smith. Every man and woman must have the certificate of Joseph Smith, Junior, as a passport to their entrance into the mansion where God and Christ are...I cannot go there without his consent. He reigns there as supreme a being in his sphere, capacity, and calling, as God does in heaven." Brigham Young Journal of Discourses, Vol. 7, p. 289
And heres one of my favrite hyms. Its all about the prophet Joseph and we sing it a lot at meeting on sundays. Its called "Praise to the Man" -
1) Praise to the man who communed with Jehovah! Jesus anointed that Prophet and Seer.Blessed to open the last dispensation, Kings shall extol him, and nations revere.
chorus: Hail to the Prophet, ascended to heaven! Traitors and tyrants now fight him in vain.Mingling with Gods, he can plan for his brethren; Death cannot conquer the hero again.
2) Praise to his memory, he died as a martyr; Honored and blest be his ever great name!Long shall his blood, which was shed by assassins, Stain Illinois while the earth lauds his fame.chorus: Hail to the Prophet, ascended to heaven! Traitors and tyrants now fight him in vain.Mingling with Gods, he can plan for his brethren; Death cannot conquer the hero again.3) Great is his glory and endless his priesthood: Ever and ever the keys he will hold. Faithful and true, he will enter his kingdom, Crowned in the midst of the prophets of old.chorus: Hail to the Prophet, ascended to heaven! Traitors and tyrants now fight him in vain.Mingling with Gods, he can plan for his brethren; Death cannot conquer the hero again.
4) Sacrifice brings forth the blessings of heaven; Earth must atone for the blood of that man.Wake up the world for the conflict of justice,Millions shall know brother Joseph again.
chorus: Hail to the Prophet, ascended to heaven! Traitors and tyrants now fight him in vain.Mingling with Gods, he can plan for his brethren; Death cannot conquer the hero again.
When Joseph got martered the folk in the church back then were mad so Brigham Young made the folk promise to keep praying for god to get the guys who did it. Pratt thinks some of the folk were thinking they needed to help god out some, and thats why the Arkansas folk got killed at Mountain Meadows near Cedar City. The guys at Cedar were thinking the Arkansas wagon train folk coming through Utah were bad and had a part in Joseph getting killed, (or maybe it was something about Parley P Pratt getting killed in Arkansas after his new cute polygamy wife ran off with her kids from her gentile husband?) Nobody really knows. (We're not doing that venjeance promise now.)Wish me luck for the pajeant tonight!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
What god tells the prophets ALWAYS right!!
Im WAY glad I was asking about hot glue and it being toxic, cus an anonymous MD says to use it in a room with air or you could get something nasty I never heard of before! I need to be opening a window when Im using it again!
CW says SHE gets a Christmas tree and shes not pagan. Thats what Harmonee was saying! She says its no different from putting a bunch of flowers in your room! I told her that bible scripture, and she laughed, and said it was talking about carving wooden idles and then painting them with gold and silvre! She said shes not bowing down and worshipping her tree! I dont know about it. Pratt says not to do it. I wish Harmonee was listening more to Pratt. All this thinking for herself is real bad!
We were talking again about Vilate putting dye in her hair and I was saying its bad, but then LiaHona was asking why there was a hair dye box in the trash, the last time she took out the garbage? I said I was hoping she wasnt saying IM using it, cus I dont NEED any, and even if I DID I wouldnt be using it, cus Pratt likes gals to be natral! (somebodys trash can mustve been full, so they put some of there trash in ours!)
Pratt was telling us on Sunday night about Joseph and his wives. He said about the gal Im being - Zina Huntington. Joseph asked her to be his polygamy wife, but she said NO first off, then she married a musical guy called Jacobs. That didnt stop Joseph though, cus he told her he HAD to live it cus an angel came and said he HAD TO LIVE POLYGAMY!!! and if he didnt do polygamy the angel was going to kill him!!! Just in case she was still saying NO, Joseph told Zina that god gave him a special revelation about her being his polygamy wife, so that clinched it for Zina and she got married to Joseph Smith about 7 months after marrying the Jacobs guy.
Zina was still living with Jacobs, but Joseph sent him off on HEAPS of missions, so he was away from home a lot. When Joseph was martered a coupla years later Zina married the prophet Brigham Young when Jacobs was off on another mission, and she went to live with him. When Jacobs got back off his misssion Brigham Young was telling him to get lost. Jacobs was kinda UPSET cus he was loving Zina, but he knew that whatever god says to be doing, it MUST be right!! Pratt says the story shows how we need to be having faith and doing what the prophet says.
Im WAY glad we're having prophets telling us what to do, cus we could make bad mistakes without them!!
CW says SHE gets a Christmas tree and shes not pagan. Thats what Harmonee was saying! She says its no different from putting a bunch of flowers in your room! I told her that bible scripture, and she laughed, and said it was talking about carving wooden idles and then painting them with gold and silvre! She said shes not bowing down and worshipping her tree! I dont know about it. Pratt says not to do it. I wish Harmonee was listening more to Pratt. All this thinking for herself is real bad!
We were talking again about Vilate putting dye in her hair and I was saying its bad, but then LiaHona was asking why there was a hair dye box in the trash, the last time she took out the garbage? I said I was hoping she wasnt saying IM using it, cus I dont NEED any, and even if I DID I wouldnt be using it, cus Pratt likes gals to be natral! (somebodys trash can mustve been full, so they put some of there trash in ours!)
Pratt was telling us on Sunday night about Joseph and his wives. He said about the gal Im being - Zina Huntington. Joseph asked her to be his polygamy wife, but she said NO first off, then she married a musical guy called Jacobs. That didnt stop Joseph though, cus he told her he HAD to live it cus an angel came and said he HAD TO LIVE POLYGAMY!!! and if he didnt do polygamy the angel was going to kill him!!! Just in case she was still saying NO, Joseph told Zina that god gave him a special revelation about her being his polygamy wife, so that clinched it for Zina and she got married to Joseph Smith about 7 months after marrying the Jacobs guy.
Zina was still living with Jacobs, but Joseph sent him off on HEAPS of missions, so he was away from home a lot. When Joseph was martered a coupla years later Zina married the prophet Brigham Young when Jacobs was off on another mission, and she went to live with him. When Jacobs got back off his misssion Brigham Young was telling him to get lost. Jacobs was kinda UPSET cus he was loving Zina, but he knew that whatever god says to be doing, it MUST be right!! Pratt says the story shows how we need to be having faith and doing what the prophet says.
Im WAY glad we're having prophets telling us what to do, cus we could make bad mistakes without them!!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Be natural - Dont dye your hair!
Ondi’s wife, Vilate, lives near us, and she went to meeting with her hair cut up near her shoulders yesterday!!!!!! Our gals (Pratt's wives) couldnt stop talking about it last night - I mean - we were just SAD for her. And what made it even more bad - she put STRIPES in her hair too!! So now her hair is brown AND blond - what a mess, and so WORDLY!! Even if Im 50 I dont have ONE gray hair even - its probally eating good and living agood life. Even if I was going gray Id NEVER dye it!! God wants us to be natural, not fake. Pratt says I look naturally feminin with my beautiful long hair, and when I wear my lace and satin dresses he says I still look like a little girl. Fer Cuuute!!
I put our family in the sidebar like Melissa was asking. I put the names of all us gals and some stuff about us, but not our kids to. Theres to many, and Pratt doesnt want people knowing how big our family is - we never count all of us sos we can say we "dont know" if folk are asking.
Im still taking it easy today. The chicken soup and blessing from Pratt helped a heap, but I need to take care of myself for the pajeant on the 23rd. Im taking plenty of garlic and onions to help. (LiaHonas still being rude about all the onions round the house, but I never got the swine flue, so its proving it works!)
I put our family in the sidebar like Melissa was asking. I put the names of all us gals and some stuff about us, but not our kids to. Theres to many, and Pratt doesnt want people knowing how big our family is - we never count all of us sos we can say we "dont know" if folk are asking.
Im still taking it easy today. The chicken soup and blessing from Pratt helped a heap, but I need to take care of myself for the pajeant on the 23rd. Im taking plenty of garlic and onions to help. (LiaHonas still being rude about all the onions round the house, but I never got the swine flue, so its proving it works!)
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Chicken soup sabbath. Is hot glue toxic?????
Ill probally be staying in bed ALL day today on acount of me being sick. Saraiah says she'll be bringing around chicken soup for me later. (I LOVE having a sister sisterwife!)
I need to get better quick for the pajeant! Sariah thinks I got all wore out with all those bonnets and shes wondering about hot glue being toxic when your using it a lot, like me? I WAS working real hard to get the bonnets done! They look AWESOME!!! Even Harmonee was saying they look AMAZING! (one of the bretherens wives was wondering about all the color for Joseph Smiths wives to be wearing back then, but Pratt says not to worry about it.) There REAL glad there all done and not having to do it themself, so thats OK.
Pratt gave me a blessing early before Priesthood, and he says he'll be coming round again later to, and see if Im well to come down to fireside, cus he'll be talking about Joseph Smith. He says not to be writing to much, cus Im sick, but says to write about Joseph Smith, cus thats important right now.
Its good to be celebrating on the 23rd for Josephs birthday. Harmonee came round yesterday and I heard her talking to LiaHona and telling her to bring her kids around on the 25th, early, and then stay for lunch. I dont know what shes up to. Like I said, some folk in our communityre selebrating Christmas, but Pratt doesn't want our family doing it, but what with Harmonees kids going to public school and hearing about all the Christmas stuff other kidsre doing, Im thinking she might not be listening to Pratt!!
I was asking one of LiaHonas little kids about the lights in Harmonees trailer I was seeing the other night. The other kids were trying to shush him, but he said it was a tree!! Im asking her about it today, cus trees are TOTALLY pagan! Pratt showed us in the scriptures about the Christmas trees in the bible being idles!
I need to get better quick for the pajeant! Sariah thinks I got all wore out with all those bonnets and shes wondering about hot glue being toxic when your using it a lot, like me? I WAS working real hard to get the bonnets done! They look AWESOME!!! Even Harmonee was saying they look AMAZING! (one of the bretherens wives was wondering about all the color for Joseph Smiths wives to be wearing back then, but Pratt says not to worry about it.) There REAL glad there all done and not having to do it themself, so thats OK.
Pratt gave me a blessing early before Priesthood, and he says he'll be coming round again later to, and see if Im well to come down to fireside, cus he'll be talking about Joseph Smith. He says not to be writing to much, cus Im sick, but says to write about Joseph Smith, cus thats important right now.
Its good to be celebrating on the 23rd for Josephs birthday. Harmonee came round yesterday and I heard her talking to LiaHona and telling her to bring her kids around on the 25th, early, and then stay for lunch. I dont know what shes up to. Like I said, some folk in our communityre selebrating Christmas, but Pratt doesn't want our family doing it, but what with Harmonees kids going to public school and hearing about all the Christmas stuff other kidsre doing, Im thinking she might not be listening to Pratt!!
I was asking one of LiaHonas little kids about the lights in Harmonees trailer I was seeing the other night. The other kids were trying to shush him, but he said it was a tree!! Im asking her about it today, cus trees are TOTALLY pagan! Pratt showed us in the scriptures about the Christmas trees in the bible being idles!
Thus says the LORD, "Do not learn the way of the nations, And do not be terrified by the signs of the heavens Although the nations are terrified by them; 3 For the customs of the peoples are delusion; Because it is wood cut from the forest, The work of the hands of a craftsman with a cutting tool. 4 "They decorate it with silver and with gold; They fasten it with nails and with hammers so that it will not totter. Jeremiah 10:2-4
I bet Harmonees putting all that gold and silvre tinsle stuff on her tree to!!
Well I need to be resting now, cus I want to be going to that fireside tonight.
Have a totally awesome sabbath, and stay away from those idles!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Why polygamy guys LOVE Utah judges!!!!
I was gonna to tell you about that guy with the runaway bride and how it all worked out OK for him, even when she went to the law.!
Pratt was saying he knew this guy in our group (not living here) One of his wives lost the spirit and went apostate and ran off with his kids. She hid out somewhere and got some help, then she went to the law to try and get her kids not to come back to the community. She was one of those legal wives so she wanted a divorce! Pratt says THAT doesnt amount to much!! Gals can get all the divorces they want out in the world, but with a preisthood sealing theres nothing they can do to get away, cus there sealed to the guy forever!
Anyways, they went to the court and she was saying she didnt want her kids being in a polygamy family! She was saying she ran off to keep her kids AWAY from it! But the JUDGE was saying he didnt want to be hearing ANY polygamy stuff and it was nothing to do with who gets the kids, and the GUY was saying it was religous presecution to be bringing polygamy up!! The judge DID make the guy pay her some money for the kids, but he gets to have them bunchesve times at weekends and holidays and one night a week to! Its GREAT cus another one of this guys polygamy wives was kinda like me and didnt have many kids and and didnt have any at home. She was wanting more kids for EVER, so now shes got the runaway wifes kids for her OWN, pretty much, when they come to stay, and thats what she was wanting for a WAY long time!
The runaway bride was wanting to fight it but she didnt have the money for the lawyer and her husband did, so that was good to.
Thats great, cus it means the guy can teach his kids all about how to live polygamy, cus now the runaway wifes not around to say anything about it, and shes not ALLOWED to say bad stuff about his religion to the kids!! He takes them to meeting ALL the time with all there other mothers. Its WAY good for the wife who gets them all the time cus she teaches them whats right about clothes and marriage, and all the important stuff!! (She can even pretend to be there mom if they have to go to the hospital or anything.)
We're WAY glad we're living here in Utah where its safe for us, and the judges are not wanting to bring polygamy up if wives are running away! Pratt was saying Canadas probally on our side to, so it could stop brides running off, if they know the judges dont care about there kids learning polygamy (even if it IS against the law.) So the wives are maybe thinking its better to be STAYING than giving up there kids to another mother to teach them the true way to be living. Maybe theyll see its just better, cus then at least they can be the mom all the time.
Pratt says if any of his wives run off, then he'll give there kids to me, which is WAY sweet of him! I just LOVE kids!!!
Brigham Young SAID Utah was the gathring place till we go to the New Jerusalem. I guess he knew it was the BEST place for us to be. I dont know why some of the FLDS folk were running off to Texas! Look at all the trouble there getting there. Pratt says there judgesre not HALF as nice as Utahs.
Pratt was saying he knew this guy in our group (not living here) One of his wives lost the spirit and went apostate and ran off with his kids. She hid out somewhere and got some help, then she went to the law to try and get her kids not to come back to the community. She was one of those legal wives so she wanted a divorce! Pratt says THAT doesnt amount to much!! Gals can get all the divorces they want out in the world, but with a preisthood sealing theres nothing they can do to get away, cus there sealed to the guy forever!
Anyways, they went to the court and she was saying she didnt want her kids being in a polygamy family! She was saying she ran off to keep her kids AWAY from it! But the JUDGE was saying he didnt want to be hearing ANY polygamy stuff and it was nothing to do with who gets the kids, and the GUY was saying it was religous presecution to be bringing polygamy up!! The judge DID make the guy pay her some money for the kids, but he gets to have them bunchesve times at weekends and holidays and one night a week to! Its GREAT cus another one of this guys polygamy wives was kinda like me and didnt have many kids and and didnt have any at home. She was wanting more kids for EVER, so now shes got the runaway wifes kids for her OWN, pretty much, when they come to stay, and thats what she was wanting for a WAY long time!
The runaway bride was wanting to fight it but she didnt have the money for the lawyer and her husband did, so that was good to.
Thats great, cus it means the guy can teach his kids all about how to live polygamy, cus now the runaway wifes not around to say anything about it, and shes not ALLOWED to say bad stuff about his religion to the kids!! He takes them to meeting ALL the time with all there other mothers. Its WAY good for the wife who gets them all the time cus she teaches them whats right about clothes and marriage, and all the important stuff!! (She can even pretend to be there mom if they have to go to the hospital or anything.)
We're WAY glad we're living here in Utah where its safe for us, and the judges are not wanting to bring polygamy up if wives are running away! Pratt was saying Canadas probally on our side to, so it could stop brides running off, if they know the judges dont care about there kids learning polygamy (even if it IS against the law.) So the wives are maybe thinking its better to be STAYING than giving up there kids to another mother to teach them the true way to be living. Maybe theyll see its just better, cus then at least they can be the mom all the time.
Pratt says if any of his wives run off, then he'll give there kids to me, which is WAY sweet of him! I just LOVE kids!!!
Brigham Young SAID Utah was the gathring place till we go to the New Jerusalem. I guess he knew it was the BEST place for us to be. I dont know why some of the FLDS folk were running off to Texas! Look at all the trouble there getting there. Pratt says there judgesre not HALF as nice as Utahs.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Cute clothes for our Joseph Smith pajeant!
I know some folkre wanting to see some pics of our outfits for the pajeant, so I found these pitchers to put up. This is pretty much what Prattll be wearing for being Joseph Smith. La Blessings making it. (but hes not wearing just white underwear with it, like in the pic) I told LaBlessing to do blue like this cus then it matches Pratts and Josephs eyes. Shes not making the shirt cus Pratt can wear one of his work shirts under the vest. Itll match, cus its blue plad.
The bonnets KINDA look like the next coupla pics (but mixed together)
Im thinking theres not enough color in the flowers in the pic, Im doing pinks and yellows and oranges and purples pretty much. Mine is ALL pink!
Im way glad Im doing this but 33 bonnetsre a BIG job to be doing!!!!! Its good Pratt wont let me work outside the home, on account of him wanting to take good care of me. (I HAD to work when I was married to Heelaman.) Pratts WAY thoughtful to me! He just wants me to be at home and be a blessing to the rest of the family, like stopping any trouble for the kids teaching homeschool to the little kids, and writing up wholesome recipes for the other sisterwives. He likes the way I beutify OUR home (he LOVED the pink deer horn chandeleer I made!)
Thanks for worrying about the hot glue burn and for the idea about making it better. Itll be OK now with the blessing Pratt gave me.
PS I was talking to Pratt on the phone last night for hours about the guy in our group with the runaway bride. It was REAL interesting about polygamy not being a problam for him with the law! (so dont worry, polygamy guys, if your in Utah, your OK like us!!) When I get time Ill be writing about it!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Polygamy wivesre OK in Utah!
I worked REAL hard on the bonnets yesterday and then I went and burnt my hand REAL bad with the glue gun!! I tried putting honey on it, but it was still hurting bad all day, so I called Pratt to come in and give me a blessing when he came home from work, before he went over to Celestial Rainbows trailer.
LiaHona was WAY glad he came in cus her little kidsve been crying about not seeing there papa at all, and not seeing there mom much, cus shes out working. Its been a sacrifice having him over at Celestial Rainbows all the time, but we know we'll be WAY blessed in the Celestial Kingdom for it! (And its good for the little kids to stop being selfish.)
We went upstairs to my room so itd be quiet for the blessing and Pratt said real nice stuff again. He says Im a light to all the sisterwives and a "teacher of truth to the gentiles!!!!" I LOVE getting blessings from him.!!!
When we went downstairs, later, he stopped to talk to me and LiaHona some, about the troubles down in Texas for the FLDS, and ANOTHER guy going to prison! Some of the sisterwivesre worried about getting there kids taken away, but Pratt says not to worry. First off, we're in UTAH, not Texas. As long as we're not doing child brides we're pretty much OK and we're not doing that now. (The gals pretty much need to be 18. ) He said that attorney genral guy, Mark shurtleffs, an OK guy, and pretty nice to us polygamy folk. Its OK about us breaking the law about doing polygamy - Marks not minding about it, and nobodies doing anything about it in Utah. After a lot of folk got mad with the Texas law, about all the kids getting taken away in Texas, the judges in Utahre scared to go after polygamy guys. There not wanting all the trouble in the news about religious presecution. He says a lot of judges granpas and granmas were polygamy folk too, and that helps a bunch! That makes us WAY happy!!! (If nasty folk're mean to us, we just say there presecuting us, and it makes THEM look real bad.)
Pratt was gonna tell us some more stuff about some guy in our group who had a runaway bride and how it worked out OK for him even when she went to the law, but he didnt get time. Maybe I'll call him later and ask about it.
The older kidsre getting some trouble with the little kids there teaching in home school - AGAIN! So I need to be looking in on them today. Pratt says to make sure there doing Joseph Smith history all this week and next, cus his birthdays coming real soon. Its important to get plenty of priesthood history for the kids. We do SOME US history, but not much - they need stuff to get them into the Celestial Kingdom, not a bunch of stuff about the world.
Pratt says hi to everybody.
PS everybody wants to see the bonnets. There AWESOME but we cant do pitchers - like I said Pratts cameras broke and he cant get it fixed right now - we need the money for the 4plex.
LiaHona was WAY glad he came in cus her little kidsve been crying about not seeing there papa at all, and not seeing there mom much, cus shes out working. Its been a sacrifice having him over at Celestial Rainbows all the time, but we know we'll be WAY blessed in the Celestial Kingdom for it! (And its good for the little kids to stop being selfish.)
We went upstairs to my room so itd be quiet for the blessing and Pratt said real nice stuff again. He says Im a light to all the sisterwives and a "teacher of truth to the gentiles!!!!" I LOVE getting blessings from him.!!!
When we went downstairs, later, he stopped to talk to me and LiaHona some, about the troubles down in Texas for the FLDS, and ANOTHER guy going to prison! Some of the sisterwivesre worried about getting there kids taken away, but Pratt says not to worry. First off, we're in UTAH, not Texas. As long as we're not doing child brides we're pretty much OK and we're not doing that now. (The gals pretty much need to be 18. ) He said that attorney genral guy, Mark shurtleffs, an OK guy, and pretty nice to us polygamy folk. Its OK about us breaking the law about doing polygamy - Marks not minding about it, and nobodies doing anything about it in Utah. After a lot of folk got mad with the Texas law, about all the kids getting taken away in Texas, the judges in Utahre scared to go after polygamy guys. There not wanting all the trouble in the news about religious presecution. He says a lot of judges granpas and granmas were polygamy folk too, and that helps a bunch! That makes us WAY happy!!! (If nasty folk're mean to us, we just say there presecuting us, and it makes THEM look real bad.)
Pratt was gonna tell us some more stuff about some guy in our group who had a runaway bride and how it worked out OK for him even when she went to the law, but he didnt get time. Maybe I'll call him later and ask about it.
The older kidsre getting some trouble with the little kids there teaching in home school - AGAIN! So I need to be looking in on them today. Pratt says to make sure there doing Joseph Smith history all this week and next, cus his birthdays coming real soon. Its important to get plenty of priesthood history for the kids. We do SOME US history, but not much - they need stuff to get them into the Celestial Kingdom, not a bunch of stuff about the world.
Pratt says hi to everybody.
PS everybody wants to see the bonnets. There AWESOME but we cant do pitchers - like I said Pratts cameras broke and he cant get it fixed right now - we need the money for the 4plex.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Our wives pajeant!!!!
Im WAY glad folkre liking Lawrence Welk and his cute gals!!! Just like me! Anon E Mouse says she likes them, and she was saying her husband watches a pastor guy called Bill, on television (when he cant sleep.) I never saw pastor Bill, but he must be real boring if he sends Anon E Mouses husband back off to sleep again! So Ill probally give pastor Bill a miss (thanks anyways) (and he doesnt sound like hes Mormon fundamentalist, so hes probally not preaching true stuff either.)
Im going to be WAY busy up to the 23rd so I cant write bunches of stuff, but Ill write some. Im busy sewing bonnets! Its TOTALLY exciting!!!! Im hot gluing silk flowers all over, so there looking AWESOME!!!
What we're doing is a pot luck and pajeant, on Joseph Smiths birthday night!!! The pajeant is Joseph Smith and all his cute wives, and Pratt is being Joseph, and all us galsre being wives!!! (Not ALL of the wives cus theres only six of us, and Pratt was saying Joseph got at LEAST 33) The rest of the wives are the Bretherens wives, so its REAL special doing it with them!! (Bunches of other guys wives are WAY wanting to do it to!)
I was wanting to be Eliza R Snow, cus she was the most spiritaul of all the wives (and she was writing poems to, just like me!!) But one of the bretherens wives wanted to do her, so I got Zina Huntington. Shes not the one I was wanting, but shes OK I guess. Im not knowing much about Zina, so Pratt says he'll try and tell me about her when he can, and then Ill tell you about her to. I bet she was real spiritaul, being Joseph Smiths wife.
Im REAL glad Pratts being Joseph. I was thinking itd be one of the bretheren but Pratt got chosen cus hes got WAY blue eyes, just like Joseph. (Some of the gals LOVED his blue eyes)
When we were meeting about the pajeant, last Sunday, Harmonee was saying she wanted to be Sarah Pratt. I thought that was OK, but Pratt said Sarah Pratt was married to apostle Orson Pratt NOT Joseph Smith. So then Harmonee said that didnt matter, cus Joseph married heaps of already married gals, and they were living with Joseph AND there first husband. But then Pratt said Harmonees wrong about Sarah Pratt - She never GOT married to Joseph. Sarah Pratt MADE UP a story about Joseph asking to marry her, and it made her husband Orson real mad!!!! It made Joseph real mad TO!! He was calling her a liar and a real bad woman. She must of been, cus later on she started a nasty club when she came to Salt Lake!! Pratt says it was like those gentile folk I was talking about wanting to help runaway brides. Pratt says it was called the Anti Polygamy Sociaty!! I dont think Harmonee wants to be somebody like that in the pajeant and not a wife even!
Harmonee said it was an easy mistake about Sarah cus Joseph WAS marrying bunches of married gals. Pratt says shes got to be a Partridge sister, but she said she didnt like that even, cus Emma Smith threw them out of the house. Pratt said she HAD to be one. After that she was asking, whose being Joseph Smiths wives OTHER husbands? Pratt told her the bretherenre not doing those!
Well gotto go! My glue guns getting hot already and theres BUNCHES of bonnets left.
Im going to be WAY busy up to the 23rd so I cant write bunches of stuff, but Ill write some. Im busy sewing bonnets! Its TOTALLY exciting!!!! Im hot gluing silk flowers all over, so there looking AWESOME!!!
What we're doing is a pot luck and pajeant, on Joseph Smiths birthday night!!! The pajeant is Joseph Smith and all his cute wives, and Pratt is being Joseph, and all us galsre being wives!!! (Not ALL of the wives cus theres only six of us, and Pratt was saying Joseph got at LEAST 33) The rest of the wives are the Bretherens wives, so its REAL special doing it with them!! (Bunches of other guys wives are WAY wanting to do it to!)
I was wanting to be Eliza R Snow, cus she was the most spiritaul of all the wives (and she was writing poems to, just like me!!) But one of the bretherens wives wanted to do her, so I got Zina Huntington. Shes not the one I was wanting, but shes OK I guess. Im not knowing much about Zina, so Pratt says he'll try and tell me about her when he can, and then Ill tell you about her to. I bet she was real spiritaul, being Joseph Smiths wife.
Im REAL glad Pratts being Joseph. I was thinking itd be one of the bretheren but Pratt got chosen cus hes got WAY blue eyes, just like Joseph. (Some of the gals LOVED his blue eyes)
When we were meeting about the pajeant, last Sunday, Harmonee was saying she wanted to be Sarah Pratt. I thought that was OK, but Pratt said Sarah Pratt was married to apostle Orson Pratt NOT Joseph Smith. So then Harmonee said that didnt matter, cus Joseph married heaps of already married gals, and they were living with Joseph AND there first husband. But then Pratt said Harmonees wrong about Sarah Pratt - She never GOT married to Joseph. Sarah Pratt MADE UP a story about Joseph asking to marry her, and it made her husband Orson real mad!!!! It made Joseph real mad TO!! He was calling her a liar and a real bad woman. She must of been, cus later on she started a nasty club when she came to Salt Lake!! Pratt says it was like those gentile folk I was talking about wanting to help runaway brides. Pratt says it was called the Anti Polygamy Sociaty!! I dont think Harmonee wants to be somebody like that in the pajeant and not a wife even!
Harmonee said it was an easy mistake about Sarah cus Joseph WAS marrying bunches of married gals. Pratt says shes got to be a Partridge sister, but she said she didnt like that even, cus Emma Smith threw them out of the house. Pratt said she HAD to be one. After that she was asking, whose being Joseph Smiths wives OTHER husbands? Pratt told her the bretherenre not doing those!
Well gotto go! My glue guns getting hot already and theres BUNCHES of bonnets left.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
MY cute poem!!
I just remembered today I never put up my poem I wrote. This is the one I did on my own! Bunches of folk were saying they liked the poetry, so Im putting my new poem here for everybody to enjoy. Folkre saying Harmonee should be printing up her poems, so maybe I should be doing it to? Im putting ALL mine in the Poly Pre Teen mag anyway, and maybe Harmonee and me could get our own book to. We could call it Sisterwife poems. Im still thinking about writing that NICE greek trajedy to, the kind BYU (Brigham Youngs University) will be OK with, but itll probally take a WAY long time.
Heres the poem
On a WAY cute sunny rainbow kinda day,
It makes me feel so gay,
Im real blessed Im Pratts wife,
cos its a WAY wonderful life,
AWESOME blessings are waiting for everybody reading my blog out there, all of you!!!
So just do what I say you HAVE to do,
Just be in the right group and get a poly marriage,
Cos then youll be happy like me and Pratt when we're eating a wholesome sanwich.
(It was kinda hard finding a rhym for marriage. There was carriage, but Pratt drives a pickup truck so that didnt really work good.)
Im WAY excited about what we're doing for 23rd December. All us gals AND Pratt are being part of something REAL special and even some of the bretherens wives are being in it to!!!!Ill tell you all about it tomorrow.
Heres the poem
On a WAY cute sunny rainbow kinda day,
It makes me feel so gay,
Im real blessed Im Pratts wife,
cos its a WAY wonderful life,
AWESOME blessings are waiting for everybody reading my blog out there, all of you!!!
So just do what I say you HAVE to do,
Just be in the right group and get a poly marriage,
Cos then youll be happy like me and Pratt when we're eating a wholesome sanwich.
(It was kinda hard finding a rhym for marriage. There was carriage, but Pratt drives a pickup truck so that didnt really work good.)
Im WAY excited about what we're doing for 23rd December. All us gals AND Pratt are being part of something REAL special and even some of the bretherens wives are being in it to!!!!Ill tell you all about it tomorrow.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Lawrence Welk and the prophet warrens suntan.
Folkve been asking what our family looks like? Pratts cameras still broken and he says its probally not a good idea anyways to put our pics up. (He doesnt want us exposed cos of his job and we're not wanting folk in the groups to be knowing anways.) Im not real good at trying to write down what we're looking like, but I got this great idea from Stamps letter about Juniper Creek Christmas, and Pratt liked the idea and helped me do it.
We're not watching much television on account of all the bad stuff. We pretty much get approprate movies and watch them, but Ive got a favorite show, and Im thinking maybe if you look at it you can see kinda what we're like. My favrite show is the Lawrence Welk Show - its AWESOME and pretty much approprate.
The first is my WAY favrite song (apart from hyms!) Pratt says the girl in the middle at the back is just like me when I was a girl! She's WAY cute! Heres the link to click on
In the next song, the main guy singing (in the green outfit) is JUST like Pratt. (I said before how handsome Pratt is and what a great voice he's got). The gal on the left is kinda like Celestial Rainbow and the other gal is a lot like me in my 20s. The guitar guys are kinda like some of the bretheren in the council The only thing is, Pratt tries to not get that tan. I just remembered, did you read on that Texas FLDS blog site (the links on the left sidebar) about god telling the FLDS prophet Warren to go to the tanning salon to get a more even tan? I was WAY surprised god told him that, cus tans not delightsome like white. What was god thinking???
Anyways, Pratt LOVES the next song and he says ALL polygamy wives need to be singing it. He says its like me LiaHona and Harmonee. I dont think Harmonees that cute but its KINDA like her (on the right, and LiaHonas on the left) I think Lawrence Welk looks kinda like OUR prophet. The dresses are WAY cute!
Pratt and me LOVE the way the girls look with there feminen dresses and long hair. Pratt says he wishes ALL the dresses were long, with long sleeves, but apart from that there perfect!! He says all the galsre naturally feminin like me, not like some of the gals today - all fake and made up! Hes WAY sweet!
Anyway now you know what we're like, kinda.
Have an awesome Monday.
We're not watching much television on account of all the bad stuff. We pretty much get approprate movies and watch them, but Ive got a favorite show, and Im thinking maybe if you look at it you can see kinda what we're like. My favrite show is the Lawrence Welk Show - its AWESOME and pretty much approprate.
The first is my WAY favrite song (apart from hyms!) Pratt says the girl in the middle at the back is just like me when I was a girl! She's WAY cute! Heres the link to click on
In the next song, the main guy singing (in the green outfit) is JUST like Pratt. (I said before how handsome Pratt is and what a great voice he's got). The gal on the left is kinda like Celestial Rainbow and the other gal is a lot like me in my 20s. The guitar guys are kinda like some of the bretheren in the council The only thing is, Pratt tries to not get that tan. I just remembered, did you read on that Texas FLDS blog site (the links on the left sidebar) about god telling the FLDS prophet Warren to go to the tanning salon to get a more even tan? I was WAY surprised god told him that, cus tans not delightsome like white. What was god thinking???
Anyways, Pratt LOVES the next song and he says ALL polygamy wives need to be singing it. He says its like me LiaHona and Harmonee. I dont think Harmonees that cute but its KINDA like her (on the right, and LiaHonas on the left) I think Lawrence Welk looks kinda like OUR prophet. The dresses are WAY cute!
Pratt and me LOVE the way the girls look with there feminen dresses and long hair. Pratt says he wishes ALL the dresses were long, with long sleeves, but apart from that there perfect!! He says all the galsre naturally feminin like me, not like some of the gals today - all fake and made up! Hes WAY sweet!
Anyway now you know what we're like, kinda.
Have an awesome Monday.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Runaway Brides and concentration camps.
Well, Annonymous Duane(h)(1)'s back again (after Pratt got rid of ANOTHER letter of his) Its OK Duane, Im doing what your saying and holding on to the things Im knowing and believing! Its taken me a way long time to be knowing what I know and Im not just throwing it away - no matter WHAT folk say!
I didnt KNOW about the concentration camps in Texas!!!!!!! - thats WAY shocking!!!! (I didnt know what concentration camps were so I got Pratt to be looking it up) How many FLDS got killed in them? Somebody needs to be stopping it right away!!! I dont think they should be letting Germans be running things in the USA!!! Thats never happening in Utah, so don't be worrying about us.
I should put in some of Duanes letter so you can be understanding what Im talking about. This is what he said-
I can't BELIEVE some folk were saying I was Carolyn and Flora Jessop when I was first writing my blog! Why would they be thinking THAT? Can you believe it? Pratt was telling some about those gals. Was it Carolyn had that wonderful FLDS sisterwife Barbara that just passed? And she never appreciated her one little bit!
Pratt says I should be writing the names of some of those folk out in the world that help gals run away, sos nobody gets tricked into going with them. There was Tapestry Against Polygamy - (but they just closed down) Then theres Shield and Refuge, and Help the Child Brides, Hope Organisation, and theres another new one called Holding out HELP Pratt says there real tricky and pretending some polygamy gals arent real educated and need help! Pratt said to put in a coupla links so you can see for yourselves just what these folk are like. So STAY AWAY from them!
Celestial Rainbows being real quiet now so I think she's repenting. Pratts making her stay home after Christmas, taking care of the babies. That'll make sure shes not seeing that young guy again. She said she wasnt doing anything wrong, just talking, but you cant be to careful, specially when he was about the same age as her. These young kids dont know how to behave right these days. My mother made sure I wasnt around guys at all till I was married to Heelaman and thats best.
Have a peaceful and sweet sabbath.
I didnt KNOW about the concentration camps in Texas!!!!!!! - thats WAY shocking!!!! (I didnt know what concentration camps were so I got Pratt to be looking it up) How many FLDS got killed in them? Somebody needs to be stopping it right away!!! I dont think they should be letting Germans be running things in the USA!!! Thats never happening in Utah, so don't be worrying about us.
I should put in some of Duanes letter so you can be understanding what Im talking about. This is what he said-
Perhaps Celestian Rainbow would be better off with a divorce or "release", whatever they call it. You and pratt can give a little money and send her to one of those "savin' the child brides" or "travesty of polygamy" rescue ranger groups. They will give her plenty of cash and a place to stay. A great thing about being a polyg, if you decide to leave, theres all these groups that will give them lots of money and stuff...You, Pratt and Celestial Rainbow can make a deal whereas CRainbow claims she is an "escapee" from polygamy...Then she tells everyone she was abused, chained in a closet, and forced to dig sewer lines. She can then do the talk show circuit, maybe write a book, makes lotso cash... Since she was a polygamist, everyone will take whatever she says as the gospel truth,... the more cash and benefits she will receive...NO WAY is Pratt letting Celestial Rainbow be getting a release or doing any of that stuff to make money! Pratt was telling me about all those gentile folk out there just WAITING to help polygamy women and kids run away! Its not right! Why is it, when polygamy gals run away there ALL telling lies, every single one of them!!! There not saying anything about the great life they were having back in polygamy and how there sisterwives were way loving to them, and how much there husbands were amazing nobel preisthood holders and how there are all these wonderful guys for there little gals to be marrying (when they grow up). They shouldnt be giving runaway brides a place to stay and food..THEN there helping them get an education and jobs to - its sickening! If there sleeping under a bridge with there kids theyd soon learn to get back home to there priesthood heads real quick!!
I can't BELIEVE some folk were saying I was Carolyn and Flora Jessop when I was first writing my blog! Why would they be thinking THAT? Can you believe it? Pratt was telling some about those gals. Was it Carolyn had that wonderful FLDS sisterwife Barbara that just passed? And she never appreciated her one little bit!
Pratt says I should be writing the names of some of those folk out in the world that help gals run away, sos nobody gets tricked into going with them. There was Tapestry Against Polygamy - (but they just closed down) Then theres Shield and Refuge, and Help the Child Brides, Hope Organisation, and theres another new one called Holding out HELP Pratt says there real tricky and pretending some polygamy gals arent real educated and need help! Pratt said to put in a coupla links so you can see for yourselves just what these folk are like. So STAY AWAY from them!
Celestial Rainbows being real quiet now so I think she's repenting. Pratts making her stay home after Christmas, taking care of the babies. That'll make sure shes not seeing that young guy again. She said she wasnt doing anything wrong, just talking, but you cant be to careful, specially when he was about the same age as her. These young kids dont know how to behave right these days. My mother made sure I wasnt around guys at all till I was married to Heelaman and thats best.
Have a peaceful and sweet sabbath.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Alcahol - Getting the Spirit.
Folk were asking about when Celestial Dawn came in to the family, and what we were thinking. Straight off - we're not doing any child brides - we're not wanting the state on our backs, so mostly the gals are needing to be 18 now. (Mary in the bible got married real young, so some folk say its OK, but it makes to much trouble now) Some of our Prophets used to be marrying younger than 18, but not any more.
Chastitees husband, Celestial Rainbow's papa, went off and joined another group but she was wanting to stay and needed a husband, so the bretheren said to Pratt it might be a good idea for him. He knew the family pretty much before, and Pratts boy Lorin Adaerall knew Celestial Rainbow pretty well from Sunday School. Pratt was wanting to make his kingdom bigger, so both gals spent some time with the family, and Pratt liked them both, so they both married him the same time. It wasnt like Celestial Rainbow was ever like a daughter to him (not like the Partridge sisters and Joseph)
I took just a little listen to some of the Juniper Creek Christmas songs Stamp was saying about, to see what truths they were teaching. If there Short Creek (it got changed to Colorado City later) then some of its not quite right. FLDS WERE doing Christmas back in the prophet Rulons time, but Warren said it was a pagan holiday (Pratts saying the same, but some of our people arent thinking the same way about it, so it gets tricky with the kids)
The other thing was about not drinking. The LDS Mormons are REAL strict about no alcahol, but some groups like FLDS are not that strict. I met a couple of FLDS priesthood council guys, years back, and they DEFNITELY liked alcahol. I dont know what Warrens saying now, cus hes made BUNCHES of changes! The last AUB prophet didnt mind sharing a bottle of wine sometimes to, and thats OK cus Joseph Smith and the early bretheren were drinking. The prophet John Taylor was drinking with a lady called Mrs Moon once and he said her bottle of wine was great! We get wine sometimes for the sacarament and it helps you feel the spirit more. Thats Ok cus thats what the early members were doing in the days of Joseph Smith when they got all the visions in the Kirtland temple. If you do fasting and praying you get the spirit a lot. Pratt said to put in this writing one pioneer did about the Kirtland temple -
I dont know why the LDS Mormons are making a big fuss about no alcahol now - maybe its why there not speaking in tongues and having all those visions so much?
Harmonee, LiaHona and Celestial Rainbowre going into town today to the movie theater.(Harmonee and LiaHona are calling her Rainy! I think its rude to Chastitee cus she CHOSE that name for her little girl, not that made up one!!!!) Anyways, I told them to be taking back the new clothes with tags and get some money back. That will make Pratt happier. Im feeling a touch better today so I think Ill ride into town to, and go to DI while the rest are watching some dumb movie!
Have an AWESOME day!
Chastitees husband, Celestial Rainbow's papa, went off and joined another group but she was wanting to stay and needed a husband, so the bretheren said to Pratt it might be a good idea for him. He knew the family pretty much before, and Pratts boy Lorin Adaerall knew Celestial Rainbow pretty well from Sunday School. Pratt was wanting to make his kingdom bigger, so both gals spent some time with the family, and Pratt liked them both, so they both married him the same time. It wasnt like Celestial Rainbow was ever like a daughter to him (not like the Partridge sisters and Joseph)
I took just a little listen to some of the Juniper Creek Christmas songs Stamp was saying about, to see what truths they were teaching. If there Short Creek (it got changed to Colorado City later) then some of its not quite right. FLDS WERE doing Christmas back in the prophet Rulons time, but Warren said it was a pagan holiday (Pratts saying the same, but some of our people arent thinking the same way about it, so it gets tricky with the kids)
The other thing was about not drinking. The LDS Mormons are REAL strict about no alcahol, but some groups like FLDS are not that strict. I met a couple of FLDS priesthood council guys, years back, and they DEFNITELY liked alcahol. I dont know what Warrens saying now, cus hes made BUNCHES of changes! The last AUB prophet didnt mind sharing a bottle of wine sometimes to, and thats OK cus Joseph Smith and the early bretheren were drinking. The prophet John Taylor was drinking with a lady called Mrs Moon once and he said her bottle of wine was great! We get wine sometimes for the sacarament and it helps you feel the spirit more. Thats Ok cus thats what the early members were doing in the days of Joseph Smith when they got all the visions in the Kirtland temple. If you do fasting and praying you get the spirit a lot. Pratt said to put in this writing one pioneer did about the Kirtland temple -
When we had fasted for 24 hours and partaken of the Lord's supper, namely a piece of bread as big as your double fist and a half pint of wine in the Temple. I was there and saw the Holy Ghost descend upon the heads of those present like cloven tongues of fire." - Diary of Charles L. Walker 1855-1902, excerpts typed 1969, page 35.
(I put in this cute pic for Polygamy Porter cus its a Utah beer Pratt likes)
Harmonee, LiaHona and Celestial Rainbowre going into town today to the movie theater.(Harmonee and LiaHona are calling her Rainy! I think its rude to Chastitee cus she CHOSE that name for her little girl, not that made up one!!!!) Anyways, I told them to be taking back the new clothes with tags and get some money back. That will make Pratt happier. Im feeling a touch better today so I think Ill ride into town to, and go to DI while the rest are watching some dumb movie!
Have an AWESOME day!
Friday, December 11, 2009
We dont DO Christmas! and Joseph Smiths secret wives
I was pretty sick yesterday and stayed in bed most all of the day reading the scriptures and drinking my garlic and herb tea. I think its having all LiaHonas kids in my home with runny noses, and I need to be replacing all the onions around the house cus there sprouting and probally dont take in all the jerms so well. (Melissa and Keeping Sweet were thinking I was having some good news, being sick, but Im not being blessed babywise - yet)
I was thinking about what to be writing and I should be telling you some about Joseph Smith getting some secret wives, to show its OK to do it.
WWR was writing to me from AUB about it. They said I dont know anything about there group and secret wives. Trouble is, there not knowing WHAT group Pratt and me are in. You could be WAY surprised what we DO know! We COULD be AUB even and you COULD be knowing us! I dont know folk with WWR letters in there name. Im knowing plenty of Allred, Jensens and Thompsons, but the only R name Im knowing is Rogers, but no WW Rogers (is that Wilford Woodruff?) WWR was saying secret wives are cheating, but Im thinking hes not understanding? Maybe WWRs new to AUB and not gathered yet? Secret wives are REAL sealed wives. Theres no adultry cus the priesthood make it a legal sealing. As far as I know AUBre still following Joseph Smith and believing in all the stuff he was doing, and he did secret wives. Does WWR think he was doing wrong?
Keeping Sweet was thinking only Muslins get secret wives, but thats not true. Maybe they got the idea from Joseph Smith? In the beginning of polygamy Joseph knew his wife Emma would be having trouble with it, so his first polygamy wife and some others were secret ones. His first new secret wife Fanny wasnt out of state, she was helping out at Josephs place and was living in, so it wasnt to hard to do.
THEN Joseph and Emma were taking in the two Partridge sisters, little Emily and her big sister Eliza. They were like adopted, cus there papa died and there mom. The girls were WAY happy and were saying Joseph and Emma were just like a mom and papa to them!! Cute! THEN the prophet got the revelation about them and got his secret marriage to both of them. He kept it REAL quiet from Emma. When he was telling Emma later about polygamy, he said she could choose some wives for him, and guess what?! she was choosing Emily and Eliza - so it must of been the spirit telling her it was true!!!! (Joseph wasnt saying to Emma about them being married ALREADY to him) so he did another fake marriage, with Emma there this time.
Im not saying theres heaps of secret wives cus in a lot of the groups like AUB, most guys just TELL there wives there taking another wife. If she doesnt like it she can say so, but the guy can just go ahead and take the new wife anyway. I guess the secret thing is more for when he doesnt want a wife being all upset and maybe leaving. I dont think FLDS are doing secret wives cos there gals just get placed and theres no worrying about if wives like it or not - they just do what the prophet says cus he knows best.
It was kinda sad the Partridge sisters got kicked out of the house later. Emma was still having problems about polygamy, and the sisters werent seeing to much of Joseph after that cus he was WAY busy with all the wives and all the real important prophet work to.
What with being in bed most all day I thought some fresh air would be good for me so I went out walking past the trailers last night. I was walking past Harmonee's trailer and when I was going past I was seeing colored lights through the windows, just before somebody closed the blinds real quick! I knocked on the door just to say hi but Harmonee comes to the door in her robe and all the lightsre off. Shes saying shes just going to bed,(but shes wearing her street clothes under the robe). Then suddenly Im hearing Christmas music!! Harmonee says shes got to go and shuts the door.
Like I said before we DONT do Christmas cos Pratt says its a pagan holiday.
Celestial Rainbows trailer was all dark so I didnt knock. When I got home I was feeling REAL sick again and needed a blessing, so I called Pratts phone. It rang for a real long time but there was no answer. By then I was REAL sick, so I went and got one of LiaHonas kids to run down to Celestial Rainbows trailer and knock on the door for me and tell Pratt he needed to come.
It was quite a while before Pratt came and he looked real tired, but he gave me the blessing. He blessed me for my health but he was saying all this nice stuff to, that god was wanting me to know, like what a great wife I am and how sweet I am to my sisterwives and what a comfort I am to Pratt. It was WAY beautiful and it made me cry!
Pratt was real chilled cus he walked up to my home, so I told him to warm himself under the covers for a while, so he did, but he was real tired and fell asleep. I didnt want to wake him, so he was still here this morning when I woke up! I sure hope Celestial Rainbows not minding, but Im pretty sure she'll be seeing how important it is to watch out for Pratts health.
Somebody was asking if I get jealous of the other sisterwives? NO WAY!!! I never ONCE did! I never got that babylon spirit about ME! Pratt says its on account of me being so spiritaul, and having so much experience in the Principle. Some women want there husband around a lot, to talk to and to be held, and to do things with, and to go off on fun trips with. They want to be knowing there husbands not off with other women and spending the night somewhere else.They want a guy who'll be around for her kids and helping her raise them, cus he can be there every night to be with her and the kids. They want enough money for food and clothes. I think thats WAY selfish of her and her kids!!! I dont want any of that cus I understand I cant get to the Celestial Kingdom unless Im giving up all that silly stuff and letting Pratt do what our prophets say to do! Im WAY happy doing polygamy and ALL our gals are! We're a real SPECIAL family!
I was thinking about what to be writing and I should be telling you some about Joseph Smith getting some secret wives, to show its OK to do it.
WWR was writing to me from AUB about it. They said I dont know anything about there group and secret wives. Trouble is, there not knowing WHAT group Pratt and me are in. You could be WAY surprised what we DO know! We COULD be AUB even and you COULD be knowing us! I dont know folk with WWR letters in there name. Im knowing plenty of Allred, Jensens and Thompsons, but the only R name Im knowing is Rogers, but no WW Rogers (is that Wilford Woodruff?) WWR was saying secret wives are cheating, but Im thinking hes not understanding? Maybe WWRs new to AUB and not gathered yet? Secret wives are REAL sealed wives. Theres no adultry cus the priesthood make it a legal sealing. As far as I know AUBre still following Joseph Smith and believing in all the stuff he was doing, and he did secret wives. Does WWR think he was doing wrong?
Keeping Sweet was thinking only Muslins get secret wives, but thats not true. Maybe they got the idea from Joseph Smith? In the beginning of polygamy Joseph knew his wife Emma would be having trouble with it, so his first polygamy wife and some others were secret ones. His first new secret wife Fanny wasnt out of state, she was helping out at Josephs place and was living in, so it wasnt to hard to do.
THEN Joseph and Emma were taking in the two Partridge sisters, little Emily and her big sister Eliza. They were like adopted, cus there papa died and there mom. The girls were WAY happy and were saying Joseph and Emma were just like a mom and papa to them!! Cute! THEN the prophet got the revelation about them and got his secret marriage to both of them. He kept it REAL quiet from Emma. When he was telling Emma later about polygamy, he said she could choose some wives for him, and guess what?! she was choosing Emily and Eliza - so it must of been the spirit telling her it was true!!!! (Joseph wasnt saying to Emma about them being married ALREADY to him) so he did another fake marriage, with Emma there this time.
Im not saying theres heaps of secret wives cus in a lot of the groups like AUB, most guys just TELL there wives there taking another wife. If she doesnt like it she can say so, but the guy can just go ahead and take the new wife anyway. I guess the secret thing is more for when he doesnt want a wife being all upset and maybe leaving. I dont think FLDS are doing secret wives cos there gals just get placed and theres no worrying about if wives like it or not - they just do what the prophet says cus he knows best.
It was kinda sad the Partridge sisters got kicked out of the house later. Emma was still having problems about polygamy, and the sisters werent seeing to much of Joseph after that cus he was WAY busy with all the wives and all the real important prophet work to.
What with being in bed most all day I thought some fresh air would be good for me so I went out walking past the trailers last night. I was walking past Harmonee's trailer and when I was going past I was seeing colored lights through the windows, just before somebody closed the blinds real quick! I knocked on the door just to say hi but Harmonee comes to the door in her robe and all the lightsre off. Shes saying shes just going to bed,(but shes wearing her street clothes under the robe). Then suddenly Im hearing Christmas music!! Harmonee says shes got to go and shuts the door.
Like I said before we DONT do Christmas cos Pratt says its a pagan holiday.
Celestial Rainbows trailer was all dark so I didnt knock. When I got home I was feeling REAL sick again and needed a blessing, so I called Pratts phone. It rang for a real long time but there was no answer. By then I was REAL sick, so I went and got one of LiaHonas kids to run down to Celestial Rainbows trailer and knock on the door for me and tell Pratt he needed to come.
It was quite a while before Pratt came and he looked real tired, but he gave me the blessing. He blessed me for my health but he was saying all this nice stuff to, that god was wanting me to know, like what a great wife I am and how sweet I am to my sisterwives and what a comfort I am to Pratt. It was WAY beautiful and it made me cry!
Pratt was real chilled cus he walked up to my home, so I told him to warm himself under the covers for a while, so he did, but he was real tired and fell asleep. I didnt want to wake him, so he was still here this morning when I woke up! I sure hope Celestial Rainbows not minding, but Im pretty sure she'll be seeing how important it is to watch out for Pratts health.
Somebody was asking if I get jealous of the other sisterwives? NO WAY!!! I never ONCE did! I never got that babylon spirit about ME! Pratt says its on account of me being so spiritaul, and having so much experience in the Principle. Some women want there husband around a lot, to talk to and to be held, and to do things with, and to go off on fun trips with. They want to be knowing there husbands not off with other women and spending the night somewhere else.They want a guy who'll be around for her kids and helping her raise them, cus he can be there every night to be with her and the kids. They want enough money for food and clothes. I think thats WAY selfish of her and her kids!!! I dont want any of that cus I understand I cant get to the Celestial Kingdom unless Im giving up all that silly stuff and letting Pratt do what our prophets say to do! Im WAY happy doing polygamy and ALL our gals are! We're a real SPECIAL family!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Secret wives are OK!
First off, folk have been WAY nice to me in my Duane trials!!! Im WAY glad Pratt is my protecter and reads all the letters so I dont need to be looking at nasty stuff!! Thats why us gals need a guy looking after us! If Pratt wasnt a nobel priesthood holder Im thinking he mightve done something bad to Duane if he'd been around. But he's not like guys out in the world. Pratt is real special!
Pratt says I should be saying about SECRET WIVES becos not everybody knows about them. I was saying it wouldnt BE secret if folk were knowing, but he said to say anyway.
I was saying yesterday about the golf guy and all his gals and wondering if he was in polygamy with secret wives, but Anon E Mouse was telling me hes black and married to a white gal. I never knew that so I guess hes not in polygamy but theres heaps of groups out there and maybe Im not knowing them all.
Pratt doesnt need to be having secret wives cos we're all REAL happy to be in the Principle, but some galsre not liking it much, so the guys need to be secret about it. There was a guy in my cousin Teancums group, who met his first wife in high school. She grew up in there group but she wasnt liking polygamy AT ALL!!! The guy wanted to be marrying her and she said yes, as long as he wasnt gonna be doing polygamy. He said yes to that, which was kinda dumb.
Anyways after they were married for a way long time, he was thinking about him not getting to the top in the celestial kingdom cos he heard the bretheren preaching all the time about needing polygamy, so he got REAL worried about it. He didnt want to be living with the devil some time, so he talked about it with the bretheren and they said he could be having a secret wife. Thats not to hard in some groups, cos they have communities all over. Take the AUB - there in Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Arizona and even down in Mexico, SO if the guy gets a travelling job like construction, or selling stuff, its not to hard to get a secret wife. Trouble was, the guys wife found out cos some out of state gal was giving her congratulations about being in polygamy now!
It was REAL bad. Im not knowing what was happening exactly but the guys first wife got all upset about it and stopped eating and doing anything at all and she had to go into a specail part of the hospital for a spell. They were talking about her being depressed (I dont believe in depression) In the end the secret wife got sick of not seeing the guy enough and she didnt want him around any more and neither did the first wife, so it wasnt working to good for him. (Secret wives are OK to do cos Joseph Smith had to do it. Ill probally tell you about it tomorrow.)
All the gals know about Celestial Rainbow now. Harmonee and Liahona say there feeling sorry for her, cos shes only 19 and still real young with it. I said thats not real smart to be saying, cos she needs to be repenting right now and thats easier if no ones being nice. They never listen. They say there taking her to the movie theater Saturday! I guess theyll be eating popcorn to, when she needs to be fasting! I'll pray for them.
Melissa was saying itd be good for Celestial Rainbow to be doing stuff for the Poly Pre Teen mag. Shes probally right but Id need to be guiding her. Pratt might like it. Ill ask him.
Theres heaps of great new questions from folk like Chatelaine and the others, and I WILL be getting to them - like what I do for a living, do I ever get jealous, is polygamy hard, and how many more babies Im wanting.
Im glad Pratt calls me at night so I can have real long talks with him, even if hes not sleeping over. Im not feeling so good today, so I might be needing him come over and give me a blessing tonight after he gets home. I dont like to be bothering him but he takes his priesthood serious and likes us gals to call on him when we need a spiritaul gift. Hes AWESOME and a worthy priesthood guy!
Pratt says I should be saying about SECRET WIVES becos not everybody knows about them. I was saying it wouldnt BE secret if folk were knowing, but he said to say anyway.
I was saying yesterday about the golf guy and all his gals and wondering if he was in polygamy with secret wives, but Anon E Mouse was telling me hes black and married to a white gal. I never knew that so I guess hes not in polygamy but theres heaps of groups out there and maybe Im not knowing them all.
Pratt doesnt need to be having secret wives cos we're all REAL happy to be in the Principle, but some galsre not liking it much, so the guys need to be secret about it. There was a guy in my cousin Teancums group, who met his first wife in high school. She grew up in there group but she wasnt liking polygamy AT ALL!!! The guy wanted to be marrying her and she said yes, as long as he wasnt gonna be doing polygamy. He said yes to that, which was kinda dumb.
Anyways after they were married for a way long time, he was thinking about him not getting to the top in the celestial kingdom cos he heard the bretheren preaching all the time about needing polygamy, so he got REAL worried about it. He didnt want to be living with the devil some time, so he talked about it with the bretheren and they said he could be having a secret wife. Thats not to hard in some groups, cos they have communities all over. Take the AUB - there in Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Arizona and even down in Mexico, SO if the guy gets a travelling job like construction, or selling stuff, its not to hard to get a secret wife. Trouble was, the guys wife found out cos some out of state gal was giving her congratulations about being in polygamy now!
It was REAL bad. Im not knowing what was happening exactly but the guys first wife got all upset about it and stopped eating and doing anything at all and she had to go into a specail part of the hospital for a spell. They were talking about her being depressed (I dont believe in depression) In the end the secret wife got sick of not seeing the guy enough and she didnt want him around any more and neither did the first wife, so it wasnt working to good for him. (Secret wives are OK to do cos Joseph Smith had to do it. Ill probally tell you about it tomorrow.)
All the gals know about Celestial Rainbow now. Harmonee and Liahona say there feeling sorry for her, cos shes only 19 and still real young with it. I said thats not real smart to be saying, cos she needs to be repenting right now and thats easier if no ones being nice. They never listen. They say there taking her to the movie theater Saturday! I guess theyll be eating popcorn to, when she needs to be fasting! I'll pray for them.
Melissa was saying itd be good for Celestial Rainbow to be doing stuff for the Poly Pre Teen mag. Shes probally right but Id need to be guiding her. Pratt might like it. Ill ask him.
Theres heaps of great new questions from folk like Chatelaine and the others, and I WILL be getting to them - like what I do for a living, do I ever get jealous, is polygamy hard, and how many more babies Im wanting.
Im glad Pratt calls me at night so I can have real long talks with him, even if hes not sleeping over. Im not feeling so good today, so I might be needing him come over and give me a blessing tonight after he gets home. I dont like to be bothering him but he takes his priesthood serious and likes us gals to call on him when we need a spiritaul gift. Hes AWESOME and a worthy priesthood guy!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Pratts not sleeping over!
Sariah and me were taking a look in Celestial Rainbows trailer yesterday and we found heaps of babylon clothes hidden away in boxes!!! A lot of it was new with tags still on! It must of cost a HEAP of money, and we were wondering about how she was buying it. Nearly all her money goes into the family account. I called Pratt at work and told him about it.
When he got home last night Pratt went over to Celestial Rainbows trailer to talk to her. He came over later and came up to my room to talk about it. He was real mad cos he said she'd got a hold of a credit card and was owing a coupla thousand!!!
We really need Celestial Rainbow going out to work, but Pratt says shes got to stay at home now and take care of the other gals babies while there working. Celestial Rainbows Mother, Chastitees been doing that up till now, but Pratt says she needs to go to work for a while at least. Pratt said to he needs to make sure Celestial Rainbow gets her own baby to take her mind off worldly fashions and young good looking guys!
I asked Pratt how he was going to be paying the credit card bill and he said he had some money saved up for the trip we were planning for our wedding anniversary. It was a secret, nobody knows about it except him and me, and now he'll have to use the money to start paying off the credit card bill! I was looking forward to a trip!!! THEN Pratt said he was going to have to sleep over at Celestial Rainbows for a month at least to try and make sure she gets a baby. Pratt knows I want a baby to, but he said it was an emergen-c for Celestial Rainbow.
Thats just GREAT!! No trip and no Pratt! But I told Pratt he was noble and kind to Celestial Rainbow and maybe after that he could be spending extra time with me to. He said he'd try, so maybe it will be OK then. SO I dont get my trip and Celestial Rainbow gets him for a whole month, just on account of her being bad!!! It sounds like Im not happy doing polygamy but I want you to be knowing Im very, very happy, I really AM happy. I AM!!!!! This is a heavenly way to be living!
Anon E Mouse was asking about clothes to cos they saw a pic of the FLDS prophet Warren wearing shorts and tee shirt. I find that REAL shocking cos I never saw FLDS dressing like that! All temple polygamy people promise to be wearing long clothes. That means no shorts and No tee shirts! Some folk say long clothes are way hot, but Pratt says hes NEVER been hot wearing his long clothing. Harmonee says she cant stand it when its hot in the summer, but she not real spiritaul like me and Pratt. As for Warren maybe he was doing some fancy dress stuff for the Las Vegas cops sos not to be noticed. I saw the pic though and I was thinking the black dress shoes and black socks with the shorts were a kinda giveaway.
I was thinking about the blessings of polygamy and one thing I didnt say yet was about it stopping adultry. I heard from Pratt about that golf guy who was going around with all those gals. If all the guys only got allowed to have all the women they wanted then there wouldnt be any adultry problems! So thats another reason for doing polygamy! It could be that Tigers gals were SECRET wives - but I dont THINK hes a polygamist.
Got to go.
When he got home last night Pratt went over to Celestial Rainbows trailer to talk to her. He came over later and came up to my room to talk about it. He was real mad cos he said she'd got a hold of a credit card and was owing a coupla thousand!!!
We really need Celestial Rainbow going out to work, but Pratt says shes got to stay at home now and take care of the other gals babies while there working. Celestial Rainbows Mother, Chastitees been doing that up till now, but Pratt says she needs to go to work for a while at least. Pratt said to he needs to make sure Celestial Rainbow gets her own baby to take her mind off worldly fashions and young good looking guys!
I asked Pratt how he was going to be paying the credit card bill and he said he had some money saved up for the trip we were planning for our wedding anniversary. It was a secret, nobody knows about it except him and me, and now he'll have to use the money to start paying off the credit card bill! I was looking forward to a trip!!! THEN Pratt said he was going to have to sleep over at Celestial Rainbows for a month at least to try and make sure she gets a baby. Pratt knows I want a baby to, but he said it was an emergen-c for Celestial Rainbow.
Thats just GREAT!! No trip and no Pratt! But I told Pratt he was noble and kind to Celestial Rainbow and maybe after that he could be spending extra time with me to. He said he'd try, so maybe it will be OK then. SO I dont get my trip and Celestial Rainbow gets him for a whole month, just on account of her being bad!!! It sounds like Im not happy doing polygamy but I want you to be knowing Im very, very happy, I really AM happy. I AM!!!!! This is a heavenly way to be living!
Anon E Mouse was asking about clothes to cos they saw a pic of the FLDS prophet Warren wearing shorts and tee shirt. I find that REAL shocking cos I never saw FLDS dressing like that! All temple polygamy people promise to be wearing long clothes. That means no shorts and No tee shirts! Some folk say long clothes are way hot, but Pratt says hes NEVER been hot wearing his long clothing. Harmonee says she cant stand it when its hot in the summer, but she not real spiritaul like me and Pratt. As for Warren maybe he was doing some fancy dress stuff for the Las Vegas cops sos not to be noticed. I saw the pic though and I was thinking the black dress shoes and black socks with the shorts were a kinda giveaway.
I was thinking about the blessings of polygamy and one thing I didnt say yet was about it stopping adultry. I heard from Pratt about that golf guy who was going around with all those gals. If all the guys only got allowed to have all the women they wanted then there wouldnt be any adultry problems! So thats another reason for doing polygamy! It could be that Tigers gals were SECRET wives - but I dont THINK hes a polygamist.
Got to go.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Babylon Clothes Temptations and flirting!
I was planning on writing more stuff about getting married but we had something REAL bad happening last night and Im REAL upset!!!
I dont remember if I was telling you my sister sisterwife Sariah drives the van in the morning and takes all the gals to work. Its cheaper that way and we dont need so many veicles. (Im the only one with a car cos Pratt got one for me cos I dont have bunches of kids to take around. He's still making payments cos its new - Pratts so sweet to me)
Anyways, Celestial Rainbow was the last dropped off, and Sariah says bye, and drives away. Shes up the road aways when shes noticing shes out of gas, so she turns round and drives back to the gas station right next to the place where Celestial Rainbows working. When she gets there she pulls up to the pump and is just getting out of the van when she sees Celestial Rainbow coming out of the ladies room at the side of the gas station. Only its not looking like Celestial Rainbow at all! Shes wearing heels and a red skirt up to her knees! Saraiah cant beleive her eyes and cant say a thing and doesnt know what to be doing, so she fills up with gas and then goes into the market where Celestial Rainbows working.
Saraiah didnt want Celestial Rainbow seeing her, so she hides behind a pile of cereal boxes and is looking out and shes seeing Celestial Rainbow talking to this guy, only now her coats off and shes wearing short sleeves!! AND shes laughing and joking with this young guy at the checkouts- he doesnt look more than twenty!
Saraiahs not knowing WHAT to do, so she just snuck out and came home and then came straight over to me. I said we were needing to tell Pratt about it as soon as he gets home - he was with Celestial Rainbow last night anyways, so we decided to go over there as soon as we were seeing Pratts truck outside.
We were real upset all day about it, and Sariah was having to pick up all the gals later in the day so I told her not to say anything to Celestial Rainbow or any of the other gals till Pratt was told.
It was pretty late when Pratt got home, but we went straight over to the trailer as soon as we saw him going in. Celestial Rainbow opened the door and looked kinda surprised to see us, but shes wearing her long dress and looking like she should! Pratt saw us at the door and told us to come in, then he asked us why we were there cos he was just about to eat supper. Saraiah took a deep breath and told Pratt what she saw. Celestial Rainbow went all red and then she started crying. When Pratt asked if it was true she said she just wanted to look cute, and she was sick of looking like an old lady cos she was still young! I was SHOCKED to hear that. I think we look cute and feminine the way were dressing (even if Celestial Rainbow doesnt wear enough bows)
Pratt said hed handle it and tell us all about it today some time and what he was going to do. I said I was happy to stay and help out but then Celestial Rainbow starts whailing, so Pratt says its OK. So then I started crying as I was going out the door so Pratt came out and gave me a big hug and comforted me for a while. Then he walked me home and came in for a spell, cos he could see I was real upset. It was hard to stop crying so he stayed till it was quite late! I TOLD him he should be with Celestial Rainbow, but he said I have a WAY sweet and sensitive sole.
Im WAY disappointed in Celestial Rainbow, specially after her saying shes GLAD to be in the true group!!! She should be knowing better, her being a polygamy wife! I dont know what Pratts doing about it, but he needs to put his foot down and act like head of the home. He shouldnt let the wives be running things. (Im calling him up today and giving him ideas about it.) Pratt always says Im a real comfort and hes WAY glad hes got a wife like me to be a good example. Pratt is AWESOME. Celestial Rainbow needs to be grateful for her heavenly marriage, and not be flirting with young guys at work. Pratts older than her but hes WAY good looking.
Saraiahs going over to Celestial Rainbows trailer while shes out at work today to look for gentile fashions in her closet, just to make sure shes not hiding anything. Im helping her.
Thanks for all the nice letters folks. Ive been reading over them to comfort my sole. I never thought folk out in the world could be nice to polygamists like me. (Thats not what the bretheren are saying about you) Maybe your being nice on account of you reading the truth nearly every day, cos I noticed those gals reading most days are REAL nice and thoughtful - must be the spirit working on them) Ill probally get back to questions tomorrow. Dont worry about me - trials are REAL important to make us get to the celestial kingdom! Ill tell you what Pratts deciding about Celestial Rainbow to.
I dont remember if I was telling you my sister sisterwife Sariah drives the van in the morning and takes all the gals to work. Its cheaper that way and we dont need so many veicles. (Im the only one with a car cos Pratt got one for me cos I dont have bunches of kids to take around. He's still making payments cos its new - Pratts so sweet to me)
Anyways, Celestial Rainbow was the last dropped off, and Sariah says bye, and drives away. Shes up the road aways when shes noticing shes out of gas, so she turns round and drives back to the gas station right next to the place where Celestial Rainbows working. When she gets there she pulls up to the pump and is just getting out of the van when she sees Celestial Rainbow coming out of the ladies room at the side of the gas station. Only its not looking like Celestial Rainbow at all! Shes wearing heels and a red skirt up to her knees! Saraiah cant beleive her eyes and cant say a thing and doesnt know what to be doing, so she fills up with gas and then goes into the market where Celestial Rainbows working.
Saraiah didnt want Celestial Rainbow seeing her, so she hides behind a pile of cereal boxes and is looking out and shes seeing Celestial Rainbow talking to this guy, only now her coats off and shes wearing short sleeves!! AND shes laughing and joking with this young guy at the checkouts- he doesnt look more than twenty!
Saraiahs not knowing WHAT to do, so she just snuck out and came home and then came straight over to me. I said we were needing to tell Pratt about it as soon as he gets home - he was with Celestial Rainbow last night anyways, so we decided to go over there as soon as we were seeing Pratts truck outside.
We were real upset all day about it, and Sariah was having to pick up all the gals later in the day so I told her not to say anything to Celestial Rainbow or any of the other gals till Pratt was told.
It was pretty late when Pratt got home, but we went straight over to the trailer as soon as we saw him going in. Celestial Rainbow opened the door and looked kinda surprised to see us, but shes wearing her long dress and looking like she should! Pratt saw us at the door and told us to come in, then he asked us why we were there cos he was just about to eat supper. Saraiah took a deep breath and told Pratt what she saw. Celestial Rainbow went all red and then she started crying. When Pratt asked if it was true she said she just wanted to look cute, and she was sick of looking like an old lady cos she was still young! I was SHOCKED to hear that. I think we look cute and feminine the way were dressing (even if Celestial Rainbow doesnt wear enough bows)
Pratt said hed handle it and tell us all about it today some time and what he was going to do. I said I was happy to stay and help out but then Celestial Rainbow starts whailing, so Pratt says its OK. So then I started crying as I was going out the door so Pratt came out and gave me a big hug and comforted me for a while. Then he walked me home and came in for a spell, cos he could see I was real upset. It was hard to stop crying so he stayed till it was quite late! I TOLD him he should be with Celestial Rainbow, but he said I have a WAY sweet and sensitive sole.
Im WAY disappointed in Celestial Rainbow, specially after her saying shes GLAD to be in the true group!!! She should be knowing better, her being a polygamy wife! I dont know what Pratts doing about it, but he needs to put his foot down and act like head of the home. He shouldnt let the wives be running things. (Im calling him up today and giving him ideas about it.) Pratt always says Im a real comfort and hes WAY glad hes got a wife like me to be a good example. Pratt is AWESOME. Celestial Rainbow needs to be grateful for her heavenly marriage, and not be flirting with young guys at work. Pratts older than her but hes WAY good looking.
Saraiahs going over to Celestial Rainbows trailer while shes out at work today to look for gentile fashions in her closet, just to make sure shes not hiding anything. Im helping her.
Thanks for all the nice letters folks. Ive been reading over them to comfort my sole. I never thought folk out in the world could be nice to polygamists like me. (Thats not what the bretheren are saying about you) Maybe your being nice on account of you reading the truth nearly every day, cos I noticed those gals reading most days are REAL nice and thoughtful - must be the spirit working on them) Ill probally get back to questions tomorrow. Dont worry about me - trials are REAL important to make us get to the celestial kingdom! Ill tell you what Pratts deciding about Celestial Rainbow to.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Comment box got fixed!
Yay!!!!!!!!!! They fixed the box with all your letters in it!!! Im WAY happy (even if somebody was saying MEAN stuff!!!!)
Who got the polygamy authoritey?
With the comments box being broken, maybe I should be letting you know whose been writing letters and where to find them, but most of my friends have been writing real good letters in the last couple of days.
Annonymous Duane wrote a real long letter to me on "DNA - Lehis jeans got lost last Saturday. Hi again Duane! I dont know why your writing all that stuff on the Lehis jeans page. There was a lot of stuff we're not talking about, but some of it was real intresting and Pratt and us gals got talking about it some, last night. (Pratt didnt say about Duane and the blog-of COURSE)
You know how I was saying about LDS Mormons getting mad cos gentiles think there still doing polygamy and there not? Thats cos the folk out in the world get all mixed up about names - FLDS and LDS. Its kinda like that about polygamy groups to. Folk in Babylon are thinking there ALL FLDS and there all following the prophet Warren and there NOT, so the other groups get mad about it. Some of them have there OWN prophets and there not marrying real young (not anymore anyways) but evrybody THINKS they are (at least, one groups marrying brothers and sisters and cousins but Im not going into that).
Theres something called AUTHORITEY and thats the BIG diffrence in the groups!! Guys cant just be SAYING there prophets! (Well SOME do, specially if there saying there the One Mighty and Strong!- Ill talk about it sometime) Most groups have bunches of stuff the same, like I said before- Joseph Smith and the scriptures and polygamy and United Order, but the BIG diffrence is AUTHORITEY! Unless your Independants, you need authoritey to be doing stuff like taking wives.
Pratt says bunches of groups were starting up after the Manifesto in 1890 when the LDS Mormon prophet Wilford Woodruf said NO MORE POLYGAMY! (That was mostly to keep the goverment away, but then a lot of LDS guys and gals LIKED the no polygamy idea so it stuck) God knew it was gonna happen so he gave some guys authoritey to keep doing polygamy cos its WAY important to god. Pratt says the reason there all these polygamy groups is cos guys are arguing over who got the authoritey and there mostly calling each other apostates.
Im WAY glad we're in the true group. Pratt did some testifying about it and then we got back to talking again. Im with Duane about it being MEAN for those nosey gentiles wanting to say stuff about Warren and his cute little wives. AND even if Warrens doing it, its not like EVERYBODY'S doing it in the FLDS, so even if gentiles are saying its wrong they cant be blaming ALL the FLDS!
I should of known I only have to SAY something and Harmonee will be saying stuff to! I need to get Pratt to tell her to stop having different opinyons! Its WAY hurtful to me after the mean jealous sisterwives when I was in Heelaman's family. Our gals need to be knowing Im REAL sensitive, and be talking sweet to me. (Im WAY glad Pratts here to protect me) Anyways Harmonee says to me - "what planetre you from?" so I went - "whatdyou mean?" So then she goes - "Its one thing for grown ups making there choices, but what about the kids?" so I went - "what about the kids?"- then she says - "little gals dont need to be getting married, its not right!" Then she says - "AND your saying its WARRENS business and nobody should be presecuting the FLDS over it. Just who do you THINK gives those little gals to him?" I said "they say god does!" "No!" she says, "its not GOD, its there PARENTS! Warren wouldnt be getting them if there parents werent GIVING them! Parents need to be PROTECTING there children!" So then I was telling her that theres THOUSANDS of FLDS and you cant be blaming them ALL for just SOME folks doings. Then she starts up again "Who supports Warren as the prophet?" So I said "the FLDS". She says "Exactly!". I didnt know what THAT was supposed to mean, so I just looked at her and then she says "if your supporting a guy whose doing bad stuff and your saying hes the prophet and keep listening to him, then it IS your fault!" Then Pratt says its time for singing a hym and he had me sing "Love at Home". Its his favrite and he LOVES my sweet singing voice. I sing real soft, so it makes everbody be quiet to listen.
I dont think folk should be criticising there prophet cos thats saying bad stuff about "the lords anointid" and all temple polygamists and even the LDS Mormons get to make a real SERIOUS promise NOT to do it! If we ARE criticising him we get danged to heck, (and thats NOT the telestial kingdom - its out with the devil and all the evil spirits in a dark nasty place, and then we get to be BUFFETED by them!!!!) NOBODY wants it happening to them, so they all support there prophets,(unless they go apostate and try and leave, but that can be bad if your famlies not backing you up and gets taken away and your home to.)
All the other stuff Duane - we didnt get to talking about it and anyways we're not really knowing much about it but your right, folk need to be keeping there homes.
Thats all I have to say about that.
Annonymous Duane wrote a real long letter to me on "DNA - Lehis jeans got lost last Saturday. Hi again Duane! I dont know why your writing all that stuff on the Lehis jeans page. There was a lot of stuff we're not talking about, but some of it was real intresting and Pratt and us gals got talking about it some, last night. (Pratt didnt say about Duane and the blog-of COURSE)
You know how I was saying about LDS Mormons getting mad cos gentiles think there still doing polygamy and there not? Thats cos the folk out in the world get all mixed up about names - FLDS and LDS. Its kinda like that about polygamy groups to. Folk in Babylon are thinking there ALL FLDS and there all following the prophet Warren and there NOT, so the other groups get mad about it. Some of them have there OWN prophets and there not marrying real young (not anymore anyways) but evrybody THINKS they are (at least, one groups marrying brothers and sisters and cousins but Im not going into that).
Theres something called AUTHORITEY and thats the BIG diffrence in the groups!! Guys cant just be SAYING there prophets! (Well SOME do, specially if there saying there the One Mighty and Strong!- Ill talk about it sometime) Most groups have bunches of stuff the same, like I said before- Joseph Smith and the scriptures and polygamy and United Order, but the BIG diffrence is AUTHORITEY! Unless your Independants, you need authoritey to be doing stuff like taking wives.
Pratt says bunches of groups were starting up after the Manifesto in 1890 when the LDS Mormon prophet Wilford Woodruf said NO MORE POLYGAMY! (That was mostly to keep the goverment away, but then a lot of LDS guys and gals LIKED the no polygamy idea so it stuck) God knew it was gonna happen so he gave some guys authoritey to keep doing polygamy cos its WAY important to god. Pratt says the reason there all these polygamy groups is cos guys are arguing over who got the authoritey and there mostly calling each other apostates.
Im WAY glad we're in the true group. Pratt did some testifying about it and then we got back to talking again. Im with Duane about it being MEAN for those nosey gentiles wanting to say stuff about Warren and his cute little wives. AND even if Warrens doing it, its not like EVERYBODY'S doing it in the FLDS, so even if gentiles are saying its wrong they cant be blaming ALL the FLDS!
I should of known I only have to SAY something and Harmonee will be saying stuff to! I need to get Pratt to tell her to stop having different opinyons! Its WAY hurtful to me after the mean jealous sisterwives when I was in Heelaman's family. Our gals need to be knowing Im REAL sensitive, and be talking sweet to me. (Im WAY glad Pratts here to protect me) Anyways Harmonee says to me - "what planetre you from?" so I went - "whatdyou mean?" So then she goes - "Its one thing for grown ups making there choices, but what about the kids?" so I went - "what about the kids?"- then she says - "little gals dont need to be getting married, its not right!" Then she says - "AND your saying its WARRENS business and nobody should be presecuting the FLDS over it. Just who do you THINK gives those little gals to him?" I said "they say god does!" "No!" she says, "its not GOD, its there PARENTS! Warren wouldnt be getting them if there parents werent GIVING them! Parents need to be PROTECTING there children!" So then I was telling her that theres THOUSANDS of FLDS and you cant be blaming them ALL for just SOME folks doings. Then she starts up again "Who supports Warren as the prophet?" So I said "the FLDS". She says "Exactly!". I didnt know what THAT was supposed to mean, so I just looked at her and then she says "if your supporting a guy whose doing bad stuff and your saying hes the prophet and keep listening to him, then it IS your fault!" Then Pratt says its time for singing a hym and he had me sing "Love at Home". Its his favrite and he LOVES my sweet singing voice. I sing real soft, so it makes everbody be quiet to listen.
I dont think folk should be criticising there prophet cos thats saying bad stuff about "the lords anointid" and all temple polygamists and even the LDS Mormons get to make a real SERIOUS promise NOT to do it! If we ARE criticising him we get danged to heck, (and thats NOT the telestial kingdom - its out with the devil and all the evil spirits in a dark nasty place, and then we get to be BUFFETED by them!!!!) NOBODY wants it happening to them, so they all support there prophets,(unless they go apostate and try and leave, but that can be bad if your famlies not backing you up and gets taken away and your home to.)
All the other stuff Duane - we didnt get to talking about it and anyways we're not really knowing much about it but your right, folk need to be keeping there homes.
Thats all I have to say about that.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Getting the revelation - new wives
Happy Sabbath everybody, specially to the new folk, Stamp and JamInn! They were asking about the happy FLDS pics I put up yesterday cos they were thinking I might of got it wrong and maybe it wasnt wedding anniversary pics after all. You COULD be right, cos it just says anniversary!!! So it could be the anniversary of a BUNCH of things. (Pratt is usually checking but he was WAY busy yesterday.) Im not thinking its a prom picture though cos I dont think FLDS are doing dances any more?
Keeping Sweet was asking about getting married and if FLDS gals get to choose there husbands? No way! They get PLACED! The prophet is doing that for them, cos he says god knows WAY better than they do. Whose gonna be choosing best - some little gal or god? Duh! SO god is telling the prophet who needs to be marrying who, then the prophet gets the gals brought around for the marrying. God usually likes to spring it on them, cos they dont get a lot of notice sometimes, it could be that day.
A heap of the other polygamy groups let the guys do there own picking. They get there own revelation about which gals to be marrying. That works pretty OK except for when a bunch of guys are getting a revelation about the same gal. That can be tricky. Then its pretty much which guy gets to the gals parents first and puts dibs on her. She can say no about it in some groups, so then she'll wait for another guy to get the revelation. Parents can help out some by doing match making about it.
Some groups like the AUB group that split from the FLDS get the guys to ask the prophet if they can be courting, so they dont get revelations if he says no. If they DO get revelations and do courting without the prophet saying OK then there in trouble.
This is a real big question so I need to be talking about it tomorrow. You know what a busy day it is! I DID find a tape of the FLDS prophet warren talking to the young kids about marrying (he's the cute guy in yesterday's pics celebrating with the little gal) Its real interesting. Here's the link so you can hear it straight from him
OK thats all now about that. I need to tell you about yesterday before I get rushing around today. I went over to Sariah's trailer for a while to see if shed been writing anything from Pratts testifying and talks, so I could put it in the little red book Im making for him (Thoughts of Husband Pratt - remember?) It took awhiles cos she had to get out a bunch of boxes and go through them. Then we got talking and then we had lunch, so I got back late in the afternoon.
Harmonee was over with LiaHona and it was real messy from the kids being there. (Even when its a sacrifice to have LiaHona and her kids with me Im WAY grateful for the opportunity of being a blessing to them) LiaHona and Harmonee had been playing cards again cos I saw the pack out. Anyways it was Ok till supper time and it was my turn to be cooking, but when I opened the cabinets to start, I couldnt find ONE thing!!!! Everything was in different places. I asked LiaHona what was going on, but Harmonee answered and said it was LiaHona's home to now, and she needed to have at least SOME say in how things are in the house! I said it was kinda rude to do it without asking but LiaHona pipes up and says she did ask! Well I dont remember her saying anything. Harmonee said its cos I dont listen to her. RUDE!!!
Im glad about my sweet nature and gentleness. I didnt say anymore about it. Pratts with me tonight and I just hope I can NOT show how hurt I am by things like this!!! Pratt says I have a lot of healing to do from my first marriage, with Heelamans wives being WAY jealous of me and real mean to!!!!
This is a WAY blessed life!Today we'll be hearing the words of the bretheren, showing us the way to make our life even more heavenly!!!
Keeping Sweet was asking about getting married and if FLDS gals get to choose there husbands? No way! They get PLACED! The prophet is doing that for them, cos he says god knows WAY better than they do. Whose gonna be choosing best - some little gal or god? Duh! SO god is telling the prophet who needs to be marrying who, then the prophet gets the gals brought around for the marrying. God usually likes to spring it on them, cos they dont get a lot of notice sometimes, it could be that day.
A heap of the other polygamy groups let the guys do there own picking. They get there own revelation about which gals to be marrying. That works pretty OK except for when a bunch of guys are getting a revelation about the same gal. That can be tricky. Then its pretty much which guy gets to the gals parents first and puts dibs on her. She can say no about it in some groups, so then she'll wait for another guy to get the revelation. Parents can help out some by doing match making about it.
Some groups like the AUB group that split from the FLDS get the guys to ask the prophet if they can be courting, so they dont get revelations if he says no. If they DO get revelations and do courting without the prophet saying OK then there in trouble.
This is a real big question so I need to be talking about it tomorrow. You know what a busy day it is! I DID find a tape of the FLDS prophet warren talking to the young kids about marrying (he's the cute guy in yesterday's pics celebrating with the little gal) Its real interesting. Here's the link so you can hear it straight from him
OK thats all now about that. I need to tell you about yesterday before I get rushing around today. I went over to Sariah's trailer for a while to see if shed been writing anything from Pratts testifying and talks, so I could put it in the little red book Im making for him (Thoughts of Husband Pratt - remember?) It took awhiles cos she had to get out a bunch of boxes and go through them. Then we got talking and then we had lunch, so I got back late in the afternoon.
Harmonee was over with LiaHona and it was real messy from the kids being there. (Even when its a sacrifice to have LiaHona and her kids with me Im WAY grateful for the opportunity of being a blessing to them) LiaHona and Harmonee had been playing cards again cos I saw the pack out. Anyways it was Ok till supper time and it was my turn to be cooking, but when I opened the cabinets to start, I couldnt find ONE thing!!!! Everything was in different places. I asked LiaHona what was going on, but Harmonee answered and said it was LiaHona's home to now, and she needed to have at least SOME say in how things are in the house! I said it was kinda rude to do it without asking but LiaHona pipes up and says she did ask! Well I dont remember her saying anything. Harmonee said its cos I dont listen to her. RUDE!!!
Im glad about my sweet nature and gentleness. I didnt say anymore about it. Pratts with me tonight and I just hope I can NOT show how hurt I am by things like this!!! Pratt says I have a lot of healing to do from my first marriage, with Heelamans wives being WAY jealous of me and real mean to!!!!
This is a WAY blessed life!Today we'll be hearing the words of the bretheren, showing us the way to make our life even more heavenly!!!